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EBUZZ: Avon Ebooks
![]() HarperCollins e-book site I haven't really looked through this, but I noticed Fi and JQ talking about it and thought it was worth spotlighting. Some general info I did search for Julia Quinn's Page and as she says the eppies are not up yet. The general Avon books do have a 20% discount over print. Of course I think you can buy the book at wally world for less than that but it is better than charging the say as the print rate. Right? Hey it is a step in the right direction! Newsletter They have a newletter that promises discounts, so of course I signed up. Shall report back when I get my first one ;). All in all, from a quick look, the site seems user friendly. Anyone order anything from them? ::I need an ebook icon... just saying:: |
Kathryn's EBUZZ: A Gentleman Seduced By Sharon Page
![]() Sharon Page's Website expand for summary Desperate to enjoy one glorious adventure before submitting to her boring-but enviable-match, Diana Tiverton arranges to masquerade as a madam for one night. Forced to flee the brothel before she is discovered, Diana accepts the help of the dangerously intriguing Lucian Northcote, Viscount Pembroke. Escaping in his well-appointed carriage, Diana quickly discovers that all of the excitement she could possibly want is right in front of her... ![]() ![]() Diana Tiverton is desperate for a little adventure in her life before she marries. She wants to do something wild -- something she will never forget. This desire leads her to pose as madam of a high-class brothel for one night. When she is forced to flee to escape discovery, Diana finds herself at the mercy of Lucien Northcote, a dangerously attractive viscount. Lucien is all too happy to oblige Diana in her quest for sensual pleasure, but when they're time together is up it is difficult to tell who is the seducer and the who is the seducee. First of all I need to admit that Sharon Page is a good friend. And I have to brag about the fact that this book was inspired by a print she saw in a book I have on 19th century pornography. One of the things that struck me about Sharon's writing is her ability to combine scorching sex with romance. What she writes is truly erotic, and she combines it with history and emotion -- all the things you want in a ...ahem... satisfying read. Excerpt found here and book can be purchased here! Her coming soon pages shows she has a book called Sin coming out with Aphrodisia and she has a contest that ends tonight - here. Cool... Thanks for the buzz, Kate! |
CS: One Forbidden Evening by Jo Goodman
![]() Click and read a nifty tidbit about the book! summary is here As a masked ball reaches its fever pitch, Cybelline Caldwell surrenders to the embrace of a midnight lover, a stranger who seals her fate. By morning the wanton seductress has been replaced by a determinedly sensible woman preparing to leave London...and its memories. Yet temptation follows. For Christopher Hollings, Earl of Ferrin, the notorious rake she so brazenly challenged, vows to show her that one night was not enough. And then you can order here. I can't find an excerpt, sorry. The teaser in the ARC is good if that helps any *g* |
CS: Bound by Sasha White
![]() spank here for summary Bound by fantasy. ![]() review to come soon... hmmm this says erotic romance on amazon, not sure if there is that HEA or not... hee ask me later, it is sasha so it might be erotica (which would be totally cool) maybe sasha can stop by and let us know *g* [quick guess the movie the icon is from ;)] |
Maureen McKade
![]() ![]() I will be posting a list of guests and will have links on the left side bar with info. Just trying to get the blog fixed in case I have to change it. |
Maybe I am helping kill the category?
