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Fashion hope she goes and finishes it... there are only two posts up and it is sort of nifty... I always have a hard time understanding all those layers they are wearing Anyone have any other links like this? I should go check out the risky regencies girls. |
Reviewing has a super secret code! Who Knew? I am so always the last to know. more like guidelines... Labels: Pirates, ponderings, reviews on reviews |
![]() Lets take a look... the book in question: JACOB: The Nightwalkers by Jacquelyn Frank ![]() L. Arendt She loves it! FIVE STARS! GREAT three line review that goes into awesome detail to tell you WHY you should love this book too. Now I would mention she has one review to her name. And all her tags are regarding one book. But really do I need to point that out? RENEE NELSON She loves it too! FIVE STARS! Great four line review that goes into awesome detail to tell you WHY you should love this book too. And is a serious amazon reviewer with two great reviews to her name ::coughsecondaddedtodayandnotabook::. Fathom 31 reviews... all not created in the last day or so... GO TEAM FATHOM. Hell do you have a blog? I know you won't see this but I think I love you! A real reader review! Fair, balanced, what you liked what you didn't... WOW. Jane Little "Jane at DearAuthor.Com" Dear Jane can't you put a link in your Amazon Profile? If not that might kill one of my bitches right there (more on that in a min). 9 reviews but link to your site so all good. I would say you should put more on amazon if you are gonna do it. But this is a big reason why I go back and forth with doing it myself. And damn it seems long for an amazon review... but hey enough about me. Fair, balanced, what you liked what you didn't... WOW. A. Bosworth I feel like I have looked into your profile before... did you like Highland Fling? Hmmm taking the time to read ALL of your three reviews I see no mention. Go figure but I digress... Stock summary but when a person reviews so many books to because an awesome amazon reviewer that can be forgiven. loonigrrl 52 reviewers... picture loaded back in July... some nifty looking reviews there ::makes note to go checkout:: Nice honest opinon (even worried about being too mean... awww you are a nice girl, really we must stick together). ![]() three real people with honest opinions... three new accounts, with few reviews, that could be real people So what does this mean beside I want blog addys for loonigrrl and fanthom cuz really one can NEVER have too many reader blogs. Not a damn thing but really I find it rather funny... you know in a highlandflings/wolftales sort of way. Well and I need to figure out if you can put a link in your profile because really I think that would help. I can't help it. I KNOW new readers pop up in blog land. I KNOW new readers pop up on amazon. I know you might read 2000000 then hit that book that makes you stand up and go fuck me I want to tell the world about this without having an adgenda or being the authors ![]() But if it quacks like a sock, walks like a sock, it is almost always a sock.... or you know... a fangrrl.... I am just a cynical bitch like that. Next up:The day in the life of a Fangrrl (I kid) Labels: Fangirls, ponderings |
![]() from PW Subgenre: Paranormal ![]() The first page is pretty much author quotes telling me how much I am gonna like this book. Or how blown away they were by it. And honestly it left me with the feeling the only thing blowing was hot air. These are good authors. Authors I read (for the most part). And because I am ever the optimist I am gonna say I believe they mean what they say (vs faves called in, cropped quotes, or whatever). But isn't there a point where too much it too much. A quote from Linda Howard, Lori Foster (oddly missing from the website press page), Kenyon, Feehan, Ross and Cathy Maxwell to me equals too much. Having Kate Duffy saying this is the bestest ever (I think that is promo hype but feel bad for her other authors) is too much on top of all those author quotes.
Maybe they can't because they are putting too many eggs in a very breakable basket. Maybe putting out an unknown author, with such grand promo that people who hunt the internet for book info hear about it two weeks before the release date isn't a good idea. Maybe having a message board, blog, website, six book deal with first run at 250,000 mass market is jumping the gun. And to pick a market that is so over run right now... and do 250,000 MM books... seems like a bad idea. Hell I want historicals. I want GOOD historicals and it seems like a shitty idea to have two unknowns come out with a print run of over 100,000k (although I do hope to have my hands on Campbell and McCarthy's books soon). Honestly some of those print run numbers turn my stomach. What is that going to do other than ensure if you want any of them wait a week... it will be in the used book store. Is it good for the author? How can a newbie author with no press or following hit those numbers? Are they being set up to fail? I don't write. I don't have a book to sell. I don't work in publishing. But I am offended and greatly annoyed. Susan Kay Law can't sell a western (after winning a Rita, go team Rita! /endsacrasm). Alexis Harrington has had a book shopping for a while. Marsha Canham chooses to retire vs keep up with the game. Laura Kinsale can't get a deal she wants to take. And I could go one and on... But a newbie can get a 6 book deal and 250,000 MM print run?
I generally ignore cover quotes. Because publishing is a business. But the biggest thing is, just because I may think your book is the shit that doesn't mean I am going to have the same taste as you. Can this be seen as the same thing as Dear Authors 100 bloggers blogging? I admit I am a book pimp. And if I love something I am the first person to talk about it. Repeatedly. I love to have the chance to turn a reader onto a new to them author I love almost as much as I love to find new to me authors. For some reason having those 'readers' all be 'writers' doesn't work for me.
