I had no clue there were so many! Do you visit author blogs? Who is your can't be missed? Link me baby! As a rule I really don't visit many author blogs, mainly because of time. I had a handful listed on my sidebar but as more and more (and hopefully more) readers get blogs, the list is getting huge. So I decided to do three groups: Author Blogs, Reader Blogs and Group Blogs. Then link at the side bar. If that would work ;). And looks like it did, lil more of a pain than just looking and clicking but easier than going through my faves. I really need to sign up for blogline or that other thing. {long ass history or why there are so few... aka it would say read here if I had time to figure out why I can't get angiew's nifty cut thingy to work} Yesterday I spent around two, sadly maybe even three hours, doing the author blog hop. I had no clue there were so many. And then after I had over 50 listed, as I was only listing authors I read, want to read or looked interesting to read one day when I can buy books again, internet explorer shut the fuck down. Now I try to be good and save a draft every once in a while. That way when my computer, I love because it does still work and I can't afford a new one, shuts down, blue screens or IE fucks up - I can find something of what I was doing. Sure you know where this is going... didn't do that yesterday. So after cussing lots and lots I put back a few so I could test to see if it would even work as I wanted since I am seriously computer and blog stupid. Before I get sucked back into the author blog searching, since omg it is the end of the month and I must get these reviews out to AAR and the others up (even though that whole grammar thing has made me not want to - and no, nothing to do with the grand person who emailed me). And there is this huge time suck of real life shit I must deal with coupled with some other rl shit I don't want to do because it is going to depress me and I am in a good mood right now (or this could just be panic). I figured I would just ask for rec's ;). |
My blog has moved! Redirecting…
You should be automatically redirected. If not, visit goodbadandunread and update your bookmarks.
- Nov - Pamela Clare
- Nov - Adrienne Basso
- Nov - Nancy Warren
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- March - Lisa Valdez
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Author Blogs
Stand back, everybody! This is a Test!
I'm testing something new for Miss Sybil. Thiang To prove we're not barbarians They dress us up like savages! To prove we're not barbarians We wear a funny skirt! Ah...............h! Wives To prove we're not barbarians They dress us up like savages! To prove we're not barbarians We wear a funny skirt! Thiang Western People Funny, Western People Funny, Western People Funny, Of that there is no doubt, They feel so sentimental About the Oriental, They always try to turn us Inside down down and upside out! Wives Upside out and inside down! Thiang To bruise and pinch our little toes- Our feet are cramped in leather shoes- They'd break if we had brittle toes, But now they only hurt! Ah...............h! Wives To bruise and pinch our little toes Our feet are cramped in leather shoes, They'd break if we had brittle toes, But now they only hurt! Western People Funny! Western People Funny! Western People Funny! Too funny to be true! Thiang Thiang They think they civilise us Ah..... Whenever they advise us To learn to make the same mistake That they are making too! .............h! All THEY MAKE QUITE A FEW! Taken from The King and I soundtrack |
Contest: Deep Breath by Alison Kent
![]() This time it is on her blog. Go check it out. |
Karen is the EVOL!
I was so good, didn't respond to the post. Only snarked a lil bit on tara's blog. I was good, it was done, we moved on until next week when someone plays the same tune again. But oh no.... karen had to go bring it up again. le sigh... |
more blog questions
1. Is it better to have a blog archive every week or month? 2. Any suggestions on my comment phrase? I am tired of book whores pimpin'. But can't think of anything that amuses me... might do duckies quackin. 3. Can I delete pics off my computer after uploading to blogger? And it there a limit to how many I can upload? Like where the hell are these pics being saved? heeeee cuz I really really like.. 4. I made this. If I can catch maili, jay or cw to help me put up my header pic and change the colors. IS there any reason I would rather use this blog than the one I currently use? And if there is, how much harder is wordpress than blogger? 5. Would it be easy to make it where my template lets me put info on the left and right of the blog post? Or would that take redoing the whole thing? Because I love my colors, font and pic - thank you maili ;). |
Some Like It Sinful by Deborah Raleigh
![]() No news on her new trilogy but thanks to D. for the heads up on the new cover. Cuz look purple! I keep telling myself I shouldn't like this cover but really the purple is great, the font nice and it keeps the theme from the first book. So all in all it is pretty, or it could just be that is it purple! She has an excerpt up. Don't recall if it was up there in Jan or not. I haven't read it but hey I have the first book still tbr. |
Autumn in Scotland by Karen Ranney
grumpy was ever so nice to ask at the Avon Board for info on this book... And Karen Ranney was every so nice to answer: Well, since you asked, here's the "stuff" about Autumn in Scotland: Sounds good, I was afraid she was going to say he had been off being a spy or something. hmmm which I guess he could still be off being a spy since he isn't George. Guess we will have to wait and see ;). |
Book Donations
Jay has a post up with details of how you can donate books to The New Orleans Library. |
INFO: Patience by Lisa Valdez
![]() Now I am one to try and not read excerpts... but having read the one at the back of Passion (loved this book) and not liking it. I was way curious to see how this one played. I have changed my mind, I want this book! |
INFO: She's No Princess by Laura Lee Guhrke
![]() I still haven't decided if I am getting this or not, as I was one of the ones disappointed in The Marriage Bed and the summary is sort of iffy for me. summary from site: What happens when Britain’s most proper diplomat, Sir Ian Moore, meets up with the fun-loving daughter of an Italian prince? She has a limited time excerpt up at her site until March 28th, then a new excerpt gets posted. So if you are interested go read! Oh there is also a contest if you read the excerpt go enter! The cover I don't really like, might be my computer color being screwy, but that looks like one fucked up hand from here. If you know for sure you want this... amazon has it on the list for the buy 3 get 4 special, really a great deal. Le sigh will be strong. Will not buy books. But hey I can live on the joy of your book buys so helpful girl I am you can order it here |
Barbara Pierce?