![]() The Sheik and I by Linda Winstead Jones ![]() He's a sexy sheik willing to risk his own life by visiting Silverton and negotiating peace with our country... though some suspect he had a hand in the prince's murder. She's a beautiful diplomatic aide unwilling to let anything - or anyone - stand in the way of her perfect career. Yet bullets weren't the only thing flying when Sheik Kadir Al-Nuri met his appointed aide, Cassandra Klein; there were sparks aplenty for our cameras to catch as the pretty pair dove to safety. Having Her Boss's Baby by Susan Mallery ![]() When Noelle Stevenson saw the positive results of her pregnancy test, she didn't know what to do. The baby's father was gone, killed serving his country in Iraq. And nineteen-year-old Noelle was barely making ends meet putting herself through college and working part-time. So when her take-charge boss, Devlin Hunter, offered to marry her - in a purely temporary business arrangement - how could she possibly refuse? The Player by Rhonda Nelson ![]() There's nothing like a man in uniform...or out of it! Especially when he's as hot as former Ranger Jamie Flanagan. After their last assignment went horribly wrong, he and his buddies needed to get out of the military for good. There was only one catch - that he and his pals promise their commanding officer one favor. Any favor. Mr. and Mistress by Heidi Betts ![]() She was his kept woman...a secret lover living in Las Vegas luxury. It had been an ideal situation. Until Misty Vale discovered she was carrying Cullen Elliott's child. Loner's Lady by Lynna Banning ![]() When a stranger turned up at her farm, in need of a place to rest, Ellen O'Brian didn't have the heart to turn him away. He looked darkly dangerous, but she could handle herself; she had learned hard and fast when her husband upped and left.Way fucking awesome cover me think... but I always go eek when I see husband or wife in the blurb and it isn't referring to the h/h. I have to admit, I peeked. Not sure if I will get this. I did lookie and the few pages I read seem to point in the buy me direction. But Banning has always been hit and miss with me. Well and that whole, no no no buying books thing. Reviews must be done! The Ranger by Carol Finch Lucky for me this was already sold out when I was walmart today. Otherwise I would have screwed my budget and no book buying in may and june by getting it. I have all her books. It is my OCD in action because I think I have read one maybe two. Go figure. ![]() Caught in the crossfire...between a mysterious Apache, who claims he's a Texas Ranger, and some very angry desperados, she doesn't know who to trust. The last thing Shiloh Drummond wants is a man in her life, although right now this ranger is all she has! Too Hot To Handle and Sweet, Wild, Wild Wind by Elizabeth Lowell ![]() Too Hot to Handle Sweet Wind, Wild Wind |
Things that make you go sqqqquuueeee
quack, quack, quack A friend is looking at the IE issue with my blog, cross your fingers she can figure it out! Cuz it is annoying the hell out of me. And it would SO be a bonus if she could figure out why the smart quote thing happened. ![]() |
![]() still quacking Since that is the cost of a book or five... those of you that have it, is it worth it? I don't 'do' anything with mine yet. Other than clicky that I have it so it shows up on the sidebar. I see tags, I could do like due dates for reviews and such I think, which would rawk. What else do you do with it? |
Mine, Mine, Mine: Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
![]() ![]() ![]() And now this is mine, mine, mine! ssssssqqqeeeeeee Just thought I would share :) Looks like she is going to join the ever growing paranormal market with her next book. The blurb on her website sez: A paranormal set in the not so distant future about a woman born into a race without emotions and her encounter with a group of sensual, passionate changelings.) And she has the back cover copy From her blog: In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of "rehabilitation" - the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was....Book comes out in |
For the Quinn readers take III
![]() And personally I find that exciting. I love, love, love books and don't see them ever going away. I don't want them too (sorry jane *g*). But 'E' is the future for many and it is exciting to see a big publisher come to the party. Even if they are fashionable late, they are ahead of some NY publishers. The topic had some great comments from you guys as well as some unanswered questions that seemed to be best answered by Julia Quinn. And hey, she did. It turns out to be a good thing because the page I linked to has some incorrect info. JuliaQ gives us some info on why she took on this project, the price and the chance these books will see print. The biggest question seems to be, why write them? I would like to let you know that this is in no way a marketing ploy. To be completely frank, the 2nd Epilogues aren't going to increase sales of the series. I mean really--do you think anyone would buy them who hasn't already read the original books? And anyone who liked the original books well enough to buy the 2nd Epis probably was going to buy ON THE WAY TO THE WEDDING, anyway. About the price... The price is correct (although you can buy both 2nd Epis for $3.49) but they listed the page count as 0 (it's probably around 35--I don't have my proofs in front of me), and they have the incorrect blurb. I have the correct blurbs up on my website, if you're interested. So we end up with 8 total books, at about 35 pages each, for $1.99. That takes us to a total that mirrors a trade size novel at only 230 pages. Is that a good deal? Honestly for the general reader looking to buy a ebook, probably not. For the general reader looking to try a romance novel? The price tag really isn't that bad. For the fan who is dedicated to the series and/or author, the price is high when you add them all together. JQ also noted: In addition to the pricing you have down, you can also buy any three backlist titles for $16.95 and get both 2nd Epilogues for free, or you can buy the whole Bridgerton series for $34.95 and get both 2nd Epilogues for free. And you can't fault that since