Labels: ponderings |
I so don't think this is pointing in the direction of Susan Kay Law's next book being a historical. Who knew you could be disappointed in a book when all you know is the title? Edited to add: Go check this out... So what do you think? Interested? Labels: women's fic |
link if box is missing again You Tube hates me... why? Now we can all have it stuck in our heads *g*. You are most welcome. So what new books are you coveting? The end of November books are out at WallyWorld... Me... I just finished... Books I have bought... Currently reading... I am eyeing... December... And would rec... Labels: To Be Read, Want List |
The Great Scot was And is now So which cover do you like better? If it helps here is the blurb : Location coordinator Erin McGregor knows she’s finally found the perfect setting for her romance reality show, Your Prince Charming. The Chisholm clan stronghold in the Scottish Highlands has it all—romantic moors, windswept cliffs, misty lochs, a four-hundred-year-old castle, and possibly the most gorgeous man she’s ever laid eyes on in chieftain Dylan Chisholm. Nothing like a guy with a sexy accent and a big…turret to make a girl all wonky-kneed. Right. No time for wonky. Time to get over her fixation with the Hot Scot and get back to business. And Erin will…any minute now… |
![]() Daisy Lake is only a memory to successful barrister Gavin Carmichael. But a memory he cannot forget. "Through thick and thin, forever and ever, come what may, we'll stay together…" is the pact the young orphans made over a decade ago, before the wide-eyed little girl was torn from his arms. Only a precious, painful memory … until Gavin walks into an East End supper club where the headlining act is the infamous nightingale of the Montmartre music halls, Delilah du Lac. Labels: Books to Watch, Historical, New2007, Want List |
Shannon McKenna guest blogged on Dishing with the Divas and had this to say about her next book, Edge of Midnight: Shannon: I can’t say too much about the new book, because I’m still working on it, and I’m sort of superstitious about that. What I can say, is that it’s Sean McCloud’s story, it’s entitled EDGE OF MIDNIGHT, and it’s pub date is August of 2007. I’m sorry to make Sean fans wait!yeah it doesn't say much than her site which as always needs to be updated... but hey it makes me happy |
I read The School for Heiresses the other day. And I have to say I REALLY want Never Lie To A Lady by Liz Carlyle. Of course it comes out in June 2007. le sigh... but loved After Midnight ( in TSfH), her story that kicks off the series. I was hoping Rothwell's story would be first but (if amazon is correct) Never Deceive a Duke comes out in July. New York Times bestselling author Liz Carlyle opens her exciting new historical trilogy by plunging readers into the steamy underworld of 19th century London and the swirling glitter of English high society. Labels: Books to Watch, New2007, Simon, Want List |
I looks like Wicked Pleasure by Nina Bangs now has a Feb 2007 release date. And there are two new covers that I can find on the net but all seem to have the same cover quotes as the one that was pulled in July. Personally I don't care for any of them but none seem worth the cost of pulling a book... anyone hear anything else about this? Labels: Book Info, ponderings |
I am soooo much higher on the OC scale but whatever ;) Labels: random crap |
From the RT newsletter: And speaking of historicals... we predict that a comeback is on the horizon. With authors like Karen Robards, Judith McNaught and now Julie Garwood returning to the much-beloved genre, it won't be long before all publishers will jump on the bandwagon to cash in on this returning trend. Add to that the recent news that suspense authors Tess Gerritsen and (of all people) Dennis Lehane will have historicals out in the next two years and you can see the trend is already in motion. If you're an author, dust off those historicals and get them ready for submission and if you're a fan of historicals, rejoice in the knowledge that authors and/or publishers have heard your pleas! Let's hope the new historicals live up to what fans want: lush, historically accurate detail, strong, independent heroines, heroes to die for, palpable sexual tension with tender sensuality and books overflowing with old-fashioned romance! I could be way wrong but didn't Karen Robards new historical (the wrap up to her long ago started trilogy which is currently on hold with no publishing date) get announced in the RT last year? As well as the HUGE news that Garwood would be returning to historicals (although maybe that was an AAR interview?).
Labels: Historical, Historical Fiction, ponderings, RT |
![]() But what cha gonna read? Me? I am not sure yet since I will have to be at the 'rents for a day or so. So I need to plan ahead so I can take them with me. I do know for sure I will be reading Lessons in Love since it landed in my mail box yesterday! YAY! And something else is there... waiting... captive in the office... I have hope to finish two others I was lucky enough to get early but are on the computer. Really need to get an ereader for Christmas or something. Anywho, what about you? Who in the hell is buying all of those reissued holiday antho's they reprint each year? I mean they are all over the place! And oy, they had a butt load of reissued Harl. Why? They aren't the hard to find ones! They are the ones that cover five shelves in the ubs. Why! They should ask us what we want reissued. oooooohhhhhh there is a question for you... if you could have ANY book reissued for your Christmas present what would it be? And why? Is it because you want to read it and can't find it? Love it so much want others to be able to read it? Or yours is falling apart and you need a new one for under the discount used price of $100 on Ebay *g*. Labels: ponderings, To Be Read |
![]() Grade: A-
Labels: A-, Bantam Dell, Madeline Hunter, Review |
Labels: Diana Palmer |
The pitfalls of receiving free books...
