There was more of a lead in here but I lost it and don't care to retype. And this is has been in draft for a while, so I am posting it damn it. **click the saint**
Mainly this is the start of a few posts (hopefully) reviewing some thoughts on the new romantica/erotica/erotic romance lines and of course books I want. Because it is allll about me ;) Most of these guidelines come from Erotica Readers & Writers Association Website. I have left off emails and addresses, click the link if you are looking for them. These are just print lines, ebook will be a different post.
I have also left things out of the editors emails or publishers guidelines, they were way long and I left the stuff I had questions on and will follow in other posts or it just amused me. Market Guidelines includes epubs and print, if you want to go scope out the site.
Aphrodisia Kensington Publishing New Erotica Imprint Debut Of Aphrodisia In January: Three by Noelle Mack, Wolf Tales by Kate Douglas, Gotta Have It by Renée Alexis, and The Hard Stuff by Karin Tabke, Bonnie Edwards, and Sunny. guidelines
Both agented and unagented submissions are being accepted for works from 20,000 words (novellas) through 80,000 words and representing contemporary and historical fiction from a variety of sub-genres, such as paranormal and multi-cultural. Books will be lighthearted or dark, funny or suspenseful, whatever best reflects the writer's voice and brings readers the kind of story they are looking for. Berkley Jove HEAT from their guidelines
Romance is fine for Heat, but it's not necessarily the focus. Happy endings are okay too.
3) I'm looking at all genres—contemporaries, historicals and paranormals.
4) I'm okay with ménage, and some homoerotic elements, but the main relationship should be hetero (think Emma Holly—she may include homosexual/lesbian elements, but her primary relationship is hetero). CHEEK GUIDELINES OUTLINE, very detailed... left most of it because of the detail. The only Cheek I have think I have read would be Emma Holly. Oh I have Sticky Fingers by Alison Tyler somewhere set for the ubs, read another AT and was very eh. I should check it out after all just cuz.
The flavour Pacy, feel-good, contemporary young women’s fiction with sexual content that is explicit but not anatomically, and not ‘scarily so’. Central character should be female – 18 - 35, and the story told primarily through female p.o.v. If written in third person, there should be some male p.o.v. but always with the accent on his emotions (i.e. who he is fancying and why).
What the books are about Cheek should appeal to the indulgent side of the young female. In the way that women’s magazines are narcissistic (they allow women unashamed indulgence in luxuries and in themselves), so Cheek should be novel-length narratives about the ‘gaining of female pleasure’ – through sex, but also through pampering, shopping, dressing up, travelling, having great times, enjoying all that young life has to offer.
Style The story should enable the reader to vicariously enjoy all of the above. The accent should be on good times, and the narrative should conform to the obstacle/conflict/resolution/ formula of mainstream contemporary fiction and/or successful soap opera. The style should be transparent, so no ‘clever-clever’ parodying styles where you can see the strings. The writing should not draw attention to itself. The books should be aspirational and fun but not ‘give the game away’, so avoiding clichés will be very important. For instance, we wouldn’t want designer labels name-dropped in every sentence as if it were ‘computer-software-generated chick lit’, but we would want ‘lifestyle glamour’: lovely apartments/hotels/sexy city breaks/exotic destinations/’soft adventure’ i.e. skinny dipping at moonlight etc.
Sex A delightful, playful, curious sensuality should inform the characters’ behaviour rather than ‘down and dirty’ lust for the sake of it. The women shouldn’t behave explicitly outside of the sex scenes, and the blokes should be more intriguing, charming and mysterious than what one usually finds in real life.
There can of course be ‘down and dirty lust’ within the sex scenes, but it should come about as a result of high-tension seduction that builds to bursting point. This will inform the language and dialogue. The more Anglo-Saxon words and descriptions should be used sparingly outside of sex scenes and, while OK in dialogue to a certain extent (‘talking dirty’ is popular and there should be some of this in all Cheek books) it shouldn’t ever be offensive. The build-up to a sex scene, the tension, what clothes are worn (lots of details of fab clothes), the wining and dining etc. are as important as the act itself in Cheek, so there will be lots of opportunities to write sexy descriptions that are NOT focused on the minutiae of genital anatomy.
Sex scenes should be maximised for arousal potential. They should not be so brief as to be a let-down, but not pored over and over until one ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’. No overblown erotic romance purple prose of the ‘waves and waves of throbbing sensation coursed through her helpless body’ variety. Snappy, punchy, saucy and cool is the way forward. In all cases, sex scenes should evolve naturally and shouldn’t seem gratuitous. There should be plenty of juicy description of the male body, of being worshipped, and fancied by hunky/desirable blokes.
Sex content Should follow the parameters of ‘Cosmo’; i.e. variety of positions/oral/fun and games/dressing up/sex in unusual places etc. but again: language is everything. Anatomical descriptions should be absent for the most part, concentrating on the emotions rather than medical close-ups of squelching parts. ‘Tastefully done’ is the key.
