Standing In the Shadows by Shannon McKenna
Standing In The Shadows There isn't much I can say about this book that Sandy Coleman of AAR hasn't already said in her review but that has never stop me from rambling before so why start now. Oddly enough I hadn't read the review before I read the book. I think it is because I bought it off a rec on Alyssa's blog. I wish I had cuz stupid me thought this was the first book. Yes and I already had Behind Closed Doors, I just screwed up. I really thought Connor was going to be a hero I had to apologize to myself for liking. In my, omg I would never be in the same room with this person but in the book, he is hot. But nope. He is Alpha. I mean is he ever Alpha and then some but he is always ready to pull back if he thinks he has gone too far. And there is guilt if he thinks he hurt her. He pushed during sex and do they ever have sex, and then have sex, and then some more sex and gosh it has been 10 mins lets have sex sex. And it is HOT. But even while he is pushing (hee) you can tell he cares for her, would never hurt her and is very much in love with Erin. But there is a story here, there are characters you can care about and learn to understand. And did I mention the sex? Just checking. My biggest WTF moment was when we learn Erin stopped going to the hospital the day after she begged him to wake up and he, well, WOKE UP. I mean what the fuck! You go every day for weeks, finally break down and tell him how much you need him and want him and love him - if he would only wake up and let you tell him. Then when he does, you go away. But even if I did want to slap Erin a time or two, I felt bad because boy has her life ever sucked ass over the last year or so. And Connor does have a few big bully moments but I wouldn't kick him out of bed for it. Hell I can't think of any reason to kick him out of bed. Ever. So do I go back and read BCD or get Return to Me? |
Shannon McKenna is an author I know I shouldn't like. She has an over fondness for innocently naive heroines and uber-Alpha males. But dang if I can't help myself LOL
I haven't read Return To Me yet (it's in the ole TBR), but most of the scuttlebutt I've heard is that it's one of McKenna's weaker efforts. So I say, go back and read Behind Closed Doors.
Many readers enjoyed BCD more than SITS. I'm one of the odd-balls here (again!). I liked SITS more. The 3rd book in the McCloud brothers series just came out this month - Out Of Control. I still need to pick that one up....
Wendy, at 4/12/2005 03:53:00 PM
I'm one of those who definitely prefer BCD. *g* I read "Out of Control" and she's finally back in form after the weak "Return to Me", with only one significant difference but I don't want to spoil it for you. :) And it could just be me.
Arethusa, at 4/19/2005 03:38:00 AM
What didn't you like about Return to Me? I have heard different people say they didn't care for it but not why they didn't.
sybil, at 4/19/2005 09:03:00 AM
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