Merry, Merry
Happy Holidays to all my friends, online peeps, author buds, frequent chatters, lurker writers, googlers, pRon seekers, and even those of you who are just waiting around for the cannon to fire. Thanks for the wonderful books, great times, recommendations, snarkage, glomming finds, stupidity, reviews, bad behavior, fun chats, flames, flares and for repeatedly showing how intelligent romance writers and readers can be. But most of all thanks to those of you that are always there. Many people don't understand the 'internet' and/or the friendships formed over newsgroups, message boards or fandom. They don't know how amazing the support can be or how grand the friendships are you find with a click of a mouse. Many of you mean more to me than I could ever tell you and I know I don't try to tell you often enough. So thank you for everything.... the laughs when I want to cry, the shoulder when it all gets to be too much, the pat on the back, shared sqqquueees and of course the kick ass book recs. The gift of friendship is one of the bestest you can ever find wrapped under your tree. It is a gift that keeps giving and will take getting kicked around without breaking. If we could package it and sell it, just think of all the books we could buy ;). I hope you and yours have a very merry holiday. loveseses, sybilLabels: Thanks |
Happy Holidays to you too Sybil!
By Sasha White, at 12/22/2006 12:25:00 PM
We love you, girlfriend!
By Dionne Galace, at 12/22/2006 01:23:00 PM
Merry Christmas!!
By Kris, at 12/22/2006 01:36:00 PM
Happy Holidays, Sybil! One of the best gifts I can think of would be if you actually started plugging my books on your site. Cause, it's all about me, dontcha know. ;-)
Have a good one, my dear. Hope Santa brings you an unlimited amount gift card to Borders.
By Kathryn S, at 12/22/2006 09:16:00 PM
Right back at ya!
Merry Christmas!
By CindyS, at 12/22/2006 09:31:00 PM
Happy Holidays to you too! :-) (And to everyone!)
By Anonymous, at 12/22/2006 11:09:00 PM
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