shut up, shut up, shut up
Shut Up! No I am not referring to any authors, message boards or online blow ups. Odd that ;) There are certain phrases I just don't see being used in historicals. The nifty etymology online says: Shut up (v.) first recorded 1840 Now the book in question is set in 1810, so I think the usage is wrong anyway. But even if it had been set in 1840, I would have found it odd for a young miss to say shut up to a bastard son of a duke. Is that just me? What phrases throw you out of a story? It surpises me sometimes how old some slang is... my favorite word is really old! |
Fuck is an acronym for: Fornication Under Consent of the King. Apparently, newly married couples had to get consent to actually consummate their marriage; they would put something outside the door that said F.U.C.K...I learned this in college in a history class...go UCLA for teaching me such great stuff!!!
romancelover, at 8/25/2006 10:34:00 PM
I haven't gone to UCLA but snopes, wikipedia and The straight dope all say that is an urban legend.
Maybe you should email that teacher ;).
sybil, at 8/26/2006 02:20:00 AM
No "fuckin" way! Interesting! I wish I had that prof's e-mail address, but I don't. Need to research this some more...
romancelover, at 8/26/2006 05:16:00 PM
I heard that was false too.
Karen Scott, at 8/29/2006 12:40:00 PM
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