Because I would be major depressed right now. Or more depressed? whatever... Cuz tomorrow in Dallas there are all sorts of nifty people signing books at the DARA, Dreamin' in Dallas booksigning... click the saint for the list and rambling... Sandy Blair, Shana Galen, Shelley Bradley, Victoria Chancellor, Beth Cornelison Dixie Cash, Jacquie D'Alessandro, Robyn DeHart, Pepper Durcholz, Sharon Ervin, Alberta Gentry, Elisabeth Fairchild, Jane Sullivan, Winnie Griggs, Candace Havens, Lorraine Heath, Elle James, Karen Kelley, Mary Kennedy, Celya Bowers, Kara Lennox, Delilah Devlin, Sally Painter, Cherlotte Boyett-Compo, Dixie Cash (is she listed twice cuz she is two people?), T.O. McFarland, Emily McKay, Linda Lael Miller, C Rowe-Myers, Kim Robinson, Jane Archer, Catherine Sellers, Gail Dayton, Gena Showalter, Mona D. Sizer, Caroline Clemmons, Vickie Taylor, Kei Swanson, Shanna Swendson, Jessica Trapp, Lori Wilde, Karen Whiddon, Carolyn Williamson But am I going? nope... I did play with the idea since I have a place to stay and could drive but really I hate going anywhere when I can't spend money without stressing over it. And really there would be far too many books to buy! So myself is staying home, safly five or six hours away from the tempation to buy books. But you other texas people (LOL are there even any other texas people here beside me), hey I have like a texas theme going on today, go and tell me all about it! [side note to jul: I am sure you never visit here but if you do remember I am broke and couldn't come now if I wanted too but I still loveseses you tons and know it is my turn and I owe you like two visits aka don't call and yell at me. Although really, with where you work, you should so have known about this and offered to go for me.] |
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It really is a good thing I am not much on book signings...
Because one can never have too many Devil in Winter posts
![]() 8 DEVIL IN WINTER, by Lisa Kleypas. (Avon, $7.50.) To escape her unscrupulous relatives, Evie Jenner proposes marriage to a notorious libertine. Have I said lately how much I loved this book? No? ohhh I must do that... sound like way more fun than cover letters. Have I said how much I HATE doing cover letters? And my resume, not on the disk I thought. sucks But I did find a copy of the one before on a disk and a hard copy so it was easy enough to update. With that I leave you with one of my fave scenes in DiW... takes place right after they tie the knot in GG. ![]() le sigh... August 1.... Scandal in Spring not sure if I want this to come out or not... I mean who knows when we will get the next Kleypas historical. So I shall not start counting down yet ;) |
A Woman Scorned or things that make me seriously wonder about publishers
![]() Barnes and Noble shows the release date for the reissue as March 2006. Of course there is no mention that it is a reissue. Amazon has the reissue cover up but no note that a reissue is coming out. And STILL only shows the used copies - starting at $19.99 for an ACCEPTABLE copy. BAM shows it as a release date of March 2006 with the note: Special Order: Usually ships within 3-5 weeks. We cannot guarantee availability of special order titles because publishers may run out of stock. We will notify you in 3-4 weeks if we are unable to get this title for you. click the saint... Liz Carlyle's site doesn't even have the info up but she has been great about sending out updates with her yahoo group. (A must join for LC fans... not a 'group' just newletter and updates from the author) And it seems like what was to be a reissue, is still being reissued but as a special order. WHY?!? As someone who read a random Carlyle book, when I first started reading romance, and didn't like it much. I passed on reading more until a 3.99 reissue of A Woman of Virtue caught my eye. In fact I even passed up buying A Woman Scorned in a used book store once. Yep, the things you kick yourself for later. ![]() Beauty Like the Night and A Woman of Virtue have been reissued for $3.99. And from that I thought all her out of print books were set for reissue, then A Woman Scorned was up in the air and then confirmed as a 'special' order. I get it if they don't want to release it at a discount. Fine. But for a book that is out of print and reselling at a stupid rate (which the publisher and author see nothing from) why not release it like a normal reissue? It looks like this is the last book of her still OOP. Not counting that you can go to amazon right now and download the ebook. So what am I missing? Why wouldn't the publisher want a wider reissue of a book selling for $23 - $31 used? Oh and if you want this, I strongly suggest ordering it now (if you have B&N do it, you don't have to pay shipping where as if you do it online you do... or you need to spend $25 :)) or making it an amazon alert. And join Liz Carlyle's yahoo group. Her last update made a mention of it showing up in stores in June. So I am not sure if that means special order now and get now, or in June you can just buy it. Or not... really does make you wonder why publishers are looking around questioning why book sells are down. Book buying shouldn't be so much trouble. |
Texas Gold Romance Award Contest
I have made it a point to try and read more texan authors, mainly it has to do with my ever on going quest to find 'new to me' westerns. Historical or contemp... if it is a western setting I am so there. The link will give you the past winners, some of who I have read and some I have added to the tbr list. Feel free to rec away if you see something you like or don't. I am always looking for books to add to 'the list'. expand If you happen to be a Texan Author and haven't yet, remember all entries for the Texas Gold must be entered by April 15. [LOL your taxes and texas gold don't forget ;).] This means you!!! Well if you are... A. an author who is a primary residence in Romance Writers of America's Region 5 area (Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arizona) at the time of submission] B. an author who has written a novel that is set predominantly (minimum 75%) in Texas. C. and the original copyright between January 2005-December 2005 Get 4 copies of your book together and enter because I want to read your book! Yes it all comes back to me *eg*. The categories are: Contemporary (category/series 40,000+ words) Mainstream/Single Title (any time period) Historical/Regency - (Personal fave here.... please make note and write more... and if your name is Lorraine Heath, this goes double for you... Rawley wants a book! Oh and kristie wants to talk to you.) Paranormal/Time Travel/Futuristic - another personal fave if anyone is taking notes Inspirational - no comment Novella (20,000-40,000 words - "a novella must be a short story published in an anthology.") all rules and info for entering contest can be found here... as well as past winners If you are interested in judging, 2006 Texas Gold will be judge by readers and booksellers, that would be you ;). Email Jackie Stephens @ Go forth and write more westerns!!! Or better yet send me your books! (yes this means you beth ;) ) |
The Internet Book Database of Fiction
This is interesting. Haven't played around with it much but looks like romance is there. nothing behind the cut... |
Rita me this
