Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water....
So Tuesday didn't suck as much as I thought it would but it came really really close. I did figure that at least, nothing else, at the end of a week or so it would be over or on to the next round. But no, after someone changed their answer to a question and uh lied. So now more info is being requested and we shall call again on the 10th. joy... It will be interesting to see what they pony up for some of it, since it doesn't exist and isn't tracked. But whatever... I wasn't the only person who noticed the answer changed over an hour phone call. Either way this isn't done I am sure because they get two more chances to waste Texas's time and money. So blah. Then I was pretty much wired because the ick I had been dreading was over. Next thing I knew the day was gone, the night had flew and I am telling nicole bye over AIM because I needed to send off some reviews. I crashed and must of crashed hard because I woke up at 9ish completely confused, hungry and pissed off. Which is odd in and of itself. Well turns out it was NINE PM and I had slept the whooooooooooooole day. Without waking up... lucky for me I was migraineless, normally after very stressful things are done the let down kicks my ass for about two days. But no wait... it gets better. I let out a sigh of relief because the computer is just as I left it... one blog open being worked on, one review I was editing (Heiress for Hire if anyone cares :)), Once in a Blue Moon was open to be read, one email open in gmail to send, a few random windows to go with the blog and review. Yes I am neurotic what is your point? So after kicking myself a couple of times for missing all of Wenesday, I grabbed some cheerios and sit down to finish the above. And as I am typing along.... it happens. A small noise and a blink - then darkness. No pretty pictures on the monitor! It went blank! I cuss then calm down because hey, I am getting really use to doing shit over. So I turn it off, turn off the computer. Reboot sit back and wait. n.o.t.h.i.n.g. Really this is about the time panic sets in, it has finally happened. The computer is dead. Just dead. And I am jobless and now will be internetless. This freaks me out. Which I decided later, as I looked at the off computer, this was a good thing. When the bluescreening started and I couldn't get the virus off, to make it stop shutting down, I really was eh about it. And I love the internet, you guys,talking about books, my favorite websites! So the apathy should have clued me in. But not last night. Did I put up the rest of the books on the floor? NO! Did I work on some of the reviews I want to get up? NO! Did I sleep like a normal human since it was 12am? NO! I sat in bed, with a book staring at the computer. I turned the computer on and off 10 times. I decided the monitor died. I decided my video card died. I decided the memory was bad. I decided the whole thing was gone and I would never be on the internet again. I started to think about what bills could not be paid and shuffled around so I could get it fixed. I found two phone numbers of men who tried to ask me out that I blew off over a YEAR ago that work in IT. And tried to come up with a creative way to call them for help. No I haven't slept. Around seven am I remembered there was a resale computer place near here somewhere that a girl I use to work with went too a lot. The one person from place of evol that I still talk to. Sooooooo about 7:50ish I call her on her cell to try and catch her before she is at place of evol. I call, guy says that they have monitor from 19.99 to 59.00 (17inch). I am like so there. As we talk he says they have a tech that comes in at 10. $40 he will look at the computer and come up with what is wrong with it, if I buy it there, he will install and work off the $40.... blah blah blah. I start to worry again and explain that my monitor is prolly over 10 years old. And really the computer 'sounds' like it is working. Yes it is easy to see why I seem to attract computer geeks isn't it. He says just come on in, bring the monitor and case and they will hook them up and tell me what is wrong, free of charge. I got lucky, bad monitor. 19.99 for a used Dell 17 inch (mine was 15). And then I left and screwed around because I was afraid to come home and it not work. As you see, it worked ;). And I now have over 200 email in my gmail account... looks at the brotherhood. Over 400 in my outlook (REALLY need to check what lists are going there). I lost at ebay for a copy of Nicole Jordan's Wildstar. Haven't been to AAR alllllllllll day. And haven't hopped a blog yet, or been brave enough to see if I lost my blog posts (LOL or worse if they posted). Oh and now have bored to tears anyone silly enough to still be reading this. But that is ok because I have internet, so all is well with the world. hee I really need to go set my alarm just in case, I don't plan on sleeping through Friday... |
Talk about dodging a bullet! I'm so happy this worked out for you. Good luck with all the other stuff, too.
Megan Frampton, at 2/03/2006 11:26:00 AM
Tis used but I like it... and figure for 20 if it dies on me in a year I can't bitch.
I have 90 days to return it.
And it turns out it isn't my computer that was randomly shutting down, it was the monitor because it hasn't done it and by now it should have at least twice!
Thanks Megan... I have my fingers crossed ;)
sybil, at 2/03/2006 01:59:00 PM
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