Morals, Values and Standards oh my
Everyone has some sort of moral code or way of life that guides their actions and how they behave in the world. We all have our lines we don't cross and our limits. We all have 'hot buttons' or issues that make our hair stand on end. We are all right about everything and nothing. And that is ok. I am very happy for you that you live a good, clean life and or are a better person than me for whatever fucking reason. Go team you. But don't get the fuck bent out of shape when I decide I don't want to follow your lead. Don't tell me what to think. Tell me what you think, why you think it, how you came up with it and expect me to respect you but don't expect me to join you. We can be different. Don't tell me what to read. Tell me what you like, why you like it or why you don't like it and expect me to respect you. Don't expect me to read or not read something just because you do, even though sometimes I will. Tell me you agree with me or tell me you don't, understand when I change my mind and agree with you and understand when I don't. Open your mind to listen to why I don't agree with you, or don't. That is your choice. But don't ever fucking tell me what I HAVE to do, read, say, watch or be. No one has the right to decide the course of anyone else's life or how they live it. Period. You raise your children to be people and to find their way. You give them tools and knowledge (if they are lucky) but you can't live their life for them. You love your friends and try to be there if you can when they need it and if you are lucky they are there when you need them. But at the end of the day it is their life. You love your husband/wife/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend/assholeoftheweek but they might have morals, values or standards that are different than your own. The world will not explode if this happens. Live your life. Make your choices. Write your book. Watch your shows. Enjoy your wants. And stop worrying so fucking much over what everyone else is doing. And if romance or the company in it degrades you, leave, you won't be missed. Cuz ten to one whoever you hate, hates your happy ass just as well, they just have more style about it and DON'T FUCKING NEED TO TAKE AWAY YOUR CHOICES TO VALIDATE THEMSELVES. There is room for everything. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it wrong and evol, otherwise no one would write anymore inspirational novels because I don't like them. But you know what, I don't buy them. They don't bother me, I don't bother them. And we can both be in the same world and everything is ok. So honey if I can live with inspirational novels stalking corners of bookstores, you can live with erotica. Just don't buy it. Don't read it. Don't worry about it. I promise it will not jump down your throat, make you swallow or force you to have anal sex when you aren't looking. And if it does, you should be looking into medication not telling other writers what to write. And you should carry lube, just some friendly advice. Learn to fucking play well with others. k? |
Oh, I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, this is only the latest round in the struggle between intolerant tightasses and everyone else that's been going on in RWA since the late 90's. Inspirational gets recognized as a seperate genre, and some tightasses start complaining that it's a secular organization and we shouldn't be recognizing something that was essentially religious in nature. Other tightasses returned the compliment by begging their fellow writers to stop writing steamy love scenes because they made Baby Jesus cry.
We'd have far fewer flame wars if all the tightasses could just learn to play well with other children.
Anonymous, at 4/28/2005 12:29:00 AM
Wow Sybil, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel! LOL- that was a fantasticly wonderful rant and I agree with every word!
Angela James, at 5/02/2005 07:51:00 PM
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