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    The Texan's Forbidden Affair by Peggy Moreland
    The Texan's Forbidden Affair by Peggy Moreland

    Well this was my first Peggy Moreland and I have to say... uh anyone have a rec of a 'good' past book?

    I mean maybe I have read Bam too much but ouch. There is a high cheese factor to this. I mean high... like his reason for marrying the other woman and staying with her was just WOW.

    And hell I use to watch soaps, so there is sort of a ohhhh this is so bad it is almost yummy reaction but I just kept thinking the chick should kick the guy and run. Far, far, far away and I don't think that was what I was suppose to think. I think the writer was going for a awwww look good guy reaction.

    Well I think. Didn't work for me. Anyone else read it?

    **speaking of Bam... hey cindys, she has a anne stuart review up**
    1. Dude, it's called 'The Texan's Forbidden Affair', I wouldn't have picked this book out for that reason alone!

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/25/2006 05:13:00 PM  

    2. DUDE I live in Texas ;)

      it is a desire that the hell do you expect it to be called

      ::wants Heidi's Betts MR. AND MISTRESS::

      tra la la

      OH and what the hell was the book you were talking about the other day you thought I might like? I forget! Just member it was a trilogy and RS. I think...

      By Blogger sybil, at 5/25/2006 05:28:00 PM  

    3. hey and did you see the double spacing JUST for you!

      And all the other IE people who think I am too stupid to know how to space.


      I am gonna bug maili about it when she isn't so busy ;)

      By Blogger sybil, at 5/25/2006 05:32:00 PM  

    4. For the most part, I don't read category.......even if it's set in Texas =)

      By Blogger Amie Stuart, at 5/26/2006 12:36:00 PM  

    5. ok fine

      where were you oh so clever people when I ASKED about the book

      hmph :P

      By Blogger sybil, at 5/26/2006 06:14:00 PM  

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