Labels: Review |
It would be cooler I am sure if I knew what the 'keynote' speaker did.
Labels: Lisa Kleypas |
ok I have to be ahead now... right? another DiW review can I get a WoOT! Labels: Lisa Kleypas |
![]() Genre: Erotic Romance (I think... could be Erotica) Grade: D- Sensuality: Burning Jane Meter: SKIP This an ever popular anthology, although it is a single title. It has an interesting set up and is somewhat different. Each of the stories involve an already married couple struggling to find their HEA. They all end up at a 'naughty house' in Cornwall that caters to married couples and is ran by a Mrs. Bertram. Click for rest of review Our first couple - Gwendolyn and Adam are unhappily married but have great sex. Just about every night, or at least Adam is having great sex, Gwendolyn thinks she is just a convenient fuck. She lied and 'forced' him to marry her and Adam is holding something of a grudge. Hard to have a happy marriage with the groom thinking the bride is a lying, manipulative bitch. I loved the set up and the first scene with the Turkish slave girl setup is great. Adam is very much the man as he lays there thinking a hand job isn't 'really cheating' until it dawns on him if he is there... where is his wife. The two play out a list of fantasy and find their way to sharing their true feelings. The stories biggest downside is it is too long and the very played out ending. Obsessed gets a C. Lillian and Felix have a very Mary Balogh tradition regency plot. They got married. A few months later he gets bored thinking his wife is cold and doesn't want him. Felix starts to fuck around and Lillian tries her best to ignore it. After Felix takes off to Mrs. Bertram's with his newest 'soon to be mistress', Lillian is blackmailed by the Mr. of 'soon to be mistress'. After a chorus of 'Hail, Hail the Gangs All Here' there is a great scene where Lillian give Felix a piece of her mind. And after he figures out how badly he screwed up with his virgin bride - SIX YEARS ago - Felix does the only thing any good regency hero would do. He decided it is a good time to teach his wife to blow him and stick his fingers up her ass. I was never able to get over the thought that she would have been better off leaving with Gareth. Enslaved gets a F. Speaking of Gareth the hero of the last story and over all good guy. I liked him except for he spends most of the story being a doormat for Cora. In case you forgot, Cora was the woman who went off for a week with Felix. She is... hell really I am not sure what Cora is suppose to be. At one point she is mad because he married her to have door opened for him in socially At another point she is mad because she married him because he is in trade, so she figured she would never care for him but does. At another point it seems she thinks she can never make him happy and has a secret that would hurt him. Or some such thing, really by this point I just wanted the book over. I guessed the end pretty early then decided I was wrong (turns out I wasn't). I think Exposed is the shortest of the three and the most sexually adventurous. They confront the big bad thing, learn they can deal with it together and Cora figures out Gareth will stick by her no matter what. Exposed gets a D. I think the biggest disappointment I had with Sugar and Spice is it could have been so much better. It had a different plot than you normally get in today's historicals and I was willing to go along for the ride when I normally run from anything that deal with adultery. Maybe that is why I got hung up on Felix's character and his actions. He has this big 'ah ha' moment and handles it so stupidly. I would have just closed the book and walked away, if I was the type to not finish books. And Cora was such a horrible character. I understand we are suppose to excuse her actions because of her big bad secret but Gareth was just too good. So over all the first story was the only I could say I liked and really not that much. Anyone else read this yet? Like it? Have any other thoughts on Sugar and Spice? Next: The Price of Desire is the next book by Leda Swann. I still have no clue what this is about other than it has something to do with a workhouse. Currently I am reading Pleasure Control by Cathryn Fox and liking it. Have you tried an Avon Red yet? Labels: Avon Red, Leda Swann, Review |
![]() I am guessing this is an attempt at branding but it is so not working for me. How about you guys? Are you able to keep her stories straight? How do you remember what you have read and what you haven't? But most important... is she any good and what would you recommend reading? Labels: Erotic Romance |
As a rule I try to never trash a book or a person. It generally isn't my style. I rant. I rave. I have strong opinions and I think many actions of many people are stupid. But thinking the actions of a person aren't the brightest thing, disagreeing with them or not liking their book is a far cry from trashing, bashing, harassing or whatever. Oh course I have my moments... I can be a bitch. And most of the time I am very unapologetic about it. Although I am happy to admit when I am wrong. I dislike many people and many more dislike me. I dislike many a book and there are many more I like. I tend to think of myself as one of those people who is killing romance as you want it (or at least kristie, jane, keishon and the like). I am happy with the majority of what I am reading. In fact there are many I love and quite a few I know I shouldn't. But what the fuck, I am cool with that and if you are still here I would assume you are too. Because no matter what I love or hate - I don't expect you to have the same opinion nor would I ever, ever expect a anyone (friend or not) to only agree with me. Yesterday I had someone I greatly respect tell me that my blog strikes a good balance. And that is what I aim for... I want authors to feel comfortable to post. I want readers to feel comfortable to post. And most of all I never want anyone to feel that they have to agree with me. And I had another I greatly respect pretty much tell me I am unethical or at least