interesting looking blog(s)
another new to me blog found at cw blog Jennie's B[ook]log - love the icons. And this book I so want. Damn! I just realized my Eats, Shoots & Leaves is gone with my copy of Morning Glory. Bastards! I really need to remember not to let books leave my apt. Or at least to not make people dead to me until I get my shit back. uh, that has nothing to do with the blog, just go check it out. xxxxxxxxxxx older new to me: new to me reader blog Former Time Warner exec, Jerry Simmon's has some interesting Articles and a blog Liz Maverick doesn't look like she is blogging right now or has stopped but what is there looks like fun stuff... The Book Bitches 2 B Read Heather's Blethers Since I can't go lookie now, I am posting here for you to enjoy. And I am adding as I go along, links will stay until I get a chance to go play on the blog. Let me know if you go check them out and what you think ;). |
I felt completely lost at The Book Bitches like I was missing some inside joke.
Tara Marie, at 2/10/2006 01:52:00 PM
hmmm too bad...
I haven't really had a chance to look at these yet.
But I am done with Bad Boy's Ahoy!, the thing from hell with evol people today, and venting to poor jay about it. Now I really need to do my taxes just in case there is cash in it for me...
sybil, at 2/10/2006 02:16:00 PM
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