Characters Should be lively/fun/full of the conflicts and emotions of young women; the kind of girls you’d like to be friends with. Obviously there can be one or two ‘bad guys’ – bitchy interlopers who you (and the central characters) dislike and who are a threat to our heroine’s dreams coming true.
Unsuitable subjects These are feel-good books, so no social problems, addictions, serious illnesses, crime-ridden environments, heavy emotional problems, death, rape, abortions, alcoholism etc. Cheek novels should be the equivalent of a girls’ night in or out, and the ending should be optimistic.
When it comes to sexual content, the taboos should be obvious: no incest, animals, watersports or heavy SM. Bondage (of the silk scarves variety) and power games (light spanking/teasing/dressing up as fantasy characters) fine, but accent on pleasure and discovery at all times. The sex in Cheek should not be ‘transgressive’ and the characters should not be involved in the ‘fetish scene’ or have the awareness of seasoned ‘swingers’. No suburban sordidness; such a thing is fine for BL/Nexus but not Cheek. Should not speak to the audience in a way that assumes familiarity of sexual politics or the ‘sexual underground’.
I would recommend anyone who is thinking of writing new material for us to read Sticky Fingers by Alison Tyler: Available at Amazon.com / Amazon UK / Amazon CA
Secrets Red Sage Publishing
Sensuous, bold, spicy, untamed, hot, and sometime politically incorrect, Secrets stories concentrate on the sophisticated highly intense adult sexual relationship. These character driven stories always concentrate on the love and sexual relationship between the hero and the heroine.
We are accepting novella submissions for an anthology. Novella lengths range from 20,000-35,000 words. No multiple submissions accepted — do not send us a story you’re also sending to another publisher. Authors may query interest with a one-page synopsis (clear emotional and physical conflict defined) and the first ten pages of their story (printed out, not the digital file).
For guideline details and submission information:We are accepting novella submissions for an anthology. Novella lengths range from 20,000-35,000 words. No multiple submissions accepted — do not send us a story you’re also sending to another publisher. Authors may query interest with: a one-page synopsis (clear emotional and physical conflict defined) and the first ten pages of their story (printed out, not the digital file). Please include writing credentials (we welcome unpublished authors as well).
Sensuous, bold, spicy, untamed, hot, and sometime politically incorrect, Secrets stories concentrate on the sophisticated highly intense adult sexual relationship. These character driven stories always concentrate on the love and sexual relationship between the hero and the heroine.
The Hero He may be the fearsome warrior, the rogue, the bold conqueror or the imposing captain of industry. He is always intelligent, good looking, usually rich, may be humorous, larger than life, strong willed, domineering (in a sexy way) and very much the Ultra Alpha male and sometimes unpredictable. He is the kind of man who epitomizes every woman's fantasies and not least, a devastatingly wonderful lover.
The Heroine She may be the Indian captive, Lady of the Manor, CEO of a corporation or a traveler to distant stars. She is above all intelligent. She has strength, femininity and independence. She may be humorous. She is a woman the reader likes and identifies with.
The Sexual Relationship We are searching for romance authors who dare to go where today’s romance authors are forbidden to go. Highly intense love relationships involve an equally intense sexual relationship that are sometimes politically incorrect. We are looking for a high level of sexual tension throughout the story to maintain the necessary edge and arousing feel. These love scenes must be sophisticated, erotic and emotional. We want to push the envelope beyond the normal romance novel. Be kinky, be wild, go far beyond spicy, but always write romance. If you’re not sure, query. Any sexual position okay between a man and a woman.
The Plot The more difficult and intriguing or unique the conflict, the more interesting the story. Tension and conflict can make love scenes excruciatingly effective. Always a happy ending.
The Setting Historical, contemporary, mainstream, science fiction, mystery, adventure, fantasy and let your wonderful creative imagination be your guide. launch in May 2006 SPICE from their guidelines
SPICE is… A great plot, an engrossing story with several explicitly sexual scenes that have context within the story. A unique take on modern women, their lives, their relationships and whatever turns them on. Sophisticated, urban, contemporary, realistic, relevant. Graphic, using the kind of frank language typical of the genre. Daring — feel free to explore any and all sexual situations, even ones considered "taboo." Not a string of unconnected, gratuitous sex scenes. Not a big traditional romance with lots of sex. Not full of euphemisms for body parts or lovemaking.
Guidelines for Tor's Paranormal Romance Program - I was surprised to see this here but I haven't read a TOR yet so...
Tor Books is actively seeking well-written novel-length stories, focusing on both plot and character development. All submissions, no matter which of the following subcategories they fall into, must include paranormal elements.
These are the subcategories we are looking for under the general heading of "paranormal romance":
(a) plausible science fiction (b) fantasy (c) horror / otherworldly beings (i.e., vampires, goblins, faeries, ghosts, banshees, skinwalkers, zombies, golem, etc.) (d) near-future / speculative fiction (e) non-standard time travel (f) alternate history / alternate timelines
As Tor Books is an award-winning, world-renowned science fiction and fantasy publisher, please be advised that submissions in those areas will be held to our usual standards for plausibility, world-building, character development, and the various elements that comprise these genres.
