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    Go practice your right to free speech
    teh gays are the evol

    oh wait you can't... so go here Or go see jane at her bestest.

    OK I give, rec me some Nora Roberts...
    1. I loved her Chesapeake Bay series, though she has plenty of other good books.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/05/2006 09:14:00 AM  

    2. Carnal Innocence. Angels Fall. Public Secrets, Sacred Sins. I can't think of others right off the bat.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/05/2006 01:22:00 PM  

    3. Brazen Virtue, Sacred Sins (the sequel to Brazen Virtue)

      The Chesapeake series ~ SeaSwept, Rising Tides, Inner Harbour, Chesapeake Blue.

      Or a WESTERN *wink* although it is present day Montana but it's fabbo all the same and my all time fave ~ Montana Sky.

      Also loved Three Fates and Homeport.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/05/2006 03:20:00 PM  

    4. Woops ~ had a brain fart ~ sorry!!

      It's Sacred Sins then Brazen Virtue.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/05/2006 03:21:00 PM  

    5. I haven't read many Nora Roberts books but I have read and loved, loved, loved The Chesapeake Bay series. I also really enjoyed the Born In series as well. The only one that I have read that was a bit average is Three Fates.

      By Blogger Marg, at 8/05/2006 04:42:00 PM  

    6. I concur with the Chesapeake books. And Montana Sky. There's an early RS that she wrote with a heroine who is a metal sculptor that I really liked. And Born in Fire about a glass blower; the hero seems to be the prototype of Roarke.

      Also liked some of NR's later categories: the Stanislaskis stand out in my memory. They were later in her career, and I think you can see a huge difference between those and her earlier ones. Liked the last of her "Night" categories, too, with the heroine being the daughter of the h/h from an earlier pub'd book in that series.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/05/2006 07:33:00 PM  

    7. Some of her more complex work would be ...

      -- The Chesapeake Bay trilogy.
      --The Three Sisters Island trilogy.
      --Born in Ice, Born in Fire.
      -- and her work as J.D. Robb, starting with Naked in Death.


      By Blogger Jo Bourne, at 8/10/2006 11:18:00 PM  

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