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    Modern Xtra-Sensual
    Is it just me or does that sound like a condom? I don't get it, why keep the temptation line, change the name and not release it in the us? Sniff... I feel so unloved.

    Mills & Boon Modern Xtra-Sensual (Formerly Harlequin Temptation)
    1. The marketing department at Harlequin must suck, because that name is dreadful. *shudder* It really does sound like a condom!

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/15/2006 01:55:00 PM  

    2. It does - do they come in x-tra large? LOL

      By Blogger ~ames~, at 6/15/2006 02:03:00 PM  

    3. That's a terrible name. Terrible. Makes me wonder what the covers are going to look like...

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/15/2006 07:19:00 PM  

    4. Don't quote me on this - but I thought when they first announced they were discontinuing the HT line that they were going to keep it overseas.

      And yeah, what an icky name!

      By Blogger Wendy, at 6/15/2006 07:24:00 PM  

    5. That makes no bloody sense. *sigh*

      How about "I thought when they first announced they were discontinuing HT they also stated that the line would continue to exist overseas."

      Stick a fork in me. I'm done.

      By Blogger Wendy, at 6/15/2006 07:26:00 PM  

    6. WEndy that's true. Maybe the line name works over there.

      By Blogger Amie Stuart, at 6/16/2006 09:27:00 AM  

    7. I didn't know that wendy, I just remember that when they were being bastards and cutting the HH line here they were going to keep it over seas.

      I still live in fear they will go back and do it later. Which is good marketing in a way cuz I try to buy them new.


      By Blogger sybil, at 6/16/2006 10:14:00 AM  

    8. LOL!

      Yeah, I think you win...Great name for condoms. Didn't "Trojans" sponsor a contest on that recently. ;)

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 03:08:00 PM  

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