I think that was her point. After a great many emails, some thought and a few more emails from a many people I have come to the conclusion that: Fair Use is your friend. Anyone who criticizes people, their work, their actions or whatever the hell should be able to except criticism... aka if you can't take the heat isn't just advice for authors. People who tell others to 'behave like a grown up' should take their own advice. Anything I post in a public place has a chance of being quoted elsewhere on the internet. If someone disagrees with my opinion, they can still be my friend. If you don't want people discussing what you say or what you write - don't put it on the internet and don't publish it. but most of all... NOTHING ON THE INTERNET DIES! If you disagree with any of the above, do feel free to post and give your opinion. I am always open to listening to different views. And have even been known to change my mind and agree. But may I suggest if any of the above bothers you to the point that you are close to cracking, losing your hold on reality or if you don't understand that YOU are the only person responsible for YOUR actions...well then you should just... until you tube comes back up... Music Video:DON'T COME AROUND HERE NO MORE (by Tom Petty) Don'T Come Around Here No More video by Tom Petty And words Don't come around here no more Don't come around here no more Don't come around here no more Whatever you're looking for Hey! Don't come around here no more I've given up. I've given up- I've given up on waiting any longer I've given up, on this love getting stronger I don't feel you anymore You darken my door Whatever you're looking for Hey, don't come around here no more I've given up. I've given up I've given up, you tangle my emotions I've given up, honey please admit it's over Don't come around here no more Don't come around here no more Whatever you're looking for Hey, don't come around here no more Stop walking down my street Who do you expect to meet? Whatever you're looking for Hey, don't come around here no more Labels: Blogs, ponderings, Review |
![]() ![]() FAIR USE Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered “fair,” such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. The ever clever smart bitches have a grand post about fair use with a link you should so check out. Or you can just go for the text version here. Bookmark 'em... one never knows when they might come in handy. Labels: ponderings |
Susan Krinard has a new paranormal series coming out.... yes shocking isn't it She sez on her site: I have turned in the manuscript of Chasing Midnight, my first Werewolf/Vampire novel. Set in 1926's New York City, it will published by HQN in late 2007. The book will be given its own sub-page on my site a few months from now. Labels: Paranormal |
I can't find Tangled by Mary Balogh! This irks me greatly. I know I had the damn thing in my hand. And now am wondering if I had an attack of guilt and didn't buy it because I have sooooo many book. blah blah blah Had no want to read it. Wouldn't have gotten to it at the time. blah blah blah Damn it to hell, let this teach me a leason to always BUY THE BOOK! But I really think I did because I always buy her old books when I find them. I have been eyeing a stack of books in my bedroom. But it are three stacks of at least 25. So going through them would take forever because it isn't like I just go - nope and go to the next one. Then there is another stack of about 60. It could be in either of those. I have to go close a bank account tomorrow. There isn't much in there. I am seriously thinking I need to spend it all on postage and get rid of some of these sacks. I have to move in January you know... of course either way I am gonna call The Great Exchange on Monday and see if they still have it. yeah yeah I am sure if I was dumb enough to leave it there it is gone but one never knows. Labels: Mary Balogh |
![]() If you don't it might be because it was first called Reckless... or at least that is how I recall reading about it in the Romantic Times. This is the long awaited finish to the Banning sisters trilogy. And it is... drum roll... historical! not romantic suspense. And it was set for release in April of 2006. And yes it hasn't been released. Sadly as of right now it has no release date other than a vague sometime in 2007. Tanzey reports: After last month's "Tanzey Talk" was posted and distributed, I got an e-mail from Karen Robards concerning her Regency romance, SHAMELESS, that I told you would be released the end of December 2006. Karen had this to say, "Unfortunately, SHAMELESS has been postponed until later in 2007 -- no exact date has been chosen yet. The fault is mine -- I haven't yet finished the book. I had to take a break to write OBSESSION, my latest romantic suspense, which will be out in hardcover in April 2007." As soon as Karen lets me know when it's on the schedule, I'll pass the word along to you. Other news I think sucks... well it would suck if I read her but since I don't I just find it annoying... looks like Christina Dodd will be the newest historical writer to 'take a break from historicals' to write paranormals. Tanzey said: After hearing that Christina Dodd was writing a paranormal series, in addition to her other books, I contacted her for the scoop. Here's what she told me, "I'm writing four books a year, which is ridiculous, but I wanted to write a paranormal series and the only way I could figure out to do it in a decent time was to take a break from the historicals and add an extra book. The first two books are scheduled for July and August 2007." She's just finished the first one, and claims she's having way too much fun writing them. "Mine are very hot, fun romances set in the modern world, except the heroes have a tendency to shapeshift. Because of a deal with the devil. And they, unfortunately, are the ones chosen to break it." It's a four-book series dubbed Darkness Chosen, and the first title is SCENT OF DARKNESS.Maybe I am the only one who hadn't heard this already. Maybe it is something in the water over at SquawkRadio. EEK! We need to get Lisa Kleypas out of there if it is! Labels: Author Info, Book Info, Lisa Kleypas |
