wanna take bets on who it is and how long it takes for them to be 'outted'
Or for them to out themselves if they get too much attention they can't own. hiding in the light, so to speak bbbbbbwwwwwaaaaaahhhhhhhh, we are so gonna need more fucking popcorn... |
Hmm, I don't think it would end by her/him/them being outed (it looks like it'll be fascinating just in that it's an anonymous free-for-all) but by how long can one keep it up:
Week One: Karen Scott and Bam
Week Two: SBTB
Week Three: Mrs. Giggles (btw, I'm so thrilled to see that she's reviewing again!)
Week Four: Snarkling Clean/Dear Author
There are far more bad covers out there to support a blog than there are reviewers.
meljean brook, at 6/22/2006 12:40:00 PM
I find it amusing.
And once more than one person knows who it is - it is just a matter of time before the cookie crumbles.
And really we are talking book covers right? The thing that finally pushed someone over the edge of common sense was bookcovers?
The thing the author really didn't have ownership of anyway?
Hell if anything CP is prolly making money off the whole stupid thing. So that could be the point as well. When was the last time that publisher got this much attention?
sybil, at 6/22/2006 12:42:00 PM
Oh why not link? Someone went to all the work of creating a free blogger blog to snark at the snarky.
To put the bloggers in there place... to call out bad grammar to all of us too stupid to care to look it up... to right the wrongs of the internet... to make us all take our toys and go home and stop being big ol meanies to the hard working authors and cover 'art' people in the world
woe be the bad ol blogger now
run bloggers run... hide! You are being - what? Called to take account to someone so brave as to be a mouse on the internet?
Really, whatever.
Writers put out their work to be sold and published. Anyone that posts in any public forum (anyone) runs the chance of being agreed with or not.
So I can't get worked up over Anon McSnark's blog. If a person wants to only be agreed with, they can't ever go outside of their comfort zone.
so snark on...
sybil, at 6/22/2006 01:42:00 PM
It is funny, I get more hit from people looking up Sybil. Who knew so many people cared about MPD or whatever they are calling it these days.
funny how that is oddly on topic eh?
sybil, at 6/22/2006 01:45:00 PM
I clicked on the link. Now I need a shower. Or nice, long, hot bath. Or a drink. Unfortunately The New Job doesn't require me to keep a bottle of Jack Daniels in my desk drawer.
Way too much drama. I mean, hello?! It's fiction. It's not foreign policy! And when did it become "not OK" to snark on cover art. For cripes sake, that stuff is BEGGING to be snarked about. Although for me, snarking on CGI covers is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's just too easy. Which is why I stick to The Big NY Houses. Frankly, they have better things to do than worry about some displaced Midwestern librarian who is tired of looking at man-titty on western romances.
And the last time I publicly decried a romance cover - the author AGREED WITH ME! Told me she "cried for two days" after she saw the cover art although her editor kept reassuring her it was a "really strong cover."
Wendy, at 6/22/2006 03:37:00 PM
Childish, childish, childish.
Stacia, at 6/22/2006 03:50:00 PM
Sybil, are you organizing the pool? I've got my five bucks ready and a name...
Kerri Wall, at 6/22/2006 06:24:00 PM
Interesting. I was reading the whole cover kerfuffle earlier, and it had my head all awhirl. This seems a bit silly. Too put it mildly. Panties are obviously in a bunch. I have to say, I'll be checking in to see how long it keeps up, and if the commenters get less anonymous. 'Cuz really it's got to get a bit more clever. They're beefing, not snarking.
Devon, at 6/22/2006 08:17:00 PM
MISTY! I was worried about you! You blog was wonky yesterday!
EEK! Glad you haven't left!
here have more !!!!!
I think it is classy to reply to your own blog than be nice enough to thank yourself for posting....
sybil, at 6/22/2006 09:00:00 PM
Wasn't Mrs. Gaggles Lori Foster? Or am I wrong about that? Who cares, though? I certainly don't feel bad by being dissed on an anonymous blog by an author. It's the freedom of blogdom.
Anonymous, at 6/22/2006 09:01:00 PM
cuz that was sort of porny and you said all porn should be sent to bam
and I always do as I am told!
sybil, at 6/23/2006 01:48:00 AM
Well, the person I thought it was was mentioned but they deny they are that person. Damn, that's a horrible sentence. Anyways - I can't see anything now but blochy patches because black backgrounds hurt my eyes and give me a headache. Is this common for anyone else or am I just getting old.
Ah, shudup.
CindyS, at 6/23/2006 03:00:00 AM
Wasn't Mrs. Gaggles Lori Foster? Good lord, why doesn't that shock me.
The concept of snarking the snarky isn't bad, she needs to work on being funny instead of bitchy, and of course you're right...
if you light the flame don't be surprised if your ass gets toasted. -- but this is something all snarkers need to remember.
Tara Marie, at 6/23/2006 07:48:00 AM
if you light the flame don't be surprised if your ass gets toasted. -- but this is something all snarkers need to remember.
yep I totally agree!
sybil, at 6/23/2006 10:32:00 AM
Well, I guess we should have taken bets on how long it would last. Maybe she read Meljean's comment and realized there was no future in snarking the snarky...she/he/it has signed off.
Kerri Wall, at 6/24/2006 08:53:00 AM
well I figured that with the FAQ post
cuz really how tiring it has to be not only doing your posts but the majority of your comments as well...
all in all I don't think it was MJD cuz really why?
but I have decided not to believe things I didn't want to believe before - and been wrong so who knows.
I tend to think it was a nobody author who got their undies in a twist, you know low/no sells and the only attention they got was on their bad ol covers with no bad review to go with it to show someone had tried to read their masterpiece.
I doubt it was a fangirl cuz their TRWLURVE last longer unless their master found out and told them to knock it off.
but really I am disappointed she/he/they couldn't even last the week
ah well... next
sybil, at 6/24/2006 12:47:00 PM
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