if anything, romance needs more historical readers! And HEA *eg*. As far as these ebooks going to print, JulieQ had an interesting tale to tell. It's hard to say. My original idea was to have these come out together in one (printed) volume. I wouldn't be surprised if this happens eventually. I have to agree the speed of the process is a great plus. And the shorts are a fun way to reconnect with character you love and a nice bonus while waiting for the next book by your favorite author to print. So it would be nice to see more authors do this. I wonder what reader reaction would have been if they had come out as a collection of eight in a print book. I think it comes down to choices. And sadly with more and more trade size books hitting the shelves, there will be more choices readers will have to make as far as where to spend our book dollars. Since I don't think too many of you went to work yesterday and didn't get paid, I don't think we can expect for writers to put out stories for free. If they do, great, wonderful, exciting, lets read... but we can't get into the habit of expecting it, can we? Or should we? PBW blogs about Story-to-Blog and in part III one of the first thing she says is look for someone to BUY your article/short story. And I have to agree that makes sense. Of course she does end it with if nothing else put it up on your site because readers love free stories *g*. Of course I do think the price should reflect the page count better than it does. But Julia Quinn does say this is Avon's first leap into orgininal epublishing. So maybe they are just shooting too high. The up side is as more and more publishers dip their toes into the eworld hopefully the books will get longer with a price to match the page count. Until then I still think it is pretty nifty and hope to see more publisher embrace ebooks. Of course I hope the western comes back. So what the hell do I know. 'E' Summaries The Viscount Who Loved Me Watch your toes, it's the Pall Mall Rematch! It's In His Kiss What happened to the diamonds???? General Bridgerton Info |
Devon's Ebuzz: Lessons and Lovers by Portia da Costa
![]() ![]() click click click for summary Aristocratic English widow Lady Henrietta Miller is confused. A perfectly civilized arrangement has become a minefield of turbulent emotions. ![]() Devon's Buzz This book is about an aristocratic English widow named Henrietta, and her relationship with her late husband's faithful manservant, Starr. While her much older (but beloved) husband was dying, he encouraged Hettie to begin a sexual relationship with Starr, who's up for it, being a loyal servant. Of course, he's secretly madly in love with Hettie, and Hettie's growing to have feelings for him. Now her husband has passed away, but Starr refuses to take it any further because of the whole master-servant thing. Which is actually sort of nonsense, because this book was a contemporary, not a historical. Things are brought to a head when Hettie's Italian aristocratic friend sends some amnesiac hot Italian dude to stay with her. I liked this book with a lot of reservations. Starr was totally hot, with his secret seething love for Hettie. And the sex scenes were sexy and I believed their feelings for each other. [Tangent-- I find the devices that Romantica authors use to speed the relationship along (and pave the way for early and often sex scenes) fascinating: soulmates, former lovers, longtime friends, employer/employee...] However, I found the whole reliance on the class differences, master/servant thing to be a bit weird and anachronistic. Then again, as a American, perhaps I don't understand the role of the aristocracy in contemporary Europe. And Hettie was a supersexed widow. She was turned on by everything! Had me rolling my eyes in some scenes. Eh, it was okay, I've read worse. excerpt bes here and you can buy the book here... Thanks for the buzz, Devon! |
Julia Quinn Recommends
![]() expand But Julia Quinn has a great site! Mucho info, easy to get around and Julia Quinn Recommends, even better she has an archive of rec's! It makes my lil reader heart do a happy dance. She also has a page for website rec's. Very cool, I will have to go through them later because I am odd like that. |
The Immortals Series (Dorchester)
At dorchester's forum, Leah with Dorchester, tells us about their new series The Immortals. These will be coming to a book store near us starting May 2007. Oddly enough Sylvia Day also has a book coming out in May 2007 from Avon Red called, you guessed it... My Immortal. Maybe when she gets back she can tell us some more about it. ***ETS: when I asked Sylvia Day about My Immortal she said it was about ...dreams, nightmares and aliens. (hot, The Immortals (Dorchester series) This is the brain child of Jennifer Ashley and she gives a heads up in a few posts. a lil background: For a long time I kicked around the idea of a group of Immortal warriors who lived outside time and helped people against the forces of darkness. I thought of several different ways I could do it, but basically throughout time people have been able to call these warriors, one or all, in times of great trouble. And the order is: THE CALLING, by Jennifer Ashley (5/2007) THE DARKENING, by Robin Popp (6/2007) THE AWAKENING, by Joy Nash (8/2007) THE GATHERING by Jennifer Ashley (9/2007) and she goes on to say: The books will follow the four Immortals and their quest to find an Immortal gone rogue before he drains life from the world. Joy Nash also gives some more info on her blog. Sounds nifty... |
A Tall Dark Cowboy by Mackenzie McKade
![]() The excerpt got me. Hope it is good. Hell I hope I find time to read it this year ;). summary Just looking for a good time... more rambling Sadly this is the only western I saw on her site. But there is a vamp book coming out April 11, 2006 fromSix Feet Under from ![]() Buried six feet under the ground in an ancient cemetery in New Orleans was not Charlene Madison's idea of a night on the town. Neither was meeting the devil himself when he rescues her claiming she is his life-mate. But Charlene has a killer to find. That's what she does as a Private Investigator. And she has no time for a love-struck vampire. |
EBUZZ: New Concepts Publishing?!?
