Too much of a good thing?
Or not enough? I noticed Jane's comment about the RT awards and there being too many she lost interest. Honestly I though it was my short attention span at work and the fact that I was short on time but I found myself glancing over it as well. The list with the nominations is huge. I still couldn't say for sure what was there without having the list in front of me. Are there too many? They not only have a historical award but somewhere around 15 types of historical awards. There isn't a category award but many going as far as best 'first' to best 'namelinehere' award. Do awards mean less when the competition is narrowed down to a 'line'? Or is this just bringing home how unfair it is to judge a blaze against Debbie whatshername. Or is this just marketing at work and a magazine that needs author dollars looking to award more authors. Then again I have to say as a reader awards mean lil to nothing to me. They serve as one more list to use to find recs. But that means sells to some point, so maybe they do mean something? LOL or maybe I am just annoyed cuz Dark Lover was robbed, robbed I tell ya *g*! |
I kind of like that RT represents all the lines. Gives you a snapshot of what they think is the best of everything. That said, these are all books that got very good reviews at RT, and I don't tend to agree with the vast majority of their reviews. I mean, Cassie Edwards is still getting 3 stars from them.
I've never held stock in awards, and I think the vast majority of readers feel the same way. Also, I think awards have a way of making readers feel "guilty" over not reading The Best EVER books and wallowing in those "less worthy" books we like to read.
And honestly, if awards meant anything at all - Susan Kay Law (who won a RITA at RWA in Reno) would still be "allowed" to publish westerns over at Avon.
Wendy, at 6/26/2006 12:21:00 PM
I've never been interested in awards. Matter of fact, I never even check the lists to see whose on there. I do take note if one of my favorites authors wins, but that's about it.
I think they've gone overboard lately, though. *shrug*
Holly, at 6/26/2006 12:59:00 PM
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