![]() What do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? I am signing up. Of course I am hoping there will be a western in there somewhere so... Click the picture to be taken to the site. Labels: Book Info |
from Laurie's Likes and Views #77:More on Mother's Milk: Slake editorial by Suzanne Goodwin for odd people like me who care about things like this... I found this posted as 12/5/1998 but have no clue when it was first posted on slake nothing on the net dies looks like Slake use to be more than it is today... nifty Cream, Sugar or Milk Labels: Lisa Valdez, ponderings |
![]() Further for Ms. V to write that she didn't expect this type of response also seems a bit ridiculous. Her book was filled with extreme and provocative sex scenes (sex while breastfeeding?). Of course, there was going to be negative responses. I suspect Jaid Black get hate mail constantly for corrupting the morals of the world.off of that Lisa Valdez asked: Okay, and will someone please tell me what the big deal is with sex while breastfeeding? Why is that so shocking? Sex made the baby, and it’s not as if the baby knows what’s going on. I think it’s weird that people think it’s weird. Sorry, that’s off topic. Forget I asked. more, more, more **now updated with list and links** Now this is a topic I find mucho amusing, more because of a chat than about the book itself. The scene in question takes place at the very end of the book. And I will have to go find mine to be sure but I think it is all of a paragraph. But it totally squicks some people out. Does it squick you? Did you make note of it while reading? A few months back (I think) while searching for something on AAR I came across something talking about sex while breast feeding (is this one word or two?). It was Laurie's News and Views #77 from August 1, 1999 (I soooooo love the old Laurie's News and Views much more than I like the ATBF of today. Is that just me?). I expected it to be about Passion (no I didn't note the date at the time *g*). But it wasn't... there were OTHER books where this happens. The old list that the AARList members put together had these titles: * Broomstick Cowboy by Kathleen Eagle 11/93I have never read Kathleen Eagle, Diana Gabaldon, Jo Beverley or Candace Spencer. The Sara Jarrod book I have read in its redone form as an EC novel (more on that later). The Sandra Brown book I think is the one I am scared to read. And I haven't read Hawk O'Toole's Hostage (although I think I dhave it). Silver Flame and Night in Eden I have read but breastfeeding sex doesn't ring a bell at all. Maybe I didn't even notice? And I have Tangled but don't think I have read it. Any others that anyone can think of? Have you read any of these books? Did you find them squicky? Do you even remember there being breastfeeding sex? Would this make you put the book down and walk away? Would you just skip over the scene? Or would you not even notice it? Just a Little Patience If You Can't Take the Heat Labels: Book Info, Lisa Valdez, ponderings |
![]() Baltimore street cop Mandy Delinski isn't expecting any miracles this Christmas. She's thirty, a little too round, still very single and she lives with her parents. So who could have guessed that her whole life would change before New Year's Eve? That a simple job policing a Christmas party would find her in the arms of sexy-as-sin bartender Josh Thornton? That they would be on the brink of making love before the night ended? You can't find it on the shelves yet but it is on the Harlequin site. The book is $3.80 and if you can find 5 books you want on this page you get one of them free. My problem is I can never find five books on THAT page to order. The only other book *I* want is: ![]() When she moved to her family's ancestral ranch, single mom Sierra McKettrick was disconcerted by the Triple M's handsome caretaker, Travis Reid. But when her son claimed to see a mysterious boy in the house, and an heirloom teapot started popping up in unexpected places, Sierra wondered if the attraction between herself and Travis might be the least of her worries. The book is $3.99 and again... if you can find 5 books you want on this page you get one of them free. Good Luck! |
![]() Sometimes it would be three peeps, sometimes 20. But is was always fun, crazy, confusing and wonderful. And you couldn't help but fall a lil bit in love with these wonderful, amazing, smart, caring people. They live all over the world, come from all types of backgrounds, and if you are lucky enough you get to call them friends. Thank you for the laughter, fun, support, joy, discussion, and interests you have all brought into my life. The sleep lost was never missed *g*. And on that note... for anyone who doesn't know this yet... THE maili is back. Labels: Blogs |
Have anything to add? Any other authors... newbies or the oldies have have letters of your own? Labels: ponderings |
![]() But one thing I noticed she seemed to get too involved with the discussions on message boards. As a reader I like talking about books with the authors. Yes shocking I know *g*. But there gets to be that point where you agree to disagree because you are repeating yourself. I think this is a common first time author mistake. You want to talk about your baby. You want people to love your baby. You want people to read your baby! But it is murky water. How much is too much. Where is it okay to post? What will increase conversation? What will be a thread killer? And I think you learn as you go. Yes there are authors... many many authors who will give you advice. Listen to you bitch. Dry your tears. And help you call those reviewers bitches! But much like your mother telling you to do things... you still have to learn on your own. Which is what *I* think happened with Lisa Valdez and her experience with Message Boards. (please correct me if I am wrong lisa) Message boards and reviews are what they are, reader opinion. They are not for the weak. Some are great, some are grand, some are wonderful and some