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    Three Blind Mice
    Main Entry: anon·y·mous
    Pronunciation: &-'nä-n&-m&s
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Late Latin anonymus, from Greek anOnymos, from a- + onyma name -- more at NAME
    1 : not named or identified < an anonymous author > < they wish to remain anonymous >
    2 : of unknown authorship or origin < an anonymous tip >
    3 : lacking individuality, distinction, or recognizability < the anonymous faces in the crowd > < the gray anonymous streets -- William Styron >
    - anon·y·mous·ly adverb
    - anon·y·mous·ness noun

    Is that hard to understand? And the whining about gosh you could have kept it a secret without lying has just got to stop. My god, if I asked someone 'Are you doing x' and they answered 'no comment' I would have thanked them for telling me.

    Cuz duh, if that doesn't scream yes what the hell does?

    If I was bestest friends with someone from the RTB secret circle and they had lied to me, I would most likely be hurt right now. OMG I hate you mad? No, but hurt. And you know what... I would beat them over the fucking head with email and tell them so. Even while understanding why they did it.

    The keyword being email. Because I am much harder on my friends than I am on every day normal people. I expect more because they are my friends. But I wouldn't whine about it on message boards or blogs and make a deal out of it.

    BBBBUUUUUTTTTTTT if I wasn't a good friend, if I was a reader, or a fellow writer... they wouldn't owe me shit as an explanation. The site said from the get go that the people behind it wanted to remain anonymous. So I figured it was a secret. And well, I didn't think joe blow who had nothing to do with romance was putting all that time and work into it. I knew it was people involved or with a stake in romance. Because why the fuck do it if you didn't care about romance?

    It would be one thing if the people behind RTB did nothing but pimp themselves and say how wonderful they were under socks. I could see tar and feathering them in that case. Really that is just stupid and wrong, but I can't say I saw that. Did I miss a few posts or something?

    Do I feel differently about RTB?
    Will I continue to go there?
    More or less than before?
    Do I think people over apologize for shit they don't have be sorry about?
    Am I amazed once more over the amount people can whine over nothing?

    Personally I like people on both sides of the argument but really it is time to get the fuck over it. And really I came so so so close to not commenting on this whole stupid thing. But well... when did the word anonymous become hard to understand?

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