Always. Buy. The. Book.
I can't find Tangled by Mary Balogh! This irks me greatly. I know I had the damn thing in my hand. And now am wondering if I had an attack of guilt and didn't buy it because I have sooooo many book. blah blah blah Had no want to read it. Wouldn't have gotten to it at the time. blah blah blah Damn it to hell, let this teach me a leason to always BUY THE BOOK! But I really think I did because I always buy her old books when I find them. I have been eyeing a stack of books in my bedroom. But it are three stacks of at least 25. So going through them would take forever because it isn't like I just go - nope and go to the next one. Then there is another stack of about 60. It could be in either of those. I have to go close a bank account tomorrow. There isn't much in there. I am seriously thinking I need to spend it all on postage and get rid of some of these sacks. I have to move in January you know... of course either way I am gonna call The Great Exchange on Monday and see if they still have it. yeah yeah I am sure if I was dumb enough to leave it there it is gone but one never knows. Labels: Mary Balogh |
I'll check my UBS next time I go...they might have it...they tend to have a lot of Balogh books for some reason (except the ones I want). I'm not sure if I read this one...hopefully they'll have 2 copies. I love Balogh!!!
romancelover, at 11/13/2006 08:40:00 PM
My UBS has quit buying, trading or carrying no Balogh's. I'm sending you good book karma for your search though.
Rosie, at 11/14/2006 04:21:00 AM
Rose, I found A PRECIOUS JEWEL on sale at my UBS for $2.50 once. I couldn't believe it. I bought mine for over $17 on ebay. Nuts!
romancelover, at 11/16/2006 12:30:00 AM
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