![]() Who is Barbara Pierce? Looks like she has quite a few books out and has two more on the way. Wicked Under the Covers is due out in July 2006 from St. Martin's Press. Then in 2007 SINFUL BETWEEN THE SHEETS comes out. How can there be a historical author I have never heard of? Kristie you are so falling down on the job! Not sure what I think of these titles... can't say I have heard them before but.... excerpt for Wicked Under the Covers |
The Earl's Intended Wife by Louise Allen
![]() OK so I bought one new book during my DiW search on Wednesday... hey one! I did good. So it wasn't on my tbb list and is an author I never heard of, I was weak. Summary:
She doesn't have a website but does blog on Historical Romance UK I thought she was a new author but looks like she has been published in the UK just not here. In 2004! I wonder how they decide what books to bring out here. Or does that mean they need more Harlequin Historical authors? |
Never Seduce a Scoundrel by Sabrina Jeffries
![]() The excerpt looks good, I just read it. I really try not to read excerpt if at all possible because then I tend to obsess. Yes I am sure you are shocked. The second book Only a Duke Will Do ties in with To Pleasure a Prince. Two of my fave secondary characters Louisa North (who gives lessons on court behavior at the school) and Simon, the Duke of Foxmoor are the h/h. I have wanted this book since I finished TPaP :). Release is set for September 2006. Liz Carlyle will join Sabrina Jeffries (along with Julia London and Renee Bernard) in December 2006 for a School for Heiresses anthology. I believe that will end the series. Very clever idea I think... or maybe that is just because I love to read SJ and LC ;). |
Devil in Winter - yes again
![]() Review to come later... prolly much later a couple fave quotes (not really too spoilerish if you know anything about the book): one I have rereread in the excerpt and still made me grin when I read the book “My father, the duke, has failed in his one responsibility in life: to keep the family fortune intact so that he can pass it on to me. My responsibility, on the other hand, is to pass my time in profligate idleness and wait for him to die. I’ve been doing my job splendidly. The duke, however, has not. He’s made a botch of managing the family finances, and at present he is unforgivably poor and even worse, healthy.” "The only love match is between St. Vincent and himself" I really wish LK had known she wasn't going to make Cam the hero in the next book before this one went off to print. He is a great character. Of course maybe that will give her a want to do another historical ;). "It's a mistake, you know. You have no idea of what you'll be exposed to... the obscenities and lewd comments, the lecherous gazes, the groping and pinching... and that's just at my house. Imagine what it would be like here." "Oh, stop protesting. I didn't make nearly this much of a fuss after our wedding, and I was a virgin." Really I could quote the book, loved Sebastian and Eve, and their banter is wonderful. Sebastian is who he is and makes no bones about it, Eve knows it and doesn't try to hide it. Of course one does have to giggle at her "I don't like that word". comments. I do adore the 'fuck' comment but won't quote yet... I can see some not loving this book but I think it just might be my favorite Kleypas novel. I look forward to reading what everyone thinks ;). |
Borders Rewards....
Just in case someone hasn't gotten this email ;) free border buyer reward card border coupon 30% off with card... 15% w/o I was just in borders on my DiW hunt and they are still doing buy 4 get 5. They couldn't tell me for how long but the email says March 6. Great time to sign up for the reward card ;). |
Devil in Winter...
