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    The Victorian Equivalent...
    Hey from both of us.

    Yep - Leda Swann isn't one person, it's two. Our real names are Cathy and Brent, and we live in New Zealand, just a stone's throw from the ocean.

    We are real life partners as well as writing partners. In fact, we are running off to the Cook Islands to get married in October, so have a glass of champagne and celebrate with us :-)

    Our new book with Avon Red is PARLOR GAMES, set in the Victorian era, a period we find interesting for its juxtaposition of forthright morals with a not so well hidden erotic undercurrent.

    PARLOR GAMES was formed when we looked at the things people do today to entertain themselves of an evening, with video games and TV providing for different realities to escape into. What, we wondered, would a Victorian equivalent be? A place where games are played to escape everyday life, thus PARLOR GAMES.

    [note: beta blogger is being goofy if you have issues posting use the option 'other' and type in your name... if you use anon, make sure you type your name in the post]
    1. So nice to meet you Leda! I have Parlor Games here to read! I love historicals and so thrilled that the hot romance ones are coming out!! Too I'm looking forward to hearing about your books. And too finding out a web site of yours.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/13/2006 06:36:00 PM  

    2. I found your web site by clicking on your name here. Thanks.

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/13/2006 06:37:00 PM  

    3. Hi Cathie. If you love historicals you're *bound* to like Sugar and Spice! ;-) Have a look at our Elloras Cave titles too!

      By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/14/2006 05:01:00 AM  

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