Passion part deux
So there is a nifty thread at AAR (really need to update links and put one up so I can stop looking for the link every time I meantion it. thread started by trish in the review board aka off limits to sybil so here we be ;) I think Lisa Valdez makes a common first time author mistake in responding to much on the board. Not to say I don't think an author should post on the review board, I do but I don't think should post too much to take away from the reader discussion. That prolly makes no sense. Although I do have to say I like what she said and even if I hadn't liked Passion I would want to buy the next book because of how well she handed the board. Funny enough I haven't read the whole thread I didn't make it too far in the thread. Anyway... check out the book, check out the thread Labels: Lisa Valdez |
Oh Sybil, you HAD to post a link to that discussion, didn't you?
I don't participate much in the AAR messageboards any more (too much of a time-suck, and god knows I have more than enough of those!) but I just had to respond to LizJ's asstarded comment.
Anonymous, at 7/25/2005 03:00:00 PM
Oh Candy: You go girl! I'm going back to finish the thread and rubbing my hands in anticipation!
Kristie (J), at 7/25/2005 05:28:00 PM
OK, I'm back. I've been following this thread and I too think Lisa Valdez is making a bit of a rookie mistake. I have enjoyed what she has had to say but for her own sanity she needs to back off. There are always going to be those self-righteous sanctimonious readers who buy a book labeled "burning" and then go all indignant when it goes beyond the boundaries they've set for themselves.
If you really want to drive yourself nuts - read what Carol is saying (shaking my head in disbelief)
Kristie (J), at 7/25/2005 05:53:00 PM
I was interested to buy a copy of the book, but the thread is, I'm sorry, killing my interest, mostly because the fact that one, those who don't like it, can't say their piece without any one jumping on them pisses me off.
Yes, LV does need to back off and so do her very vocal supporters, but then again, it generates an interest in her book. So hurray for them.
lost, at 7/25/2005 07:34:00 PM
candy: I do it all for you :)
kristie: you too
maili: you three ;)
I didn't really see that many people jumping on LizJ's comment. And honestly I think a person has the right to say anything - good or bad - if I agree or not - but they need to be able to handle the otherside as well.
And you are right LV is prolly generating interest. Maybe... I don't know. I think it is a sticky place to for an author to be on a reader review board.
sybil, at 7/25/2005 08:28:00 PM
I ran away from that thread :D I read Lisa V's response and one response after that, then had to stop myself.
But now I have to see what Candy posted.
meljean brook, at 7/25/2005 08:38:00 PM
No, I was referring to the others, e.g. Carol G. :) Other than that, I agree with you.
lost, at 7/25/2005 09:40:00 PM
Yeah, she is going a little overboard with her response but I'm thinking she might just be a person who likes to real life too. I guess I can't blame her for being enthusiastic about her book. What I hate is when and author jumps on a discussion in fight mode. I can think of one author on AAR who just recently got all defensive about a really non-threatening comment...that stuff I hate.
Valdez might have to simmer down a bit though. Enough is enough. Haven't read the book yet.
Anonymous, at 7/26/2005 05:24:00 PM
sybil...that above post is mine. Forgot my name.....
Anonymous, at 7/26/2005 05:25:00 PM
lol, I don't go to the AAR boards at all after reading a couple of threads when I first got online. I'm pretty sure if I hung out there then I'd go insane *g*
Jaynie, at 7/27/2005 01:56:00 AM
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