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    Wild Heart by Jane Bonander
    Wild Heart was written in 95. And was something of a kick off for me last week of reading 90s romance novels.

    I liked it. It is an author I had never heard of before I saw a post complaining about how great this book was if it wasn't for the sex. I can't remember what the complaint was about the sex - to graphic or word choice or something. It has to be something along those lines to make me hunt it down.

    Yes I am odd but I am ok with that.

    So we have lots of cliche's here but cliches are cliches for a reason right? Julia Larson doesn't like our hero, Wolf McCloud, who happens to be the best ranch hand her father has hired. She is afraid he is going to end up screwing her slutty, beautiful sister. The sister, Josette already has one kiddo - that of course smart, dependable Julia is raising as her own.

    Most people know she is josette's but not wolf. Wolf leaves after josette sluts herself around him one to many times and after he decides staying near julia (who he wants) isn't smart.

    Enter daddy, he offers wolf some land if he will come back but before he gets there daddy is dead. The will says they (wolf and julia - josette has run off at this point) must wed if he wants the land and if she doesn't want the land to go to the bank.

    Of course it is in name only.


    Really I like the book, the characters are people I cared about and the sex was done well. And I am thinking the tits and such are what the post was about (wish I could credit whoever it was) but a man who lives like wolf has and was raised as he was is a man I can see using the word tits. Sorry, men have been known to use such words while fuc...making love. And they do, make love as well as fuck ;). You can see that there is more to them just the shagging so even though it can get purple I didn't mind.

    Oh and I forgot the worst part of the story! The evol gay villian! I really thought for a while she was going to be able to pull off a gay chacter without making him the bad guy, well I had hope damn it. But alas it wasn't to be. His mother (who was wolf's evol mommy too and I did have an issue with being anywhere near a woman who tried to have you buried alive as a child) was worse.

    Yes I said there were some cliches didn't I? And I didn't even mention the twin...

    This turns out to be a book in the middle of three. I enjoyed it and would like to read more of her work.

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