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    In case you have been playing the home game...
    I still don't own:

    Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas

    Yes shocks me too. And is there or is there not a THE... did it get dropped? This pic, no THE, LK pic (who I would think knows a lil about the book) has a THE.

    And really... do you see how well this book cover goes with my blog? I mean really, I so should have a copy of this, uh like now. yes yes yes I know it comes out soon. I know I a stack of books to read, or two stacks. BUT I want it NOW!/Veruca Salt

    But while we wait... Bam of It's Not Chick Porn (in case you are thinking Books-a-Million, who by the way still isn't selling DiW) has finally caved into Kristiej evol masterplan of having the world read DREAMING OF YOU. And has her review up.

    So you go read that while we wait for, you know, Devil in Winter. Then if you still have some wait time...

    Bev needs some Vampy recs

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