I don't get it. How are these books put into catergories? Info from RWA site... click the saint 2006 RITA for Best Long Historical Romance Finalists A Most Unsuitable Man by Jo Beverley (never read her) This Rake of Mine by Elizabeth Boyle (have but way didn't like this book, hoping reading the first one would improve it, haven't done that yet) The Devil to Pay by Liz Carlyle (sssssssssqqqqqqqqeeeeeeee) The Dark Queen by Susan Carroll (never read her) Mr. Impossible by Loretta Chase (have tbr) Sin and Sensibility by Suzanne Enoch (only read one book by her and it was boring as hell haven't tried again) The Perfect Rake by Anne Gracie (oh liked... good book) To Pleasure a Prince by Sabrina Jeffries (sssssqqqqqqqqeeeeeeeeeee... LOVE this book, one of my faves of the series and has two of my favorite secondary characters) here is where I go wtf? 2006 RITA for Best Short Historical Romance Finalists When We Meet Again by Victoria Alexander (never read her - but how is this SHORT?) The King's Mistress by Terri Brisbin (good book) Abbie's Outlaw by Victoria Bylin (sqqqqqqeeeeeeeee western! And a good book) It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas (::taps foot:: VERY good book but what the fuck? How is this a short historical?) Highlander in Love by Julia London (didn't read - but short?) To Love a Thief by Julie Ann Long (tbr - again short?) The Texan's Reward by Jodi Thomas (ssqqqqqqqqqqeeeeeeeee another western - uh but don't read her) His Secondhand Wife by Cheryl St.John (do I even need to sqqqeeee again here?) Lets break it down: It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas - nom for SHORT Paperback: 400 pages Publisher: Avon (October 1, 2005) Language: English ISBN: 0060562498 Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 4.2 x 1.1 inches Shipping Weight: 6.9 ounces. (View shipping rates and policies) When We Meet Again by Victoria Alexander - nom for SHORT Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Avon (June 1, 2005) Language: English ISBN: 0060593199 Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 4.2 x 1.0 inches Shipping Weight: 6.7 ounces. (View shipping rates and policies) Mr. Impossible by Loretta Chase - nom for LONG Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Berkley (March 1, 2005) Language: English ISBN: 0425201503 Product Dimensions: 6.6 x 4.3 x 0.9 inches Shipping Weight: 5.3 ounces. (View shipping rates and policies) What the fuck? Mr. Impossible is the shortest of the three but nominated in the long catergory. What am I missing? And really His Secondhand Wife, Abby's Outlaw and The King's Mistress are all three excellent books and show that HH has some great talent in their ranks. They deserve to be judged against other books like them, shorter stories that are told well are hard to do. It doesn't seem right to judge them against a 400 page Lisa Klepyas novel. |
I think I shall pass on this one...
LITERACY AND LONGING IN L.A. by Jennifer Kaufman and Karen Mack nothing behind the cut |
I win!
![]() ![]() Before the great crash of 2006, yes I am still whining, something really nifty happened. I won a contest! Really... Beth Williamson aka author who really needs to send me an advanced copy of The Bounty had a contest at her blog and gave away a copy of The Petshani by Sasha White. Sound good, the link will give you an excerpt as well as order info. hee this is my second win in two years... I am on a roll now ;). |
Wolf at the Door??? Anyone read yet?
![]() Is that just me? Wolf at the Door Keeps catching my eye. I think it is the title and cover. I am such a whore for a good wolf story lately. There is an excerpt up at St. Martin's site. Which I have been good and not read. Amazon's 4 for 3 is still going on, of course I still have no money but whatever. From the Back Cover: Christine Warren’s spellbinding new series takes you into the enthralling world of The Others—mystical creatures who have long kept their true natures hidden from human eyes. Now, these werekin, shapeshifters, vampires, and witches must choose between revealing their powers or fighting a sinister sect hell-bent on their destruction… |
I don't get them. Really they make no sense to me. Have you joined any? If so why? Is it just because the icon is purdy? Is it just to amuse you? It seems the same as sticking a bookcover on the sidebar and saying - I like. Which oddly, I get that :). I understand why an author would sqqqeee over getting one but as readers does this do anything for you? New Fanlist created for Bad Boys Ahoy! in case you have no clue what they are. Or you can see what wiki thinks they are I do wonder if they are right... I find it hard to believe the first fanlist was made in 2000. I am pretty sure philes had them before 2000 and can't believe trekkies didn't have one before 2000. |
Share the Darkness by Jill Monroe
![]() It was while the computer was down. And since I only have around 700 books tbr, I needed it. Uh and one other. Hee it will be my reward once my reviews are retyped and sent and my resume retyped and sent. Share the Darkness by Jill Monroe summary from Harlequin: Hannah Garrett has always felt safe in the dark. It meant she never had to show people the truth. On the run from a man who wants to kill her, Hannah's learned to keep to herself and not get attached.... OK I read the excerpt I couldn't help it. I already did that with a Desire I now want. [can't find it] Not having money sucks. I can't decide if I want to update my want list or if that will just depress me. oh look more whining... |
Who needs enemies...
meanies.... |
Contests and such... this one over
I like contests. Sad since I hardly ever win (I saw hardly because BC [before crash]I won one) but I enjoy the creativity that goes into them. Or can go into them... yes I am odd Alison Kent put this one up recently and I thought it looked fun. Have you seen any interesting contests lately? Any you thought were bad? |
What to do, what to do...
Road Runner is saying I have no Ethernet card when I tried to load the disk. Now I do have one. And well I am posting... so I am connected to the internet. WITH ROAD RUNNER. bah So I can say screw it and not load the cd, which I am not sure why I need to anyway. But thinking about it, I need to call the road runner people anyway because of my outlook. If you have anything other than my gmail addy, I can't check it so don't use it. I really should call and figure out how to reload my silly addies. And I still can't figure out why I have not USB ports. The computer guy says they are there. They look like they are there. But uh, computer sez no. And I tried to load some driver, which said can't load until you load whatever, and then whatever said can't load until you load whateverelse. So fucking annoying. Mainly I am afraid of calling RR and doing whatever they say to do, then having the internet stop working. That would not be a good thing. |
The Passionate Plume Contest
Don't forget if you are judging the The Passionate Plume Contest , first round is due April 1st! I was sooooooooooo happy I had my books read when my computer crashed last week. Good luck to everyone who entered! |
Do authors really pay for reviews?
Am I reading this wrong? And it looks like they take random submitted reviews. So you are author X, you pay for a review, reviewer Z hated/loved your book and submits it just cuz, the author so didn't get the service they paid for. Did they? And how do you trust a review that an author could have paid for? Of course I have never really heard of this site, which means nothing. I haven't heard of many sites ;). |
Title change?
