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    Top 5 Asked While Doing a Book Signing (with tongue firmly in cheek)

    [click the question to see answer]

    5. Do you know where to find Nora Roberts latest book?

    4. What does your mother think of you writing this kind of book?

    "I can't wait to read the next one."

    3. How do you research your sex scenes? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
    The same way I research murder scenes. Wanna volunteer?

    2. Are you the author?

    No, I just thought it would be really cool to sit here and pretend.

    1. Where's the restroom?
    Down the hall and to your right. (I always answer this one correctly, strictly out of principle.)

    Now it is your turn! Have a question for Maureen? Go for it! She will be checking back all day, just don't ask her where the restroom is *g*

    [note: beta blogger is being goofy if you have issues posting use the option 'other' and type in your name... if you use anon, make sure you type your name in the post]

    1. Out of the books you have written, do you have a "favorite"? If so, what makes that particular one stand out to you? :o)

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 10:05:00 AM  

    2. Which aspect of your books do you enjoy the most ie the research, the development of the relationship?

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 10:34:00 AM  

    3. Cindy--of my favorite books I've written, I think it would be my first, "Winter Hearts", simply because it was my very first I ever wrote. My second favorite is "To Find You Again"--it was the book I wrote when I was told westerns weren't selling. I wrote it because I wanted to and because I'm stubborn. :)

      Willa--The aspect I enjoy most is character development. When I start a book I have an idea who my main characters are but they grow so much on their own as I write. It just amazes me when they come alive like that.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 10:58:00 AM  

    4. LOL...great responses!

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 11:29:00 AM  

    5. Maureen, I am glad that you are stubborn and continued to write westerns! I have enjoyed reading them all!!! I will NEVER refuse a western!

      My question will be...
      What book(s) are you working on now that we can look forward to?? :)

      side note: I had to register as Other b/c blogger is still not working

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 01:08:00 PM  

    6. Wow! LOL! Those are some rather pathetic ones you get asked. Must get annoying having to answer those all the time.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 02:59:00 PM  

    7. Kathleen--A REASON TO BELIEVE will be out some time next year. That one is Rye Forrester's story--the youngest brother of Creede from A REASON TO LIVE. In fact, I'm taking a break from my final read/edit of A REASON TO BELIEVE right now to bop over here. Then the third (and final) brother Slater will have his book out in 2008--it'll be another A REASON TO... title.

      Cherie--From what I've heard, those questions aren't that uncommon among other authors, too. Makes me feel a little better. ;)

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 03:54:00 PM  

    8. I am so delighted to hear that this is a planned series (this from the girl who doesn't normally go for series). But then they are Westerns so that's a different story.
      With fewer Westerns being published these days, have you felt any pressure from up above (no not that high up above - I mean publisher up above) to write either paranormals, the latest rage or historicals?

      By Blogger Kristie (J), at 9/07/2006 04:16:00 PM  

    9. Kristie--Yes, which is why I wrote both AROUSE SUSPICION and CONVICTIONS. I enjoyed doing both of them and CONVICTIONS was cool 'cause it was a contemporary western romantic suspense. (That's a mouthful.) However, with my latest contract, Berkley wanted--yes WANTED--westerns from me. I was blown away by that, and very ecstatic!

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 05:47:00 PM  

    10. Very funny questions :) I love westerns and after Wendy's review, I put A Reason to Live on my wishlist. So glad to hear Berkley actually wants westerns. I don't think I've every read a contemporary western romance suspense. Must put this one on my wishlist too.

      By Blogger ReneeW, at 9/07/2006 08:22:00 PM  

    11. I agree with Renee! How encouraging that Berkley WANTED a Western!!!! Maybe someone is hearing us after all :)
      And *sigh* I just checked and this one isn't here yet :(

      By Blogger Kristie (J), at 9/07/2006 08:32:00 PM  

    12. Oooh...I need to go on a Western glom after reading all this. I think I saw some McKade books at work.

      So glad Berkley is wanting westerns!

      Is there a Western setting you have't written about, but want to?

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 09:04:00 PM  

    13. Nicole--Since I live in North Dakota, I think a western in the Dakota Territory would be a lot of fun. It's very much ranch country here--everyone wears cowboy hats.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 09:06:00 PM  

    14. You know what I love Maureen, that you still writing the westerns and historicals when some are saying (pubs) that its not the popular thing now) but its all I love to look for, so thank you for writing them still!
      For your writing with historicals, what has been some fastinating research you've done and found out? Can you tell us about it? Thanks. Cathie
      PS my sign in still don't work on blogger here but it works at other blogs :(

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/07/2006 10:55:00 PM  

    15. Maureen, I have also heard other authors have that same list of questions asked by people...very very scary!..LOL

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/08/2006 09:59:00 AM  

    16. Cathie--Much of the research I did for A REASON TO LIVE was very fascinating. The descriptions of conditions of Civil War field hospitals was eye-opening...and atrocious. It's a miracle so many lived in the non-sterile conditions and the lack of medicine. Also, I thought it fascinating reading about soldiers who had symptoms of what we now know as PTDS.
      What research often does for me is reinforce the universality of human emotions and feelings. No matter what time period a writer chooses to set their book, people will react in much the same manner in historical or contemporary settings.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/08/2006 11:14:00 AM  

    17. Maureen, I've read some set in the Civil War time and such emotional reads and each time I read then, I end up wanting to look up more usually on the mental health issues of it. They are emotional reads.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/08/2006 11:32:00 PM  

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