will tell you sucks serious ass (or even great big hairy donkey balls). So in that case... I would have to say I agree with Sandy (a reviewer with AAR) in her post Is she a grown-up or not? I personally thought that she spent a bit too much time feelin' and basking in the love here. I guess she also felt the sting.Well I would agree if that was what I thought Lisa Valdez's point was in her post. I took it like Meljean did: she was simply responding to her readers, who were wondering why the book was late, and responding in an honest (and I imagine somewhat embarrassing) manner. How mortifying is it to acknowledge that you let others opinions come between you and your work?So putting reviews and message boards aside and focusing on 'Hate Mail' I can understand why Lisa had some problems with it. Why would a person feel the need to write an author and tell them how horrid, bad, filthy, wrong, fucked up, name your shit here - their book is? That seems some what stalkerish. Reviews are for readers. Blogs and message boards are for discussion. And if an author ASKS you... what did you think. Well email the hell out of them. But what drives someone to email some stranger and tell them they are fucked? And what makes it okay? Just because as sandy sez: I'm sorry that you think I'm being harsh. I think I'm just expecting Ms. Valdez to be a professional.It happens to everyone so authors should just get over it? How do authors feel about it? Is it really something that common? How do you deal with it? Will anyone else admit to it *g*. What makes an email turn from Feedback to Hate Mail? And anyone who has ever sent negative feedback to an author they didn't know, what made you do it? What caused that reaction? And hey if nothing else... if a person hates a book enough to feel the need to email, couldn't you say you still did a good job as a writer? At the heart of it. Like it or not, there is no right or wrong answer as far as Lisa Valdez's post goes. It is how she felt. It is what she did to take care of what she saw as a problem. And I for one appreciate an author being honest. No matter if I agree or no. Maybe that is just me... And this is always fun: You ARE what you WRITE Labels: Lisa Valdez, ponderings |
![]() Since an author is one person it seems all they would be able to write is one character. Does it happen? Sure! Can you assume an author is pro life because her character is? I just can't buy that. Do true crime authors have bodies buried in their backyard? What about that happily married author, who has slept with one man, her husband of 30 years who is over there writing threesome stories? Explain her! (I am really not referring to any one author I just pulled that out of my ass but feel free to say if that is you *g*) oops I just said I wasn't going to go there... but hey feel free to weigh in if you agree or not with LyndaX: As for assuming that an author's personality and values are reflected by her work, that seems fair to me too. If I read an author who shows cruelty to animals as funny, I do make valid--IMO--assumptions about her. Is it fair to assume that an author who writes sexually explicit material is promiscuous? No. But it is fair to assume that she is in favor of sexual freedom. Whether an author means to or not, her book conveys her values, and I think those values are a fair target. If all the black characters in a book are shown to be lazy, dishonest, and stupid, then I think it's fair game to criticize the author, sometimes in a way that she might describe as vicious. Books elicit strong responses.I would LOVE examples of books, plots, characters you have written that don't reflect you at all, as well as the ones that might. Or tell me I am wrong and that every book you write reflects who you are and your values. I am always open to learning I am wrong. Come on you know you wanna play! (I don't like to quote from other places, meaning the open, public, anyone can access online blogs and message boards. Since AAR doesn't archive all their boards and I keep running into dead links I am quoting [but only the public boards].) Labels: ponderings, Romance |
![]() Does anyone use this or something like it... if so do you like it? This seems useful, realtime HTML editor. CindyS I am still not certain what you are asking but I will take a guess and make a post in a bit. Off to work now but didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. Thankee Labels: Blogs, ponderings |
![]() Go check it out! Labels: Blogs |
posted at AAR on one of their message boards by author Julia Justiss... Recently I've heard (Sue Grimshaw, the romance book buyer for Borders Group just mentioned this in a talk) that tho readers still love the Regency, they are bored with "traditional" genre themes and treatments... Gee ya think? That Sue is quick. I want her job! I would rock at her job! hee Full post here Labels: Historical, ponderings |
From Rod Stewart to Guns and Roses... earworms for everyone! hee sorry- syb![]() From Lisa... Hi Everyone, Sybil was kind enough to invite me to her blog so that I could have the opportunity to explain what the heck my problem has been with completing PATIENCE. Thank you, Syb, for this opportunity. So, here’s the deal: This past year has been really challenging for me. Besides some very heavy intrusions by life, the biggest problem I had with writing PATIENCE was that I was writing it while dealing with the unexpectedly strong response to PASSION. As many of you may know, readers were very vocal about PASSION and they basically fell into two camps—those who adored it and those who despised it. There was very little in-between. And while many of the discussion boards were taken up with long threads about PASSION, my email was also overflowing. Most of the email was wonderful, and some of you made me cry (((hugs))), but there was also “hate mail,” which I could never identify until I’d started reading—and like the compulsion I often feel to watch a bad movie till the end, I had to read those emails to the end. I know, so stupid! Anyway, the force of these two opposing opinions came down on me