Did If You Sin change to Angel in a Red Dress? If so.... good choice cuz If You Sin was a blah title. LOL sez I ;). I feel soooooooo out of the loop but all my wash is done, I have seen my mom and lil sis more in the past week than past month, have three reviews done that need to be typed, three other books read and my apt is clean. Life sans computer suxs. |
Update on teh dead
Well turns out SCSI? card and CDROM had bit the dust. So there is another in there now and we now can read the CDROM. score... What should have cost about 45 bucks cost less than 3. But of course turns out the XP disk I have is not an upgrade but the install. Sooo... I either need to get my hands on a 2000 copy, which is hard since everyone in their dog is on XP. Ten to one I say fuck it and just do the install and fuck whatever was on the computer. in other news... I get home today and my phone doesn't work. Really! There is nothing but a busy signal. Call TW, they work a trouble, send someone out, all day ticket. He gets there, we unplug the modem - nothing. Unplug the phones - nothing. Plug one back but not the bedroom phone and poof. So I am thinking crap, so much for the four month old 50 phone in my room. Unplug it and he leaves. I plug it in the livingroom to clear the CID. And uh yeah, it works. So TW comes back on on Friday to look at the wiring. This is getting way annoying. |
Not dead, but computer is... again
Sorry, my computer crashed on the heals of a week long migraine I shut the computer down and it went on strike. And then the next day, mom's computer did. What are the odds? Really... bah but hey I got mom's computer up and running. And shall take mine in tomorrow and have it looked at. Cross your fingers. Error is: *** Stop: 0x0000001E (0x0000005, 0x804F3AC7, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) KMODE_Exception_Not_Handled *** Address 804F3AC7 bas at 80400000 DateStamp 4344ec59 - ntoskrn1.exe if you have any suggest shout ;) |
Can someone remind me...
Why it is a bad idea that RWA define what romance is and in turn what 'morals' are right or wrong? I seem to think it had to do with no one person could be expected to have the right to decide what romance was to everyone. And that each person had the right to decide how to live or what they believed in. Morals are subjective, what one person thinks is right another might think is wrong. Weren't we (authors, readers and such) upset they (RWA, TTQ and whoever) felt they had the right to be judge and jury over romance, romantica, erotica romance and/erotica? Didn't we think they were being judgmental? And they should be more open minded and allow each person to decide for themself what was good or bad? Or did I misunderstand? |
Steam 101: A Guide to Writing Romance
aka blog post I want to remember to read and hey maybe you wanan read it too ;) Steam 101: A Guide to Writing Romance Still no cut... really leaving now... |
ceude mile fàilte
![]() ![]() Recap coming soon behind the cut but for now...nothing behind the cut And I promise not to do it again maili ;)! |
It is Romance Book Week because Cindy sez so...
Go forth and answer her questions be back laters... hopefully no cut.. |
28 and counting
![]() # 28 on the New York Times BEST SELLER Expanded paper back list!!!!!!!!! # 39 on USA Today List!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to JR Ward and Rhage. Thanks for coming by and seeing us, see you again in Sept ;). |
As Time Goes By....
I have some stuff I need to do so must unplug from blogland and/or chat. If you see me here or there, slap my hand or something. But first I MUST say Thanks to THE maili for updates she did on my blog yesterday. A few you can see, the Author Interview section to the left and she finally put her credit where any visitor can see she designed the blog. I can't begin to count the number of people who have told me they like the blog design, ask how I did it or who I hired. I get confused saying HTML but maili put more work into it than I can even say. And now she will be reworking it to give me the three columns I want. Mostly cuz she is tired of me whining about it ;). But also she is an amazing friend and an awesome person. So thank you hon. There should be more than enough posts here to keep you amused. Pamela Clare has some great excerpts up. Go check out Sylvia Day and Jenna Petersen books and post, give me book names people! Make my upcoming Spies Like Us post easier to do. Click the saint for some link!slutting XxXxXxXx Alison Kent's day at All-A-Blog, Promo Whoredom XxXxXxXx Go vote - 2 round of Favorite Authors Poll And if you haven't gone and looked yet, AAR has opened Shop AAR I need a Secret Language tee, AAR Lavender Reading Journal, and the SL mouse pad. And the Tote Bags are too cute. Yes focus... first need the job thing. XxXxXxXx Avid Reader has a great post Books and Depression & Marketing XxXxXxXx The ever wonderful maili has some great posts: OOP books Mid-listers and Pet Authors I would LOVE to know what does or doesnt make a mid-lister? Will post a list of my own at some point. And love the Pet Authors question. My question would be do you have to like every book to have a Pet Author? I know I don't. I recommend books to people all the time, shocking I know, and say I really enjoy author x. Loved book A, B and D. C wasn't as good because of whatever but many others have enjoyed it for whatever. Sadly book clerks will come get me if they know I am there, if people are asking about romance. Yes I know this screams I need to get a life. So who are your Pet Authors? I am thinking on mine and will be back with a list ;). XxXxXxXx If you haven't yet... go LOOK!!!! XxXxXxXx Pet Peeves are always amusing and this is more of a note to myself and go post later but hey you can if you want as well ;). Of course I disagree with most of them but I often disagree with her that is half the fun *g*. I hope your day is going better D.! XxXxXxXx Another rant from another I adore to agree/disagree with and this goes along with a bitterness blog I have notes to do. Yes I know, notes... to blog... get life. Got it. And yes I need to remember to look up Heath's email. LOL in fact I think I have it cuz is she is the pres of a RWA chapter in Texas. Bbbbbbbwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhh look for that email kristie ;). XxXxXxXx MUST do this cuz tara told me too. And I always do what tara wants. Like send her LF books.... XxXxXxXx BEYOND TEMPTATION is a book I swear I have and have been meaning to look for because SINFUL PLEASURES sounded soooo good when Mary Reed McCall did a guest blog (I am blanking... it is written down. When I post about the book I will put it up. Or maybe I have?) XxXxXxXx must not forget I am the first person to say, reviews are not the end all be all. And you should look at why a reviewer did or did not like something before you buy it or don't. But there are a few people, for each person, that their taste match somewhat and they can trust that persons rec's to be right most of the time. Xina - my reading twin... if she says she liked it 10 to 1 I will. Wendy - my western twin.... if it is western and she says yeah or nay, ten to one I will agree. Kristie - likes her books a lil more out there than me at times but generally if she likes, I will. And out of print older novels, well I have bought a shit load of them. As soon as I read them I will know better ;) But I do give her points for Dreaming of You ;). XxXxXxXx K time is up... Off to write a letter (I have no clue what to say in), make some appointments, update a resume, send off some reviews (if review posts go up, no hand slapping) and read a book or two I have due, like NOW. While hoping my migraine goes away and clear the apt of sharp objects. |
Speaking of Contests...
