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    It is so not fair that I have a sinus infection. I was just sick with the flu TWO weeks ago. I think I need a frequent flyer card for my dr.

    I am back at work but coughing up a lung now. I must go get my cough meds.

    I need to finish my review for Lady in Red (noticed it there is no THE, oops) for Smart Bitches.

    I have finished: Return the Warrior by Kinley MacGregor, The Duchess's Next Husband by Terri Brisbin, Abbie's Outlaw by Victoria Bylin, A Woman's Heart by Rosalyn West, The Seduction of an English Scoundrel by Jillian Hunter and Almost a Bride by Jane Feather. I would like to post about them at some point.

    Need to figure out how to join maili's cult.

    I so want one of those nifty ebook reader things laurie bought.

    I want to read about people's fun at the rt thingie. Have people started to blog yet?

    But for now I need to go try and catch up on the work I missed while dying on my couch for the past two days.
    1. Sybil, are you looking for an ebookwise reader?

      Email me offlist if you are because I know how you can get one for $100 (normally 130) through

      And no, I don't get kickbacks or anything ;) I just got the head's up on a deal on them today.

      By Blogger Angela James, at 5/05/2005 08:39:00 PM  

    2. So sorry to hear about the sinus infection -- I've been known to get those and they are most decidedly No Fun.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 10:37:00 PM  

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