![]() That noise you hear is me sqqqqeeeeeing. Walgreens? Who'ed a thunk. So thank you to the nice members of the avon board (shush kristie and you too romance a go go). So while the OCD voice in my head is now silent enough for me to finish the stuff I was trying to do, you can go to walgreen too ;). Yes this is prolly the last time I pay full price for a book. And I am still pissed at walmart for having every new book except the two I need. If you are not manic like myself and you can calmly wait for the book to come out and go kill some time on Lisa Kleypas's site. Or go read lisa squawk about Devil in Winter... look kristie she mentions a certain someone you adore ;). |
Forget Love and Romance...
story on women's books by Geraldo at Large bah, how much you wanna bet it isn't a nice story ETA: Sex Sells Romance Novels looks like they are interviewing Sunny co-author of "The Hard Stuff," and Liz Maverick found it on Sylvia Day's blog... they asked her to do an interview. Prolly really smart that she decided not too. |
Riddle Me This...
Define, in your own words, what the following terms mean: 1. "Women's Fiction" 2. "Chick-Lit" 3. "Contemporary Fiction" And give a recommendation of a book or story that would fit. Please and thank you ;). |
Do you know...
1. If there is a plug in calendar for blogger? I haven't been able to get into my outlook for a few weeks and haven't messed with road runner to fix it yet. My yahoo email account is gone, I think but I know they have a calendar I can use if nothing else. 2. I have asked this before and I thought the answer was yes but I can't get it to work. Can you predate an entry and publish it but it not show until whatever date and time you put on the post? |
Rabbit Heart by Colleen Hitchcock
![]() Rabbit Heart by Colleen Hitchcock is categorized as a suspense novel. And she seems to have more books to follow. I have never heard of her... book sound different From the Book Jacket A wildly original and sexy debut novel set in Victorian England, Rabbit Heart tells the story of a French temptress who literally loves men to death. |
Surfing the Web....
Nicole Jordan has info on her site regarding a new reprint: In December 2006, Ballantine will be reprinting my lively Regency historical, TOUCH ME WITH FIRE. To escape a stodgy suitor, a beautiful hoyden runs away with a Gypsy tribe, straight into the arms of a passionate nobleman. bah! Of course it would be one I HAVE. XxXxXxXx Who was Rebecca Paisley? Anyone have any rec's? XxXxXxXx Still no news on Susan Kay Law's next book. XxXxXxXx from brava authors newsletter: Karen Kelly has signed up to do three more Contemporary Brava's. The first one is titled Double Dating With The Dead, a sexy romantic comedy where a psychic and a skeptic stay in a haunted hotel with two sex-starved ghosts. Visit authorkarenkelly.com for future info on her upcoming releases. XxXxXxXx Lisa Kleypas has sent in her first contemp and still says we will see more historicals from her. And no I still do not own DiW :( XxXxXxXx I really hope Lords of Avalon is as good as it sounds. Anyone seen any reviews yet? XxXxXxXx Did you know that Jennifer Ashley is also Allyson James XxXxXxXx Another interesting contest from author Laurie Larsen. XxXxXxXx look a book written just for nicole ;) XxXxXxXx I have never read Julia Quinn but for those of you who do, her new bookcover is up on her site. XxXxXxXx Risky Regencies have posted (and I think there will be some more) What everyone thinks is true about the Regency time. Some interesting stuff... XxXxXxXx from brava authors newsletter: Sylvia Day has agreed to write three more single title historicals for Brava, which takes her release schedule through 2008. XxXxXxXx It is turning into an all about nicole day. ok back to typing with me.... |
CS: :Lover Eternal by J R Ward
![]() Review Coming Soon until then... go enter angiew's contest go play on the site LE... in progress Or go reread Dark Lover ![]() and if you are still thinking about trying the series out... I give you a few review links: My favorite review is here :) angie of the give-away is here bam reviews DL here tara reviews DL here Cindys takes a ramble on DL here even kristiej gave in on her no vamps and read note to self show kristie how to put a search on her blog Amanda reviews DL here Feel free to post to your review if I missed you! I still haven't put my contacts back on and man is this a bitch to do ;). Oh and a couple of interviews you might find interesting.... recent JR Ward interview from PNR angiew interviews JR Ward answers that ever popular name question. I am thinking this came out when I was web absent because damn if I don't recall reading it. |
Seven-Year Seduction by Heidi Betts
![]() I have all of Heidi Betts books. Yes shocking ;). Hey but I have even read some of them! She falls into the fun historical column, at least the ones I have read. And I have to say I read her more because I love her h/h than anything else. So when I learned she was moving to Silhouette Desire I do have to say I was sad. But I put it down as something to look at for and then forgot. When I ran across the AAR review for Blame it on the Blackout I was hooked and had to find that book! And once I did I loved it. In fact I currently have two copies ;). Bought by a Millionaire was just as great and even though I didn't enjoy When the Lights Go Down as much as the first two I still was on the look out for Seven-Year Seduction. In fact her move to Desire was one of the reasons I decided I really needed to branch out and read more lines than HH. So far Heidi Betts is the only Desire author I watch for but I do have a few more to try. She also has Mr. and Mistress, coming out in May. It is book five of The Elliotts. Give her a try, you might find a new author to read and a new line to look into. |
I should rename the blog Behind...