![]() ![]() These are a few of my favorite things..... Why I don't know, I never win. BUT you can! (well if you are nicole or cw.) In case you missed it, Pamela Clare is having a contest over on Alison Kent's blog. 5 copies of Surrender and 5 copies of Extreme Exposure are the goodies up for grabs. So get thee there! Contest will end on Tuesday, March 21st, noon central time. All you have to do to be eligible is participate in the discussion! nothing behind the cut... |
Heads up! Madeline Hunter info
![]() Go chat and click on "Readers Chatroom" on Wednesday, March 15, at 9 pm est, if I don't make it... someone ask about Rules of Seduction! Please?!?! Hmmm is that rude, to ask about one book when it is to celebrate the publication of another? ![]() Lady of Sin is a great book, so you should go just to ssssqqqeee over it but if that isn't enough of a reason see what the saint has to tempt you with (yes that means click tempt a saint). Prizes!!!!! 2 $25 gift cards for Victoria's Secret 4 $15 gift cards for Borders/Waldens Shalimar perfume 2 boxes of Sarris chocolates Mikasa votive candle holder with Yankee Candle votives Bloomingdale tote bag 10 beaded book "thong" bookmarks, loaded with beads and charms 15 signed books from The Seducer series 5 signed books from my medieval series |
Share The Darkness by Jill Monroe
![]() Share the Darkness by Jill Monroe summary from Harlequin: Hannah Garrett has always felt safe in the dark. It meant she never had to show people the truth. On the run from a man who wants to kill her, Hannah's learned to keep to herself and not get attached.... le sigh... I will not read the excerpt no no no no. I already did that with a Desire I now want. Not having money sucks. oh look whining... lucky for you guys I will be gone most of the day so you won't have to put up with me. |
Top Five Questions People Ask Me by Pamela Clare
![]() By Pamela Clare ![]() I was 15, and I read Kathleen Woodiwiss' THE FLAME AND THE FLOWER - and fell in love. After that it was SHANNA, THE WOLF AND THE DOVE and SWEET, SAVAGE LOVE. I knew then I wanted to write romance, and in fact I did start writing romance, or at least love scenes. My friends and I would write dorky love scenes, usually involving our getting locked inside the school building with whichever guy we had a crush on at the moment. For some reason - weak plotting - Mike O. and I were never able to unlock the door, or walk out or pick up a phone and call for help. Instead, we were left with no choice but to have sex. (After all, isn’t that what everyone does when they’re locked in a junior high school?) 4. Which is your favorite romance subgenre? ![]() Historical romances have always been my favorite. When I need to relax, nothing helps carry me away from my day like a good historical romance. It’s like slipping into a hot bath. In addition, my college degree was in classics—Latin, Greek, archaeology. I love the past. I love researching the details of daily life. I love feeling that connection to people who lived before us. It’s natural that I would want to write historicals ![]() 3. Which is your favorite book/hero/heroine you’ve written? Asking this is like asking me to choose from among my own children. For me the characters become real people, and I grow very attached to them. When I write their story, I “live with” them 24/7. For me, there are qualities that make each of my heroes and heroines special, and each story has aspects that I love. I think most authors feel this way. 2. Where do you get your ideas from for your novels? Usually I get ideas from doing research. The idea for SURRENDER came to me while I was doing research for RIDE THE FIRE. They’re set only five years apart, RIDE THE FIRE in 1763 and SURRENDER in 1758 and involve the same basic event—the French and Indian War and its aftermath 1. Is your hair naturally curly? ![]() Believe it or not, this is the single question I get asked more than any other, even as a newspaper editor. I’ve lectured in university classrooms and had students raise their hands to ask this question (much to the embarrassment of their professors). I had a woman in Kinko’s argue with me about it until I was tempted to ask her if her breasts were real just to make a point. Yes, my hair is naturally curly. I get it from my mother, who got it from her Cherokee grandmother. I would love to answer other questions people might have! Please post away, and I’ll check back in later in the week. other interviews and articles links: Romance Reader's Connection Aug 2005 The Romance Reader April 03 Romancing the Store by Pamela Clare The long ride of Ride the Fire by Pamela Clare In search of the real Ireland by Pamela Clare |
Heaven Can't Wait by Pamela Clare
![]() Pamela Clare explains her story has some of the same characters as,Extreme Exposure and she says is the funniest, lightest thing I've ever written. Cathie Linz doesn't have an excerpt yet for her novella BRIDES GONE WILD, but plans to within the next few days. She did say: Can tell you that the heroine is Pam, the best friend of Julia from GOOD GIRLS DO and that the story takes place in Serenity Falls (as does GOOD GIRLS) and you get to revisit folks like Algee, Mabel, and Skye (the bad girl heroine of BAD GIRLS DON'T coming in November from Berkley). Hopefully the other two authors will let us know about their stories! But is sounding like a fun, not to missed anthology! Pamela Clare has a little more info at her site: Heaven Can't Wait is my first novella, part of a sexy wedding anthology titled CATCH OF THE DAY, which will hit bookstores in June 2006. Featuring characters from Extreme Exposure in secondary roles, it tells the story of Lissy Charteris, fashion editor at the Denver Independent, and her fiance, Will Fraser, a former football star and sports columnist for the paper. Having lived together for almost a year, the two of them make a bet to see who can make it to their wedding night without asking for sex. As frustrations rise and libidos heat up, each plots to seduce the other and make the other give in, only to discover the limits of arousal. CATCH OF THE DAY is being published by Berkley Sensation Click for a very NC-17 excerpt... over 18 only... enter at your own risk... and all that jazz The some what cleaner excerpt ;), is here Heaven Can't Wait By Pamela Clare in the anthology CATCH OF THE DAY I mean it... here be sex... you have been warned... enjoy... "Do you, Lissy Charteris, take me, Will Fraser?" He looked down at her, his dark hair damp with sweat, a half-grin on his face, and nudged the thick, hard tip of his cock inside her. Lissy could wait no longer. Her legs caught above his shoulders, she lifted her hips, reaching for fulfillment. "Yes! Yes! Oh, now! Yes!" An amused gleam in his blue eyes, he withdrew, his thumb drawing lazy circles over her swollen, aching clitoris. "Uh-uh. You're supposed to say, 'I do.'" She moaned in frustration, clutching fistfuls of linen tablecloth, her body about to combust. "I do! I do! God, I do, Will!" "That's better." His gaze locked with hers, and his big hands seized her hips. Then with one slow thrust he filled her. "Oh! Oh, God, Will!" His name was the last coherent word she spoke, her voice unraveling into a long, throaty moan as he pushed himself in and out of her, thick and hard. It felt so good. It felt better than good. Having him inside her was both bliss and torture. He groaned. "Damn, Lissy! You drive me insane!" But she was the one going crazy, the sweet, slippery friction of his thrusts fueling the raw ache inside her, forcing her to the jagged brink. She would never, could never get enough of him. She wanted to touch him, frantic to feel the rasp of his