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    Just when I thought that I was out, she pulled me back in... **info added**
    The Harlequin by Laurell K Hamilton ***JUNE 5, 2007***


    Okay I am easy... I will cry if this sucks. ETS: Was it ever confirmed that someone is dying in this one? Cuz I will just stop sqqquueee now if so. Anyone? Hell anyone still reading Anita?

    Anita Blake is about to face the challenge of her life. Into her world - a world already overflowing with power - have come creatures so feared that powerful, centuries-old vampires refuse to mention their names. It is forbidden to speak of THE HARLEQUIN unless you've been contacted. And to be contacted by The Harlequin is to be under sentence of death.

    Long-time rivals for Anita's affections, Jean-Claude, Master Vampire of the City and Richard, alpha-werewolf, will need to become allies. Shapeshifters Nathaniel and Micah will have to step up their support. And then there's EDWARD. In this situation, Anita knows that she needs to call the one man who has always been there for her...

    and you know the one man left she hasn't screwed.... Do you guys have any idea how hard it was to not add commentary to that? You know like after alpha-werewolf (pussy) and their support (aka fucking her)... although the CAPS are mine... well and any typos

    geeze but really really really it makes me squeeee... but oh-my-fucking-gawd if she brings him back just to off him


    1. Five bucks says Anita has sexual relations with Edward in this book. I mean, how can she not? She's hit everything else, why not Edward.

      And I am NOT buying this one or reading it until I see multiple reviews that tell me it's not all Anita having sex with everyone who she crosses paths with.

      By Blogger Angela James, at 12/02/2006 03:00:00 PM  

    2. You know I haven't ever read an Anita.....and all the grumbling I hear about the later books doesn't particularly make me want to start! LOL!

      By Blogger Marg, at 12/02/2006 03:20:00 PM  

    3. Oooh, Edward! Do you think she's finally writing real books again? Maybe another visit out West, where there aren't a gaggle of sissies for her to have sex with?

      Or...oh, no. Please tell me she won't be taking Micah with her if she goes...groan.

      By Blogger Stacia, at 12/02/2006 05:04:00 PM  

    4. Oh man ... that's a pretty cover. (Alas, I can't say anything about Anita, 'cause I haven't read her in forever.)

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/02/2006 08:51:00 PM  

    5. Damn.

      I was free.

      I love Edward, love him.

      I'll wait to see how the reviews go.


      By Blogger CindyS, at 12/03/2006 08:55:00 PM  

    6. My eyes are burning!

      WHY WHY WHY Sybil?? I was almost home free.

      But if anyone can bring me back, it's Edward.

      By Blogger ~ames~, at 12/04/2006 06:39:00 PM  

    7. Holy f. I'll have to check this one out. Whenever LKH snaps out of this funk she's in, I'd be more than happy to read her. Again.


      By Blogger Unknown, at 12/04/2006 07:40:00 PM  

    8. I hate Anita Blake(the character--always have since the first line of the the first book, Lol), but OMG...I fricken love Edward! I too have to hear reviews of this book before taking a gander at it.

      By Blogger Angie, at 12/06/2006 01:22:00 AM  

    9. Edward is my favorite character in her books. I might have to come back to the Anita camp for Edward. They better not have sex! I'll be furious beyond reason!

      By Blogger Vivi Anna, at 12/06/2006 09:29:00 PM  

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