together and, suddenly, writing got really difficult. All at once, I felt a HUGE responsibility to all of you who had loved and adored PASSION. While I was so grateful that PASSION had fallen into your hands, I began to worry that you wouldn’t like Patience and Matthew’s story. I mean, they are very different characters from Passion and Mark, and the sensual angle is different as well. Perhaps, thought I, you just want another PASSION. And while I was tormenting myself with these thoughts, I did a completely ludicrous thing. I allowed the voices of my detractors to influence me as well. Lord, I kept thinking: if they hated PASSION, they’re going to stone me in the streets for PATIENCE. I started holding the characters back—I wouldn’t let them do what they wanted to do, or even think what they wanted to think. And when I did give them some leeway, I did so only with the greatest trepidation. But I don’t want to give the impression that I am this over-sensitive, delicate type, with fragile confidence and flimsy sensibilities. I assure you, that’s not me. It went more like this: I wake up excited to write this scene in which Matthew gives Patience this intense spanking that breaks down all her emotional barriers. But, as is my habit, I check my email before I begin to write. Well, there in my inbox is an email from a very angry reader. She calls me a misogynist and rants that I have no business writing romance for women as I so obviously hate women. She goes on to say that Mark is an “abusive rapist,” (I didn’t know there was any other kind) and that Matthew is equally as bad as he “beats” his mother. She ends her email by calling me a “disgrace to modern women.” –Okay, so suffice it to say, I did not write the spanking scene that day. Nor did I write it for many days after. Then, after more garbage came my way, I opted not to write it at all—even though it was a major turning point in the story. And that’s how it went. Well, you absolutely CANNOT write a book while afraid of it (especially a book like PATIENCE). You cannot! The manuscript was tepid, and half-hearted. And because I had left things out that I had suddenly feared readers would find too intense, Patience couldn’t even really arc as a character. I had completely robbed her of what she needed. And poor Matthew—I had cut him off at the knees as well. Anyway, slowly but surely, I began to face the fact that I had completely lost my way. There were many months of denial before I was able to finally face the truth—that I’d allowed some very sad, unfortunate people to crush me. This was a rather disturbing and painful realization. I mean, how could I have let that happen? But I also got angry about it and, finally, I had this “what-the-heck?/what-is-your-problem?” moment. And in that moment (or two), I got so fed up with myself and the whole situation that I knew I was done. And within a week or two, I felt like myself again—thank you, Jesus! So, having said all this, I apologize to all of you who loved PASSION and were generous enough to take time out of your busy lives to tell me so. I ought to have given you more of my trust. I ought to have trusted, as I did with PASSION, that if I loved these characters enough then many of you would too. And most of all, I ought not to have dishonored all of you, and myself, by allowing people who hate what I do to influence what I do. So, there you have it—the cliff notes to a very long and surprisingly intense personal struggle. I hope you’ll all hang in there for Matthew and Patience’s romance. I know I’ve tried your patience at this point, but I also know that the book coming out in May is far more passionate and honest than the one you would have purchased earlier. Thanks so much for listening. And thank you, Syb, for offering me the welcoming forum of your blog. Ciao, Lisa —Oh, and the spanking scenes are back! Yeah, there are more than one… Labels: Guest Author Day, Lisa Valdez |
Look for a posting coming soon... like today (prolly around lunch time) from Lisa Valdez Until then... here is some rod for you cuz I lurve you all so *g* Somebody somewhere In the heat of the night Looking pretty dangerous Running out of patience Tonight in the city You wont find any pity Hearts are being twisted Another lover cheated, cheated In the bars and the cafes, passion In the streets and the alleys, passion A lot of pretending, passion Everybody searching, passion Once in love youre never out of danger One hot night spent with a stranger All you wanted was somebody to hold on to yeah Passion, passion Passion, passion New york, moscow, passion Hong kong, tokyo, passion Paris and bangkok, passion A lotta people aint got, passion Hear it in the radio, passion Read it in the papers, passion Hear it in the churches, passion See it in the school yards, passion Once in love youre never out of danger One hot night spent with a stranger All you wanted was somebody to hold on to yeah Once in love youre never out of danger One hot night spent with a stranger All you wanted was somebody to hold on to yeah Alone in your bed at night, passion Its half past midnight, passion As you turn out your sidelight, passion Something aint right, passion Theres no passion, theres no passion Theres no passion, I need passion You need passion, we need passion Cant live without passion Wont live without passion Even the president needs passion Everybody I know needs some passion Some people die and kill for passion Nobody admits they need passion Some people are scared of passion Yeah passion Labels: Guest Author Day |
coming home and having your cable, internet and phone turned off because your bank which screwed up your account TWO months before STILL hasn't managed to get it fixed... oh and returned money to the wrong account THEN charged you more fees for returning the check (3 times) This after having been in the bank, in person, to fill out forms (twice) which they lost (twice) to correct the mistake THEY FUCKING MADE. And not being able to use the debit card to your new account because it has to be activated using your home phone, which is currently not working!