chest hair, the iron ridges of his muscles, the velvety softness of his skin. But he was just beyond her reach. He took her ankles in his hands, spread her legs further apart and forced her knees to bend, opening her completely, exposing every bit of her to his view. He was watching - watching where his body slid into hers, hot and slick and demanding. "Jesus, Lissy, sweetheart!" He drove into her deep and hard and fast, penetrating her to her core. In a heartbeat, she hovered on the radiant edge of an orgasm, the shimmering ache inside her now a tight, pulsing knot. "Look at me, Lissy!" he growled. "I want to see your eyes when you come!" She did as he asked, found herself staring into eyes dark with lust, with hunger, with love. And then, even as his gaze held hers, it took her-blinding-bright and shattering. Orgasm surged through every inch of her, a merciless rush of white-hot ecstasy, ripping a cry from her throat, her muscles clenching greedily around him as he kept up a relentless rhythm, prolonging her pleasure with forceful strokes. Then she saw his pupils dilate with the shock of his own climax, his forehead furrowed as if he were in pain. He groaned, arched his back, his body shuddering with the force of release as he drove himself hard into her once, twice, three times, coming deep inside her. Lissy had no idea how long she lay there on the dining room table, floating in the musky scent of sex, listening to the sound of their mingled breathing, feeling him pulse inside her. She probably could have stayed that way forever, body and heart and mind utterly satisfied. She felt him press kisses against her moist skin, paying special tribute to her now ultra-sensitive nipples. Then he wrapped her legs around his waist and drew her into a sitting position so that she was pressed against his bare chest, his arms around her, her bottom resting on the edge of the table, his erection still hard enough to stay inside her. He kissed her hair. "God, woman, I can't get enough of you!" She rubbed her cheek against the damp curls on his chest, let her hands explore the smooth muscles of his back. "That's good to hear, because two weeks from tomorrow you'll be Mr. Lissy Charteris, and you'll be stuck with me." He chuckled, a warm sound that vibrated deep in his chest, then held her closer, his lips still pressed against her hair. "Please tell me you don't have any damned shows or gallery openings tonight." "Not a one." She snuggled more closely against him, savored the hard feel of his body against hers. With the demands of her job as fashion editor and his as a sports columnist and football commentator, it was rare for them to have a Friday night at home together. "Good, because I intend to keep you naked... all... night... long." He punctuated his words with kisses, then nipped her lower lip. She nipped him back, then smiled. "So I guess if I'm naked, you're picking up the takeout, right?" They'd ordered some Thai from the place down on Colfax while in the car on the way home, but had gotten distracted before either one of them had gone to pick it up. Clothes lay scattered in the hallway beside shoes, briefcases and cell phones. With a frustrated groan, he withdrew from her, lowered her to her feet. "I guess so. But you have to stay naked-no bathrobe, no towel, nothing but your gorgeous hair and a smile. Got it?" "Got it." She watched him gather up his clothes and dress, enjoying the sight of him naked, his back to her-his broad shoulders, the bulge of his triceps, the powerful V of his back as it tapered to his waist, the tight mounds of his bare ass, the hint of testicles any time he bent over. There were definite advantages to being the fiancee of a former football star. When he turned to face her, his trousers were already up to his hips, so she caught only a glimpse of his wonderful cock. But his chest, with its dark curls and flat brown nipples, was still bare. She let her gaze follow the groove between his pecs down past the ridges of his belly to where it disappeared in a trail of curls beneath the waistband of his pants-and nearly moaned when the white fabric of his shirt ruined her view. He grinned, revealing his dimples. "Hold that thought. And stay naked." Then he grabbed his wallet and keys and was gone. # # # Lissy quickly picked up her clothes and sorted them into piles headed for the dry cleaners or her own washing machine. Then she went into the bathroom, sat on the edge of the tub and began to rinse between her thighs. How had she gotten so lucky? And it had to be luck-or divine intervention. She hadn't liked Will when she'd first met him years ago. They'd been introduced when he first joined the staff of the paper as its new celebrity sports columnist and she was assistant features editor. Instantly repulsed by his hotter-than-hot looks and the knowledge he'd once been a college football hero of some kind, she'd turned up her nose at him, regarding him as a brainless jock with little going for him beyond a perfect body, thick dark hair, gorgeous blue eyes and a devastatingly handsome face. How wrong she'd been. She stood, patted between her legs with a fluffy towel, then took up her comb and began to brush the tangles from her hair. It hadn't been until that Saturday morning she'd gone jogging in City Park and stepped into a sprinkler hole that she'd gotten to know him. She'd wrenched her ankle badly and was sitting on the ground, in pain, calling herself names for not bringing her cell phone, when he'd emerged from a group of little boys who were playing football on the other side of the park. Dressed in faded jeans that accentuated the perfection of his ass and a black T-shirt that that seemed stretched across the muscles of his chest, he'd knelt down, carefully removed her running shoe, and gently peeled her sock away to reveal an ankle that was purple and swelling. "You don't need a ride home," he'd said. "You need a ride to the hospital. If you can wait a few minutes, we're almost done for the day. Otherwise, I can call a cab." Thank God she hadn't asked him to call a cab. He'd carried her to his beat-up Chevy pickup-weren't football stars supposed to drive flashy sports cars? -and driven her to the ER. Then he'd waited with her while the doctor examined her ankle, took X-rays and pronounced it broken. "I'm so sorry about what happened. Not much you can do to come back from an injury like that," the doctor had said to Will, seemingly out of the blue. "Can I have your autograph? What did you think of the TV movie version? Made my wife cry. It must have been weird to watch your own life on the screen." "I didn't watch it," Will had answered, graciously signing his name in black felt marker on the doctor's blue scrubs. TV movie version? Lissy had gone online that night, done a little research and discovered there was much more to Will Fraser than she could possibly have imagined. According to archived newspaper articles, he'd been raised by a single mother who'd worked as a waitress in Aspen, where he'd grown up in poverty amid wealth. He'd excelled both in academics and in sports in high school and had gotten a full scholarship to the University of Colorado, where he'd played as their starting wide receiver-which, Lissy'd later learned, had to do with catching the ball. He'd been on his way to a lucrative professional career, when his knee had been shattered in the second-to-last game of his college career. He'd been in the second of four surgeries when CU had won the Orange Bowl that year. His football career abruptly over, he'd graduated magna cum laude with a degree in history, only to learn that his mother was dying of lung cancer. Though he'd spent every