New Concepts Publishing looking at their site, I think I wanna win the ebookwise other than that I know nothing... so... what do you guys think? Good? Bad? Easy to order from? Not worth the time? The best thing since sliced bread? |
Karen Ranney
![]() Looks nifty! And the new cover is up, it is blury. I will look for a different one later. I noticed that on IE the cover looked fine. Go figure... some more info on what the book is about |
EBUZZ: The Wild Rose Press
Looks to be a new epublisher in town. The Wild Rose Press Who They Are Wild Rose Press is a new and exciting small electronic and print publisher of romance. Our titles span the sub-genre spectrum from sweet to sensually erotic and are available in all lengths, including short story, category, and single title. About Us Page Wanna Publish with Them? Submission Guidelines A couple of things to note and a few questions from moi. Please do not send any manuscript that is currently under review with another publisher. Is this a general epub thing? Or even general publisher thing? The only place I recall seeing it noted (which remember I have no memory!) is Red Sage for their Secrets line. Under the heading of Please note the elements that we do not accept within any of our lines... they have a few things noted but I was wondering about: * No depraved or illegal acts I get the illegal part but what is depraved? Isn't that sort of general and subjective? Or am I just depraved to think that? Is there a list of depraved acts not to do somewhere? * No bestiality Party poopers... LOL kidding ;) but does this include no werewolves? * No degradation of women (rape) interesting... I personally don't like rape in my romance. Call me crazy, wonder if that means forced seduction as well * No sadism or masochism oooooooohhhhhhh HAWT market to leave out * No bondage (light is okay within the appropriate lines) HAWTER market to leave out * No pedophilia (no sex involving underage characters) Hey they have been reading fanfic! * No homosexuality (our romances celebrate heterosexual monogamous relationships) This is a genre I don't read. Personally I just don't find it all that hot but having been involved in fanfic for longer than I should admit to - slash is So Hot! with tons of people. I would think this is a general 'thanks but no, thanks' for most romance publisher. But seeing it in print is sort of, hmmm. On one hand, how totally fucking cool it is big enough to feel the need to include it in the don'ts. On the other... I don't know. How do you feel about it? I did drop them a line to see if they wanted to do a epublisher interview and included this link so maybe they will come talk to us about it. Or not... seems like they are wanting to be the opposite of EC. Just the Facts! Their current list of authors. The Line Guides are found on the above link for submission, the one for the erotic line Scarlet Rose made me giggle. Tastefully written, again, seems too subjective to nail down. But that is prolly just me. And the staff can be found under the About Us link. So what do you think? Wanna read? Wanna publish for them? Do you see them offering something new and exciting you can't find right now? Or is there always room for new epublishers? |
EBUZZ: Cobblestone Press
Another soon to be available epublisher is Cobblestone Press. And when I say new, I mean new, they open their virtual doors in five days!We are an electronic publisher of sensual and erotic romance seeking creative storytelling and original style. Because we at Cobblestone Press are selective about what we accept, we are looking for authors to set the standard of writing for this new press; authors that show extraordinary ability to weave tales of romance through strong, unforgettable characters, plots that twist and turn with layers of conflict and emotion, and a style that sets them apart from other writers in the market. Their books will only be available in ebook. Right now there are no plans to have any print books. But at the heart of it, Cobblestone looks to be a Romance Publisher, first and foremost. They have hawt lines, they have paranormal but they are looking to give readers their HEA. I haven't read any of their books yet, so I can't say if they meet that mark, but looks like they at least have the aim in mind. Coming Soon! Coming Soon to a Computer Near You Their books fit into: Trysts:10,000-20,000 - Novella:20,001-40,000 - Novel:40,001-65,000 - Full Novel: 65,001-100,000. With a rating guide of: * Wild: Fully realized sexual relationships with no explicit language (mainstream romance) * Wanton: Fully realized sexual relationships with explicit language * Wicked: Fully realized sexual relationships with explicit language and themes that some readers might find disturbing or objectionable (violence, multiple partners, & BDSM). And their genres are: Action Adventure, African American, Contemporary, Chick Lit**, Fantasy, Futuristic / Science Fiction, Gay & Lesbian (Yaoi/Shonen), Historical, Interracial/Multicultural, Paranormal (Werewolf, Vampire, Ghosts, Magic, etc), Time Travel, and Thriller/Suspense. What do you think of the covers? I see a few really good ones but for the most part I am eh on them. Who is Cobblestone? Wanna Write with Cobblestone? As I mentioned before they are: accepting manuscripts from 10-100k in the following genres: Action Adventure, African American, Contemporary, Chick Lit**, Fantasy, Futuristic / Science