I think I may have gone through withdrawal. Lucky for all involved the money is back. Account to be CLOSED. And the internet working again - today. Security Services SUCKS. Stay far far far away. Labels: ponderings on the stupid |
![]() What happens when a woman explores her most forbidden fantasies? When the intoxicating scent of man triggers illicit desire? When passion for the unusual lures lovers into worlds reserved only for the uninhibited... ![]() It's a good thing Juliana Chase takes such pleasure in playing matchmaker, because there's nothing she wants more than to see her loved ones happy. Her latest pairing involves Dr. James Trevor, Earl of Stafford, and her friend, Amanda. So why does the handsome physician insist on ignoring her good intentions-and shaking up her sensible plans? ![]() Dangerous. Sensual. Handsome as sin. Meet Hayden Rothwell, the shamelessly erotic hero of The Rules of Seduction and author Madeline Hunter’s most irresistible alpha male yet: a man of extraordinary passion and power, a man who can bring out the seductress in any woman.… ![]() Thorn Ferrell, a courier for the US Secret service, and a werewolf, is sent to Europe at the dawn of the Turko-Russian war. All she has to do is deliver a package and her term of service is finally over. ![]() At a glamorous soiree in the romantic English countryside, Lord Devon Boscastle, one of the most elusive bachelors in London, is on the prowl for a willing and wicked lady to share a night of all-consuming sin. So he’s delighted to accept a mysterious invitation for a midnight rendezvous. ![]() Lord Drake Boscastle has everything–smoldering good looks, extreme wealth, and devilish charms. Everything, that is, except true happiness. Hoping to satisfy his growing discontent, he is set to meet one of the most celebrated courtesans in England for a heated rendezvous. But on the scheduled night of pleasure, Lord Drake’s world is turned upside down by Eloise Goodwin, a wholesome, spirited governess with voluptuous curves and a beguiling wit. Even with an experienced seductress willing to satisfy his every need, Lord Drake cannot forget his encounter with Eloise. ![]() In every generation, a Gardella is called to accept the family legacy of vampire slaying, and this time, Victoria Gardella Grantworth is chosen, on the eve of her debut, to carry the stake. But as she moves between the crush of ballrooms and dangerous, moonlit streets, Victoria's heart is torn between London's most eligible bachelor, the Marquess of Rockley, and her enigmatic ally, Sebastian Vioget. And when she comes face to face with the most powerful vampire in history, Victoria must ultimately make the choice between duty and love. ![]() Vampire fiction with a twist-and a touch of Texas heat. The first book, The Hunter's Prey: Erotic Tales of Texas Vampires, is currently on sale at Books a Million. Tradesize for around 5 bucks! ![]() A dedicated scientist, Laura Manning has an I.Q. that's off the charts. But beneath her pristine white lab coat is a curvaceous body that craves satisfaction. She finds it hard keeping her mind on the experiment and off what's under the lab coat of her bad boy research partner, Jay Cutler, whom she's working with to develop a libido suppressant, an "antidote" for a society gone sex-mad, pumped up and over-stimulated by the miracle of Viagra. ![]() Lilith, a demon, has spent 2,000 years tempting men and guaranteeing their eventual damnation. That is, until she meets her greatest temptation: the man whose life mission has been to kill her. She seriously needs a better blurb at Amazon. ![]() Witch Lark McClure has survived a vicious vampire attack that shook her confidence and left her struggling with feelings of helplessness and fear. The last thing she needs is a partnership with Gawain, a handsome vampire knight who means to seduce her every chance he gets. ![]() U.S. Marshal Jack McCay tracks outlaws for a profession and sweet-talks women out of their clothes for pleasure. ![]() Five days before her wedding to a man she admires but doesn't love, Katrina Spencer escapes to a private island. There, she can let the sun warm her body as she contemplates a future without the passion she craves. Then she lazily opens her eyes, only to see Brock Denton . . . muscular, half-naked, the one who got away-;the one who makes her body tingle with arousal. Labels: New to Me, Review in Progess, Review in the Works |
hee I know that is from one but WoOT! you all do know that PoC:Dead Man's Chest is coming to DVD soon right?