dime he'd earned by selling the rights to his story on the latest medical treatments for her, he'd buried her less than a year after he’d buried his dreams of playing professional football. For several years, he'd worked for CU as a receivers coach. Then he'd joined the staff of the paper, covering football for the Denver Independent, commentating for the local ABC affiliate, and coaching inner-city kids in his free time. And Lissy had thought him a mindless jock. On her first day back at work, she'd hobbled over to his desk on her crutches to thank him for his help and had asked him if she could repay him with dinner at his favorite restaurant. He'd accepted, and the two of them had ended up on her floor rutting like wild animals until dawn, as he'd helped her find creative ways of keeping her ankle elevated. A month later they'd given up on pretense and moved in together. Eight months after that, he'd proposed, getting down on his bad knee and offering her the most beautiful engagement ring she'd ever seen-a two-karat antique oval diamond set in filigreed white gold. She'd barely been able to speak, but somehow she'd said yes. She set her comb aside and glanced in the mirror, smoothing her hands over her auburn hair and down her naked body, mostly content with what she saw and even more pleased by the way she felt-warm, languid, sexy. She reached for her bottle of Chanel, then stopped. He'd said naked-nothing but her hair and a smile. She walked around the condo, lighting candles, her pulse quickening in anticipation of the pleasure to come. Sex with Will was... indescribable. No man had ever made her feel the way he made her feel-as if life began and ended in his arms. She loved him more than she’d ever thought she could love anyone. She had just turned down the covers on their bed, when the phone rang. Knowing Will would be back in a few minutes, she was tempted to let it ring through to voice mail. Then she saw the number on caller ID. Lead in her stomach, she picked up the receiver. "Hello, Mother." # # # Will stepped around the orange cones that blocked the sidewalk in front of their condo complex. Lord knew how much longer this construction project-which seemed to eat more of the street and sidewalk every day-would take the city to complete. He couldn't wait until they moved out of this place and into the old Victorian they'd bought a few blocks away on Capitol Hill. He'd finished fixing it up a last week, and they'd started moving their belongings one pickup truck load at a time. When they got back from their honeymoon in France, they'd rent a U-Haul, and Will and his friends would make short work of the rest of it-furniture, clothes, dishes, their new plasma screen TV. He took the front steps to their condo two at a time, oblivious to the pain in his knee, the spicy-sweet scent of chicken pad thai wafting from the plastic bag in his hand. He was ravenous-in more ways than one. The thought of Lissy waiting for him, warm and willing and naked, was making him intensely horny. He slipped a key into the door, pushed it open, and saw a handful of candles lit on the coffee table. He smiled. "Honey, I'm home." Saying it amused him, pleased him. Perhaps it was the suburban normalcy of it. Or perhaps it was the fact that at age thirty-two he'd almost given up on the idea of having a honey to come home to. Not that there hadn't been lots of women in his life, but most of them had been more interested in fucking his name than in having a relationship with him. Once they'd discovered he wasn't rich and realized how mundane the life of a sports journalist was, they'd moved on to the next bit of beef in a jock strap. But not his Lissy. The very things that attracted other women to him had left her cold-perhaps because she knew how little money could buy. That and she'd had a pathological loathing for sports. He found her in the dining room, setting china plates, silverware and water glasses on the table they'd so recently sanctified, her long coppery hair swaying as she moved, her luscious round ass bare. She looked over her shoulder at him, her lips curving in a smile that made his blood run hot. Then he saw the look in her green eyes. He sat the plastic bag on the sideboard. "What's wrong?" She turned toward him, hair spilling over one soft shoulder, and walked into his arms. "Nothing really. My mother called." He ought to have known. He pulled her closer, felt the tension in her body, reined in his own temper. "What was it this time? 'He's marrying you for the money,' or 'He's marrying you for sex'?" "Both. Maybe we should just elope so she'll give up." "Since I'm after your money and your body, I'll do whatever you want to do." She laughed. "What I want to do is eat! I'm starving." # # # It wasn't until hours later, when the pad thai was long gone and other appetites had been temporarily satisfied, that Will got an idea as to what her mother must have said to upset her. She sat before him in the tub, her back against his chest, her head resting limply against his shoulder, her damp hair clinging to his skin, while he lazily fondled a lush breast. "Do you think it's possible for a couple to have too good a sex life?" He managed not to laugh out loud. "Hell, no. Are you kidding?" "What I mean is could a couple get together and end up getting married just because they had a great sex life? Could they mistake hot sex for love?" She wasn't kidding. There were times Will wished he could rip the phone line out so Lissy's mother could never call again. The woman had all the misery her late husband's money could buy, and she seemed to be doing her best to make sure her only child was miserable, too. Thank God she hated snow and lived in San Diego! A wealthy attorney and a useless trophy wife, John and Christa Charteris had led a cold life, not a shred of affection between the two of them, as far as Will could tell from the stories he'd heard. John had wanted Christa for sex and looks, and Christa had hooked onto him for money and prestige. Their marriage had generated very little love in which to nurture a child. Lissy's relationship with her father, never warm, had soured after she'd left the pre-law program at Cornell to double-major in art and English. Her father had cut her off, both financially and emotionally. Though he'd eventually resumed paying her tuition, he'd died of a heart attack without making amends. Her relationship with her mother, a calculating woman who clearly did not approve of her daughter's independent streak or her choice of man, wasn't much better. Lissy Charteris. Poor little rich girl. Growing up, Will wouldn't have thought it possible to be wealthy and unhappy. He'd watched his mother literally work herself to death to feed him and keep the overpriced roof over their heads and had thought having money must be the solution to everything. He'd planned to earn millions through football, only to have that ripped away from him. It was his mother's illness and death that made him see money for what it was-a convenience, but no substitute for health or life or love. Eventually he'd come to disdain those who'd had the way paved for them, preferring to spend time with people who'd earned their way through life. Lissy was both. Born to privilege, she'd turned her back on it in order to live the life she wanted. It was just one of the things Will cherished about her. Feeling the frustration he always felt when he thought of how her mother treated her, he said the first thing that came to mind. "Hot sex is a better reason than most to get married. Look at all the people who marry for money or power or property." Like your parents. He felt her stiffen, knew he'd somehow said the wrong thing, so he hastily added, "Of course, when it comes time for me to walk down the aisle, it will be for the right reason, the only reason that matters-my bride's cooking." Her snort, followed by giggles, told him he'd been reprieved. |
