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    Forbidden Territory by Paula Graves is out now.

    Help me!" For Lily Browning, there was no escaping the visions that had haunted her all her life. And now a little girl's desperate cry for help had brought enigmatic, disturbingly masculine Lieutenant McBride to her door....

    McBride didn't have time for psychics. He had a kidnapper to catch. But the honey-haired woman with the golden eyes seemed to see things no one else could - including his own tragic secret. With a child's life at stake, he had to trust Lily...even as each step plunged them deeper into danger and into the uncharted territory of irresistible desire....

    This is her first book and is in the Harlequin Intrigue line. One of the many I haven't read yet. But looking I do own one. What, it is a start. Is this the line that is changing? I keep meaning to look at the different harl lines, I have a hard time keeping them straight.
    1. I don't think any changes are on the horizon for HI. I had an author explain it to me like this - Harlequin Intrigue is more suspense with a little romance while Silhouette Intimate Moments is more romance with a little suspense tossed in.

      That said, Silhouette Intimate Moments is the one going through a change. They're changing the name to Silhouette Romantic Suspense.

      By Blogger Wendy, at 6/15/2006 07:23:00 PM  

    2. I've bought a few Harl. Intrigue books. I don't like "category" romances all that much, but I enjoyed the Intrigue stories I have read.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 03:03:00 PM  

    3. hmmm I have read two SIM and really liked them...

      By Blogger sybil, at 6/17/2006 12:34:00 AM  

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