We are not looking for:
(a) fluffy comedies (b) inspirational religious works (c) stories in which a ghost or an angel falls in love with a human (or vice versa); if you plan on using this plot, please come at it from a fresh and original angle (d) traditional / category romance
Each novel should include at least two main plot elements: one, the romance and the conflict inherent in that; two, another significant conflict. Both storylines should be crucial to the overall novel, and the romantic elements should make up no more than half the entire story.
We are open to non-traditional romances (i.e., multi-racial, multi-ethnic, religiously diverse, non-traditional gender / sexual orientation, etc.), as well as traditional ones. We are open to very erotic works as well as less graphic ones; in any work the sex and romance should be believable and rational and well-suited to the story.
Length: between 80,000 and 130,000 words.
We are primarily looking for original novels, but will consider works which have been self-published or e-published. While we are not actively seeking backlist at this time, we will look at backlist on a case-by-case basis from authors with whom we are buying new material.
If you are already a published fiction writer, we will accept three chapters and a substantial outline. Previously unpublished authors should submit three chapters and a detailed outline, and be prepared to supply the complete manuscript upon request.
Submission Guidelines for Tor's Paranormal Romance Program
Both agented and unagented submissions are acceptable. If you have an agent, please have your agent submit your work.
If your work is 100,000 words or less, please submit the first three chapters; if your work is longer than 100,000 words, please submit the first sixty pages to the nearest chapter break.
All submissions should be accompanied by a 2-4 page synopsis and a cover letter stating any awards you have won and all previous publications (and your sales history, if you have it), as well as the genre of your work.
Submissions send via post should be in 12-point standard serif typeface and double-spaced. You may submit via email attachment in Microsoft Word document, RTF, or text format only. If you are submitting via post you must include a self-addressed stamped envelope. In the event your work is not right for us and if you would like your manuscript pages returned, your envelope must be big enough to fit them. All rejected manuscripts not returned to their owners will be recycled.
Please submit only one work per email/envelope. If you are submitting a series, submit only the first book in the series according to the above guidelines, and include a 1-2 page synopsis for each following book as well.
We do not accept query letters, simultaneous submissions, or phone pitches. Do not call to ask if we want to see your book.
Our turnaround time is currently approximately two weeks to four months. If you do not hear from us within four months of your submission date, please feel free to send an email (include in this email your full name and the title of your submitted work). We assure you that a person well-versed in romance and other genre fiction will examine your work, however there is not always time to respond personally to every manuscript. Wicked Words Themed Collections more to be found here. I almost picked up one of these the other day. I thought there was someone on my trade group who wanted it. It was only 2 bucks but was hardback, since I wasn't sure someone was looking for it and need to spend money shipping stuff already packaged, I didn't get it. Of course now I wish I had since I have never read a WW book.
Our themed erotica collections have proved to be immensely popular and we will be continuing to publish themed anthologies throughout 2006 and 2007. The themes for the continuing books are as follows
* Sex and Shopping (deadline for stories end of April 2006)
* Sex in Public (deadline for stories end of July 2006)
* Sex with Strangers (deadline for stories end of October 2006)
* Sex with Celebrities (fictional characters only) (deadline for stories end of January 2007)
Do you want to submit a short story to Wicked Words? The general guidelines, including where to send submissions, are available.
Please note we can only accept stories that are of publishable literary standard in terms of grammar, punctuation, narrative structure and presentation. We do not want to receive true confessions or stories that are about 'some people having sex' and little else. The buzzwords are surprises, solid characterisation and an awareness of what makes great erotica. Stories should feature something more original than the expected cliché, for example, writing about the 'Mile-high club' for Sex on the move. We are looking for beautifully-crafted, original work with an unusual twist.
All stories need to be between 4000 and 6000 words and laid out to house style double-spaced, printed on one side of A4 and in a point size no smaller than 12. We do not, under any circumstances, accept submissions by email. We cannot reply to all short story submissions as we receive too many to make this possible. Competition-style rules apply you will hear back from us only if your story has been successful. And please remember to read the guidelines. |
F-ck Me. I typed this out twice and now can barely remember what I said. Essentially, I do not want to read books in the Spice line. They sound too outre (even taboo subjects are going to be published) and too emotionally bankrupt. I want romance with my sex. I want some connection between the characters besides the physical one. I hope that Red Sage starts putting out full length novels instead of novellas. I found some great authors through Red Sage.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2006 07:37:00 AM
Me! You were channeling me when you picked up the Wicked Words! Though it may or may not be on my wishlist...
Anyway, if you happen to see another copy for a reasonably cheap price (i.e. the same $2 it was when you saw it the first time) I'd be happy to paypal you back for the price & shipping. Unless it's tons and tons of pages (which I highly doubt) I can't see the shipping being more than $2 or so. Media mail for 1-2 pounds is $2.09.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2006 03:34:00 PM
Sorry Jane! I hate it when that happens.
I know Red Sage was playing around recently with their cover and such... so it will be interesting to see what they give up next.
Jay! This was really a while back in March but I did go back and it was gone :(. I will keep an eye out for you!
sybil, at 4/13/2006 04:14:00 PM
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