Surrender by Pamela Clare
![]() Summary from site: Surrender, my next historical novel from Leisure Books, will be in bookstores the first week of March 2006. Surrender is the first book in a new historical series featuring three Scottish brothers from the Highlands of Scotland - Iain, Morgan and Connor MacKinnon. Click here for more info I have to admit ever since Nicole started to wave her advance copy around I have been looking out for Surrender. I loved Ride the Fire, so much I even bought Pamela's first contemporary novel, Extreme Exposure. And that was at a time I wasn't reading much contemporaries at all. Surrender has a great excerpt up. And Pamela Clare is having a contest over on Alison Kent's Blog. She also answers some questions, talks about Scottish men and the mixing of the Scottish Highlands and the American Frontier into one hero. Quick maili go read, ye ken you want to ;). Nicole has a great review up. And if you still want more info, Pamela Clare has a great article up at Dorchester - Highland Heroes in Colonial America. Pamela Clare did tell us a little more about what is next, for her, in the land of historical romance: Yes, SURRENDER is the first of at least three books. The next will tell Morgan MacKinnon's story. The third will tell Connor Mackinnon's. And then we'll see. I have planned a book for Joseph and possibly also Lord William Morgan's book will be out in May 2007. Connor's isn't scheduled yet. |
Ride The Fire by Pamela Clare
![]() Ride The Fire is amazing. Sez I. I love just about everything about this book, hell I even like the title and cover. Ride The Fire is the last book in a series that follows Sweet Release and Carnal Gift. And it does a great job of bringing the series to a close. The hero is really almost too perfect. Too hard, too tough but in a honorable manish way and it makes you feel for him. Makes you care what happens to him. le sigh... I love him. Nicholas Kenleigh was captured and tortured by Indians and I do mean tortured, in all the ways that can truly fuck up a man. But he survived, only to decide he wasn't a good man any more and couldn't be with his family. So off to the wilds he goes to live for six years. click for more He introduces himself to Bethie at gun point, while bleeding and demanding she help him. What? We all have to start somewhere. Bethie, or Elspeth, is young, widowed, pregnant and has been tortured in ways that can truly fuck up a woman. YES! They are soulmates. They heal each other in ways only they could, bringing a peace and acceptance into their lives. And together find ways to close old wounds. Nicholas and Bethie spend a large majority of the book alone in the cabin and I do love a good cabin romance. And we are treated to a good bit of history and it 'fits'. The background doesn't scream wallpaper historical and the issues tackled are more than ways to move the story along or fill up pages. The class issues are well dealt with and bring to life how messy the world can be. Ride The Fire doesn't paint the conflict between the races or classes pretty colors but illustrates how 'black and white' isn't always what life gives us but that we need to learn to embrace different shades of grey. Really this is a wonderful end to a great series. So even if you didn't like Carnal Gift I would suggest picking up Ride The Fire. One word of warning... some readers did feel it was more violent than they felt a romance 'should' be. So if you have a low squick level, keep that in mind. Personally I didn't have any issue with it and didn't even think about it until after the fact, when other readers complained. It isn't it nice to have different books to fit different tastes? Really, go read this, tis romance at its best. |
KarenS is saying what she wants to with Cheryl Holt
New interview is up! tre kewl! Almost makes me wish I had bought it the other day... it being her new book Too Tempting to Touch. I haven't liked the last two books. Well the last one, was good, or just so much better than the one before I thought so. I do want this one at some point though. I didn't know she was a lawyer, seem to be a few more of those than I would have thought writing romance. no cut... |
I love to see romance reviews in the newspapers...
Is that just me? Every time I have looked in the paper at home I see nonfiction, mystery, true crime, that icky sparks guy... never romance. LOL of course this isn't home and might just be on the net but whatever: Devil in Winter review Do you get romance reviewed in your paper? I know Helenkay talks about the chicklit ones that show up in EW? But I mean MM romance... oh and while we are talking about it, just in case you missed it ;) Lisa talks about villain heroes no cut unless you guys send me tons of links to romance in the paper.. STEELE doesn't count |
If You Sin aka kristie, avid reader, renee and others prayers may have been answered
By Avon..... If You Sin by some author named Judith Ivory Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Avon (October 1, 2006) Language: English LOL I can't find any info on it at the moment... it was posted yesterday to a message board. nothing behind the cut... |
From London With Love by Jenna Petersen
![]() And then sad to hear it was about spies... The summary of the series from her site says: Three orphans. Three widows. Three distinguished ladies. But they share more in common than their beauty, grace and charm. These three ladies are some of England's greatest spies. Each one is proud to protect country and King, but when they encounter three very different men in the field, they each begin to doubt their ability to protect their own hearts. click for more info... come on kristie you know you want too ;) I am interested, since I did enjoy the first novel that would be enough to take a look see at this one. But I do also like the ladies vs young debs angle. Then I started to think about it and how many 'female spy' historical stories can you think of... I could come up with The Lady Lies by Saxon. I haven't read the others in that series. Then there is one more that hasn't come out yet and I will be posting about later. And the others I thought of were men. What am I missing? Am I the only one over spy clubs right now? Does the fact they are women vs men make a difference to you, if you are done with the spy game? LOL or is it just me? From London With Love comes out in Aug/06 and there is an excerpt up. I shall now turn the floor over to Kristie to have at the cover ;). Which I like, is yellow the new red? Or is the bed the new clinch? And hey no man titty or halfnakedd people in sight ;). Oh and I should add that the author seems very happy with her cover on the Avon board. |
His Wicked Kiss by Gaelen Foley
![]() His Wicked Kiss has an excerpt up and looks like lots of nifty features have been added. As well asnews and an upcoming Spice Trilogy we have Now we just cross our figures it stays updated ;) |
CS: Deep Breath by Alison Kent
![]() Hits stands April 1 and will be number 7 in the SG-5 series. I love the cover! She will wrap up the series with BEYOND A SHADOW, which comes out in December and will feature Ezra Moore. ssssssqqqqqqqqeeeeeeeee Have you read the excerpt? It really sounds good... I was bad and read the one at the end of When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys. I do so try not too but I did it. So go do it too ;). |
Another blog to add to the Group Thang: The Midnight Hour
