Promises Prevail By Sarah McCarty
Promises Prevail is the third in the Promises series and I have to say I didn't like it near as much as the first one. Promises Linger is the first and Promises Keep is the second. They are western erotica or erotica in a western setting, however you want to explain that. Clint McKinnely and Jenna Hennessy have both made appearances in the other books and really I cared more about them then. I am not sure what it was. The plot was out there, but it is erotica so that is expected. I think Jenna was just TSTL. I mean she knew Clint cared for her, so I had a hard time understanding why she didn't tell him about the bad man who had returned to town. She was presented as a woman who loved her children, so to put them at risk by not telling him, seemed wrong. And the 'meeting' of women to decide how to fix her marriage and make Clint admit to loving her was painful. I have to admit I skimmed over most of that. I will read the next in the series but if it is an eh as this one, it will be my last. Sarah McCarty really is a great writer and can do much better. Promises Linger is a great book if you are looking for an Ellora's Cave to try. |
Did you every read Mac's Law? I read the excerpt for this one on her website and thought it looked very good. Then I found out it only came out in ebook format. Since that's a frontier I haven't voyaged to yet I didn't get it. But I'd love to see it come out in regular book format. I'd probably even be willing to pay trade size price if it's any good.
Kristie (J), at 3/28/2005 07:11:00 PM
Nope that is the one by her I haven't read. But I would like too.
I have Promises Linger in Trade size and I think Keep just came out in trade form.
sybil, at 3/28/2005 07:25:00 PM
email me, I have something for you
sybil, at 3/29/2005 08:54:00 AM
I really enjoyed Promises Linger. I have it in ebook and in print. I'm read all of RL, Mac's Law and most of Promises Keep. I have Promises Prevail, but haven't read it yet since I didn't finish PK yet. I seem to have a love/hate relationship with her books. On one hand I read them and love them, but on another hand I can think back and don't like some things I read. But overall I really like her as an author. But oh...P.Prevail has the WORST cover.
Nicole, at 3/29/2005 09:25:00 AM
I've read every Sarah McCarty book she's written and I enjoyed them all. The thing you may have not enjoyed with Promises Prevail is that the story had so much emotional depth and turmoil. I enjoy a book that has lots of emotion with the sex. And I didn't see Jenna at TSTL, just as a woman struggling to get past her past without dredging it up. I saw a woman struggle to survive an abusive husband and father, and then move on to find happiness and security with Clint. She needed to learn to trust before she told him about the "bad man," and trust takes time to earn, IMO.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2005 07:12:00 AM
I've read all of Sarah McCarty's books, and I have enjoyed all of them immensely.
Promises Prevail has been the most intense story so far. I didn't feel at all that Jenna was TSTL. She was a woman who had been abused her entire life, both by her father and husband and any men that her husband saw fit to introduce into the mix.
I think that it is entirely plausible that she would find it difficult to trust Clint and open up about the abuse she was subjected to. Think of battered women who keep going back to the men of beat them.
Anyway, I guess that it is all a matter of perception. That's my 2p worth.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2005 10:47:00 AM
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