Fiction, Gay & Lesbian (Yaoi/Shonen), Historical, Interracial/Multicultural, Paranormal (Werewolf, Vampire, Ghosts, Magic, etc), Time Travel, and Thriller/Suspense. Their no-no's are: purple prose, closed door sexual relationships between the main characters, pedophilia, incest, bodily functions, snuff, bestiality (aliens and shape shifters okay), and necrophilia. If you aren't sure, just ask!hee I am surprised there isn't (vampires okay) after necrophilia *g*. Please excuse cindys and me while we dance around in joy due to the no closed door rule. In addition to the above they have three lines they are looking to fill: Brazen Submissions Word Count: 20k-40k Outlaw! Submissions Word Count: 20k-40k Shifter Submissions Word Count: 10k-100k All in all they sound like a great addition to romanceland, ebook style. There is a n interview with Deanna Lee over at Fallen Angels. Anyone had a chance to read any cobble books yet? |
oh no you didn't
Fi's EBUZZ: Voyeur by Shiloh Walker
![]() Title: Voyeur Author: Shiloh Walker Year published: 2003 Why did you get this book?: I picked up this book because it was recommended by Valeen at Turn Another Page. This was also my first purchase from Ellora's Cave. Do you like the cover?: Not really. The girl in the middle looks hot/satisfied, but the hair on all three... yuck. Did you enjoy the book?: Yes I did. I am new to erotica and still tend to blush as I read it, but it was good. Was the author new to you and would you read something by this author again? Yes, I had heard of Shiloh Walker before but had never read her. Yes, I would buy/read her again, as a matter of fact; I have already bought Declan and Tori from The Hunter Series. Are you keeping it or passing it on? Well, it's an eBook, so I'm not supposed to pass it on, right? I am going to recommend people to buy it. summary here Kye wanted to give Ashlyn a fantasy. And did he ever give her one. One night, Kye and his best friend Connor took Ashlyn to bed, and gave her a night she would never forget. ![]() The book opens with a really hot scene between Kye and Ashlyn which establishes how solid their relationship is and how they feel about each other. There is much love emanating from this pair. Also, Kye, in thoughts to himself, shares why he would like to have a threesome with his wife. At this point, I wasn't yet convinced, but the way Connor was introduced to Ashlyn had me leaning forward going, "Yeah, do it, kiss him!" The evening with Kye and Connor is too intense for words. However, it is very exhausting to read... and long. I was so tired two-thirds of the way through even I wanted it to end. At this point I didn't know where the story was going to go. I didn't even really know where the story was. So far it had just been sex, after sex, after sex, but Walker pulled it off. Kye is killed when he is struck by a car as a pedestrian and Ashlyn is devastated. Walker did a good job of channeling the intense feelings from the sex to the intense emotions of Ashlyn's grief. My god, even I cried as she wept uncontrollably for the loss of her husband. And reenters Connor. How on earth was she going to make this happen without him coming off as sleazy? Connor is such a character. First he agrees to have sex with his best friend's wife and then he falls in love with her! Knowing how hostile the situation is, Connor removes himself but ultimately is reunited with Ashlyn after Kye's death. Being a great guy, Connor continues to love Ashlyn from afar as she grieves for Kye; no pushing her, no moving too fast, just friends, a shoulder to cry on. How will these two ever get together? Will Ashlyn ever be over Kye enough to accept Connor? What made this book was the love story between Kye and Ashlyn. Walker did a great job of showing how much Kye and Ashlyn cared for each other. The intense love made the grief feel all that more real. It was short, but painful and angst ridden and completely wonderful. The one thing I don't like is that Kye's death is given away in the book blurb. Many other things could have been said, keeping that point a secret for the reader. Grade: A Reading next: Declan and Tori: First in The Hunters Series by Shiloh Walker You can find Fi at Fiona's Farrage, an excerpt of the book is here and you can purchase here. Happy reading! |
Sasha's Ebuzz: Toymaker by Aubrey Ross
![]() Well not all but enough to give us a taste, or is it a tease.... click me baby, summary be here Desperate for freedom, royal concubine, Bryce, agrees to pose as a test subject for the infamous Toymaker. She will participate in his sexual study, earn his trust -- then bring him to her master, but first she must get the job. ![]() I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this story. Part of me thought the idea could be a lot of fun, another part of me thought if not careful, it could turn into a real cheesy cock-up. However, Aubrey Ross pulled it off with style. I really enjoyed THE TOYMAKER and read it in one sitting. The plot is developed, the sex is hot and the story original. A wonderful read that I recommend for all who like their romances erotic! Read the excerpt here and buy the book here.... Thanks for the rec Sasha! |
blog search
ETS: I really like the new google search box! Highly recommend it! LOL at least so far;) Right now I have a free find box to search my blog, but I am not very happy with it. Has anyone used the google one? |
You should be able to...
