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    Do you know...
    1. If there is a plug in calendar for blogger? I haven't been able to get into my outlook for a few weeks and haven't messed with road runner to fix it yet. My yahoo email account is gone, I think but I know they have a calendar I can use if nothing else.

    2. I have asked this before and I thought the answer was yes but I can't get it to work. Can you predate an entry and publish it but it not show until whatever date and time you put on the post?
    1. Can you predate an entry and publish it but it not show until whatever date and time you put on the post?

      I dont think so. I know for my blog that requires scheduling a cron job through my cpanel. I know Blogger's made all kinds of upgrades but I dont think you have that kind of access.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/22/2006 10:20:00 AM  

    2. The answer is no to both of your questions at this point.


      But if you download Yahoo widgets, you can use the calendar widget in conjunction with either your outlook calendar or your yahoo calendar and it's very handy.

      By Blogger Angela James, at 2/22/2006 10:46:00 AM  

    3. Does this mean you aren't getting email? Cause I sent you one yestereday.

      By Blogger Kristie (J), at 2/22/2006 06:03:00 PM  

    4. LOL you know angie (talk about typo I wrote angel :) ) if there was it dawned on me I wouldn't be able to figure it out.

      Yes kristie no outlook mail for right now but I am sure it is fixable just not sure what all will be there. Seems to be a POP error.

      But really I don't think anyone around here has that email - - I have an email from you to answer at gmail ;).

      Gmail needs a calendar! Sez I.

      By Blogger sybil, at 2/23/2006 07:48:00 PM  

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