conversations at a bar...
![]() click for odd possibly offending conversation... While sitting at a bar with a friend, his friend and the bartender - I don't really think the rest of the crowd was paying attention... My friend, we shall call him D. is talking about his penis. His friend looks at him so some what agog and is like I can't believe you are talking about that, we shall call him J. D is somewhat taken aback and sees J is pointing to me. And D says, after he stops laughing, 'You don't really think Sybil can be offended do you?' J was like, 'Yes! She is a girl' (did I mention this was a gay bar?) D. goes on to say something along the lines of yes but it is sybil... to which he draws in a deep breath and I shrug, sit back and expect some horridly embarrassing, amoral thing I have done to be brought up. What does D. say you ask... can you guess? Cuz honestly I was some what shocked and surprised because there is no limit to the crap D. could have brought up to prove his point. He says, 'Hell you should see the stuff she reviews. Like on line, she has a website and everything. She even does reviews for some other site.' I am giggling at this point (only had one vodka tonic to their 10 so I was sober) and while he was struggling to come up with the word, I said yes. J. was like you get paid? To which I answered no, I review Romance, Erotica and Erotic Romance because I like it. D, the man who owns enough porn to go into a video business, is nodding and saying yes it is like a hobby. LOL J. was like cool, but you should get paid. And then talk returned to the important topic of the penis. I didn't try to explain the point of a hobby and doing something for fun not profit. Now I wasn't offended or upset in any way mind you, 1. D. loveseses me and would support just about any hobby, career or oddness I wanted to come up with. And has. 2. He didn't mean it in a bad way at all. 3. Even if he had been trying to offend me, you can't offend me. Words certainly don't offend me, smut, porn, trash whatever name your poison, they are just words that only have the power to hurt if I let them. But out of alllllllllllll the things D could have brought up to point out my lack of shockatude it still makes me giggle that it was 'those books she reads'. And drunk people are NEVER fun when one is sober. But that is another story all together. |
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