click on the cover's and be taken to the amazon page for the book... it took me forever to figure that out (yes it was easy, I am blogger stoopid) If it doesn't work, let me know :) |
INFO: Enslave Me Sweetly by Gena Showalter
![]() New and Upcoming Gena Showalter books |
Devon's EBUZZ: Tales of the Shareem: Rio by Allyson James
![]() You can find Allyson James (aka jennifer ashley) website here and her blog here click for summary Rio. A Level Three Shareem complete with black leather, handcuffs and a whip. ![]() Devon's ebuzz Not bad, a fun read. This is one of those total female fantasies that I find really fun about Romantica. The series takes place in a Sci-Fi, futuristic world where scientists have genetically engineered a breed of super-hot males who exist merely to pleasure women. Yup. But the lab's been shut down, and the species (the Shareem) have been outlawed and sent underground. There are different types of Shareem, with different specialties. This installment focuses on Rio, who is a Level 3--a Dominant, who's great with the cuffs and a whip. (Remember though, that he is meant to be used by women, so its only ever an illusion of dominance.) Rio finds and saves Nella, and brings her back to the compound where he lives with his maker and some friends. Let the sex begin! There's somewhat of a plot, but really this is about learning about the Shareem, hot sex between Nella and Rio, and if they will find a happily ever after. Can Nella love Rio, or will she only see him as a sex object? Like I said, this was a fun way to spend a couple of hours. I didn't exactly buy the love story, it was of the insta-lust variety, but the sex scenes were good. The sex was very explicit, and featured a variety of activities (big variety), including some BDSM, but I would characterize it as light (but be aware). The book overall had a playful, light tone, and an...interesting setting. I'd check out another one of these. Excerpt HERE and you can purchase here... Thanks Devon!!! |
EBUZZ: reviews
Since I am frantically trying to finish AAR reviews, read for judging Texas and Aspen Gold, put finishing touches on guest author/line day/weeks and update my blog. I am going to have a few Ebuzz reviews by a few guest readers and writers. As always feel free to weigh in and agree or disagree... ::idea shameless stolen from the ever smart Dear Author |
EBUZZ: The Prize by Beth Williamson
![]() I just noticed as I was pulling the stats to turn in the review for The Bounty. ![]() clicky click for summary Jack Malloy is haunted. Can't wait! |
EBUZZ: For the writers out there
Looking at Alyssa.... Satisfy Our Naughtier Side Writing Contest Give us your kick-ass heroines, your drool-worthy heroes, and your well-crafted stories that keep us coming back for more. full page Good Luck! |
TBR Challenge MAY Military/Police themed book
![]() As you can see here I am not signed up this month for Angie's TBR challenge but seeing how I accidentally did it I am crashing the party. Yeah yeah yeah I will post the historical one soon. Military/Police themed book in honor of Memorial Day OR an ebook/book in print that was first an ebook. Since doing an ebook seems like cheating... Title: Tell It to the Marines Author: Amy J. Fetzer Year published: 2004 Why did you get this book? I have been wanting to try her and since I am waiting for her last book to be mailed I picked this up at a library sale. Do you like the cover? Okay, so could have been Marine Bad Boys *g* Did you enjoy the book? yes but I will prolly not keep it Was the author new to you and would you read something by this author again? Yes and Yes Are you keeping it or passing it on? passing on Anything else? Ooh-rah! It was a fun book, one of her first I think with Brava. And a nice set up for wanting to read a full story. It is really in the vain of a Bad Boy book, three short stories. Very character driven and these are somewhat RSy. Nothing GREAT but fun and entertaining. |