![]() The Midnight Hour As they say: Welcome to our blog! We're a group of paranormal authors who want to show you what happens at THE MIDNIGHT HOUR. We'll be posting about lots of things: from writing, to books, to paranormal subjects... we'll even have some "professional" paranormal experts like psychics. And you never know, a sexy vampire or werewolf might just drop by as well..... Click the prose for more info... THEY be: Lori Handeland (who has two books I want: CRESCENT MOON and Date's From Hell and the other three Rock Creek books tbr), Kathy Love (who has The Night Before Christmas and the Fang books I want), Stephanie Rowe (who has a book I think Jay would want ;) ), Linda Winstead Jones (a la Sullivan, Jed, and Cash, books 2,4, and 6 in the Rock Creek Six series that I spend forever look for and now have and must read) and Michelle Rowen. BAD thing is, it is white text on black background. Which makes it a bitch to figure out how to post and read. But that might be my color being fucked up on my computer. Found the blog from the fab Amy Garvey... you know the author who Alyssa still hasn't shared her five copies of :(. yeah yeah yeah she SAYS she doesn't have five copies but I am on to her tricks. |
Ellora Cave Author list
![]() No clue when it was put together but there are lots. If you are looking for someone who isn't there go to Ellora's Cave no jump |
Avon Red
ETA: NYDN: Hot off the presses link found at Sylvia Day's blog. Avon Red ::sits back and waits for kristiej to stop snickering:: It could be worse, it could be SPICE. You may have noticed, romantica/erotica is exploding all around us. Think what you may about AVON. I am very interested to see what they buy and publish. ![]() Good thing too since the first two books come out soon. Of course at the price I have no idea if I can get them, so I am crossing my fingers they come my way for review. Hint... hint... Parlor Games by Jess Michaels, Leda Swann, Julia Templeton - Historical ![]() Both look nice, have ok titles and I think have nice covers. Booksquare is where I got the link and she sez: Erotica is pretty popular in electronic format isn’t it? If you hang around in the right places, you begin to realize that a lot of readers are going online for their erotic reading. We’re a bit curious as to why — our theory is that some women are uncomfortable heading out the local Borders to buy erotica. **click purple prose** Really in my mind it is easy: covers, titles and price. It isn't so much buying the book that has erotica on the cover as much as the naked ass. And it is sad that you can get the ebook for MM price or buy a trade for near double. Or at least that is what I hear repeatedly when chatting with readers at the book store. What do you think? Other than the two title above, I have seen: • Swept Away by Toni Blake; September 2006 • Sugar and Spice by Leda Swann; October 2006 • Pleasure Control by Cathryn Fox; November 2006 **PLEASURE EXCHANGE and PLEASURE PROLONGED follow, no date yet • Seduce Me by Dahlia Schweitzer; December 2006 • Familiar Kind of Magic by Sylvia Day March 2007 • Into the Darkness Delilah Devlin; April 2007 • My Immortal by Sylvia Day; May 2007 • ** Belle On The Bend by Lynn LaFleur but I can't find a date for it. And wow, she has had some bad covers with EC. Any others you know of? Are you planning to check out Red? (yes you can tell by the link to booksquare this has been sitting in draft for a bit and really should have been the second post. But I am putting off going back and seeing what is left of the other post after my lovely computer shut down... again) |
whole lotta romance
![]() On the USAToday list, which thinking about it... maybe that is normal. I really never look. But anywho... I was surprised by number 1 with all the whining people they are still buying. This isn't all the romance just authors I like. Hey, my blog, I gave you the link for the rest ;). **click the jump... which I need to think of a name for** 1. Micah Laurell K. Hamilton, Jove Request to raise the dead unites two creatures (F) (P) $7.99 Weeks in Top 150: 2 Last week: 23 Entered Top 150: 3/2/2006 Peak: 1 Anyone read this? Is it any good? NiC was the last LKH I have read. 4. Devil in Winter Lisa Kleypas, Avon Romance: Shy girl seeks to marry rich viscount to escape her family (F) (P) $7.50 Weeks in Top 150: 1 Last week: -- Entered Top 150: 3/9/2006 Peak: 4 And THE DEVIL IN WINTER is #6 on the New York Times bestseller list! wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee For kristie USAToday shows: Dreaming of You Lisa Kleypas Naive woman finds love in London gambling casino. (F) (P) Weeks in Top 150: 4 Current position: - Entered Top 150:4/21/1994 Peak: 34 19. McKettrick's Choice Linda Lael Miller, HQN Romance: Holt McKettrick finds love (F) (P) $7.99 Weeks in Top 150: 1 Last week: -- Entered Top 150: 3/9/2006 Peak: 19 31. Never Seduce a Scoundrel Sabrina Jeffries, Pocket Romance continues "The School for Heiresses" series (F) (P) $6.99 Weeks in Top 150: 1 Last week: -- Entered Top 150: 3/9/2006 Peak: 31 #23 on the New York Times Extended List Should be STARTS but whatever... they spelled the name right. 52. Lady of Sin Madeline Hunter, dell Romance: In 19th-century England, widow is nearly seduced courtroom advocate (F) (P) $6.99 Weeks in Top 150: 1 Last week: -- Entered Top 150: 3/9/2006 Peak: 52 63. Crazy Kisses Tara Janzen, Dell Romance: Professional soldier reunites with old love (F) (P) $6.99 Weeks in Top 150: 1 Last week: -- Entered Top 150: 3/9/2006 Peak: 63 OK so I don't read this series but kristie and nicole do ;) 67. Lover Eternal J.R. Ward, Signet Romance: Rhage, the vampire with the strongest appetites, is drawn to Mary Luce (F) (P) $6.99 Weeks in Top 150: 1 Last week: -- Entered Top 150: 3/9/2006 Peak: 67 wwwwwaaaaayy cool when you think about the fact the book wasn't even 'out' yet. 91. The Rogue's Return Jo Beverley, Signet Romance: As Simon and Jane battle enemies and fate, they discover true love (F) (P) $6.99 Weeks in Top 150: 1 Last week: -- Entered Top 150: 3/9/2006 Peak: 91 128. Seduced By Crimson Jade Lee, Love Spell Fantasy/romance: The demons are on their way back (F) (P) $6.99 Weeks in Top 150: 1 Last week: -- Entered Top 150: 3/9/2006 Peak: 128 |
I'm not a prude
![]() Has got to be one of the most used phrases in romanceland. Often followed by BUT or following AND. Adding in "Am I the only one..." What would be the phrase you would ban for life from message boards, email or chat? You know... if you could ;). nothing behind the jump |
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water
![]() Due out August 2006 and is Daisy's story. Not sure why, but I am just not as jazzed about this one. As you can see Avon, keeps with their hero's without shirt's set back theme. And they were ever so bright to send out their March newletter featuring Devil in Winter with Scandal in Springs summary. oy Lisa Kleypas really needs to update her website. nothing behind the cut.... |
Rhage... and a recap
![]() She should be over there right now if you still have questions for her or just wanna say hi. Or tell her to send z to sybil, like now. That would work ;). I am going to recap the posts from yesterday behind the cut. And stick on the sidebar somewhere. Uh if I figure that out ;). Lover Eternal Is out today. Rhage's book... GO GET YOURS... you want it trust me And mucho thanks to Ward for playing with us yesterday. She rocks! Lover Awakened Z's book coming out in Sept... let the count down begin FAQS and WTFS and LOOSE LIPS 5 most asked questions and general Q&A to ward. My TBR Pile and Moments of FanGirl Fawning reader blog gives a few faves, a few wants and a few rec's |