EBUZZ: The Wild Rose Press
Looks to be a new epublisher in town. The Wild Rose Press Who They Are Wild Rose Press is a new and exciting small electronic and print publisher of romance. Our titles span the sub-genre spectrum from sweet to sensually erotic and are available in all lengths, including short story, category, and single title. About Us Page Wanna Publish with Them? Submission Guidelines A couple of things to note and a few questions from moi. Please do not send any manuscript that is currently under review with another publisher. Is this a general epub thing? Or even general publisher thing? The only place I recall seeing it noted (which remember I have no memory!) is Red Sage for their Secrets line. Under the heading of Please note the elements that we do not accept within any of our lines... they have a few things noted but I was wondering about: * No depraved or illegal acts I get the illegal part but what is depraved? Isn't that sort of general and subjective? Or am I just depraved to think that? Is there a list of depraved acts not to do somewhere? * No bestiality Party poopers... LOL kidding ;) but does this include no werewolves? * No degradation of women (rape) interesting... I personally don't like rape in my romance. Call me crazy, wonder if that means forced seduction as well * No sadism or masochism oooooooohhhhhhh HAWT market to leave out * No bondage (light is okay within the appropriate lines) HAWTER market to leave out * No pedophilia (no sex involving underage characters) Hey they have been reading fanfic! * No homosexuality (our romances celebrate heterosexual monogamous relationships) This is a genre I don't read. Personally I just don't find it all that hot but having been involved in fanfic for longer than I should admit to - slash is So Hot! with tons of people. I would think this is a general 'thanks but no, thanks' for most romance publisher. But seeing it in print is sort of, hmmm. On one hand, how totally fucking cool it is big enough to feel the need to include it in the don'ts. On the other... I don't know. How do you feel about it? I did drop them a line to see if they wanted to do a epublisher interview and included this link so maybe they will come talk to us about it. Or not... seems like they are wanting to be the opposite of EC. Just the Facts! Their current list of authors. The Line Guides are found on the above link for submission, the one for the erotic line Scarlet Rose made me giggle. Tastefully written, again, seems too subjective to nail down. But that is prolly just me. And the staff can be found under the About Us link. So what do you think? Wanna read? Wanna publish for them? Do you see them offering something new and exciting you can't find right now? Or is there always room for new epublishers? |
I'm considering submitting to them. The problem is that the three projects I've got in various stages of development are slated for other places: Cobblestone, Highland Press, and EC.
Once these projects are done, I'll consider it.
Alyssa, at 5/26/2006 09:48:00 PM
I remember originally they were just going to do westerns, guess they decided to branch out.
Amie Stuart, at 5/27/2006 09:24:00 AM
LOL alyssa you are just all over!
Cece! Thank you! I thought I was going crazy(er) because I so thought that was what I read!
sybil, at 5/27/2006 10:23:00 AM
Hello everyone. I'm Rhonda Penders, co-owner of The Wild Rose Press.
First we never were going to "just do westerns" that must be another publishing house.
We are the new kid on the block so to speak but so far the response by authors has been overwhelming. It would seem everyone is looking for something fresh and different and that's what we hope to be. We focus on being a publishing house that really does want to publish you.
We publish books in electronic format and print format. We also publish a wide range of short stories some as short as 1500 words all the way up to 20,000.
One of our unique sections on our web site is our Greenhouse where we help writers grow and then bloom. In the greenhouse each week you'll find articles to help with writing issues, and in the future we'll have live workshops in the form of webinars.
We also have a very active forum where our editors, authors and readers can interact. Our Senior level editors are very open and available and love to answer questions from writers and readers. They are eager to hear from you and read your queries.
Right now we are in need of erotica submissions so if your a writer of the steamier story, we'd love to hear from you.
All of our editors including myself and my partner RJ Morris can be reached directly by email - all information is on our site.
Hope to see you all at www.thewildrosepress where romance blooms.
Rhonda Penders
Roni, at 5/29/2006 06:25:00 AM
I don't know Sybil, I like that they 'manned' up and put it out there.
Under the heading of Please note the elements that we do not accept within any of our lines...
At least as readers we know what we are getting (or not, in this case) when we go to the house. With the lastest issues arising about false advertising, I'm starting to appreciate a little honesty.
Kerri Wall, at 5/29/2006 08:13:00 AM
As for the comments on what we don't accept at The Wild Rose Press, I'll say this. We aren't unusual from a lot of houses. If you have something and you're not sure about it, the best thing to do is email the editor for the line. We are more than happy to review what you have and let you know.
We are very open to most romance and do encourage you to submit even if you're not sure.
Rhonda Penders
Roni, at 5/29/2006 08:38:00 AM
what is depraved?
Ha! Good question. I mean, does that mean heroes can't kick the dog or does it fall under the line of no violating the fruit? LOL
Kerri Wall, at 5/29/2006 09:40:00 AM
LOL alyssa you are just all over!
Yeah, that's one word for it. LOL!
Alyssa, at 5/29/2006 12:41:00 PM
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