Sorry, really crappy news on friday, which has led to a wonderful migraine and mucho work to do on Monday. Since I am just about kissing the monitor to type this, contacts are out and I can't see, look for the reviews for Haunted, Lady of Sin and Lover Eternal on Monday or Tuesday. They need to be typed up. After getting stuck at my mom's on Friday, with one book to read, I ended up watching the first season of Grey's Anatomy. Very good, I highly recommend it! It is freezing in Texas. My medication is kicking back and so I am about to fall back to sleep. Hope you had a great weekend! OH and since I won't be buying books for a while now (good thing I have a tbr pile) NEW books bought prior to the Friday icky mail: Seven-Year Seduction by Heidi Betts Temperature's Rising by Karen Kelley 3 Brides for 3 Bad Boys by Lucy Monroe AND found in a ubs for 1/2 in a box with other books I should call back and have put on hold just cuz I guess they are way hard to find: Once and Again by Lori Foster Lets all hope I wake back up without the migraine cuz next week is going to suck without being sick on top of it. I am going to go read Dreaming of You now, or some other book it doesn't matter I won't recall when I wake up *g*. So what are you reading? |
Review: Bad Boys Ahoy! by Sylvia Day
![]() Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirate's life for me - We pillage, we plunder we rifle and loot Drink up me hearties, yo ho We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot Drink up me hearties, yo ho Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirate's life for me We extort, we pilfer we filch and sack Drink up me hearties, yo ho Maraud and embezzle and even high-jack Drink up me hearties yo ho |
Loving Lies by Lora Leigh
![]() Hey look! A new book by Lora Leigh at Samhain. What? Ok I have no impluse control I blame angiew for posting about it. And no jay I don't know if it is any good but I plan to read it after I finish my three reviews and the recent ARC. So go forth and check out Loving Lies. You can read an excerpt. And if you buy it and READ it - let me know if you like it. They have some nice covers... |
What do you think of this? *** as the above link says, this was the brain child of booksquare |
Deep Breath by Alison Kent
![]() I love the cover! She will wrap up the series with BEYOND A SHADOW, which comes out in December and will feature Ezra Moore. So go take a look see, enter and good luck! Even if you are cw or nicole and win all the damn time. I have a post in draft about contests, so if you run across any interesting ones drop me a line: redwyne at gmail dot com. |
Upcoming Reviews
Week of: 2/6/06 - 2/12/06 ::in alpha order:: Mouth to Mouth by Erin McCarthy - started review - blog Once in a Blue Moon by Celia Stuart (due 2/17/05) Moon's Web - by C. T. Adams, Cathy Clamp Wolf Tales by Kate Douglas |
When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys
![]() mine mine mine mine mine mine!!! sssssqqqqqqeeeeeeeee review to come... which means I really need to finish the current Here go read another Bad Boy book while you wait, and come back and tell us all about it! from Kensington site:
Am I the only one who thought Vampires
![]() When you see this cover for Pleasuring the Prince by Patricia Grasso I can't decide if I like this cover or not. The red is great and I have to say I am a sucker for a red cover. But she sort of looks dead... You can read an excerpt on her site. Looks like this is 4th in a series. And she has a contract for the three more books, one will be the 5 of the Kazanov Series. I could have sworn I had read something by her but looking at her backlist I am not sure. If course knowing me I could have bought it and then given it away or traded it without reading it. Anyone a Patricia Grasso fan? Have any rec? |
![]() The Desert Virgin by Sandra Marton If I recall correctly - which I prolly don't - Jay had wondered about the Name of Harlequin Presents new series: UnCut. Since it is all about jay, I bring you Sandra Marton's interview where she gives us the inside scoop on this new line. Well really I don't bring it to you, I am just going to give you a link and a quote ;).
So now you know ;). Anyone read this yet? I think Alyssa reviewed the first uncut book. Maybe I should make this one my first HP? |
?? on RSS Feed, pop-up and tags... and general rambling
I would like to be able to update a post with info without needing to redo the whole thing. So like in the case of the post I just moved In The Bed of a Duke, I would like to add reviews to the bottom as they happen. Mainly because I like the pictures but don't want to have to keep reposting them. 1. My question to you guys is, does this fuck anything up on your end? I have been doing it over the last few days and no one has mentioned it being a pain in their ass. Like with the bloglines type stuff, I ask because someone said they were having issue and reloading a page a few types and was sorry to the RSS feed people. I wasn't sure what they were sorry for ;). So I wanted to make sure no one was silently suffering for my laziness. 2. I turned off the pop up comments a while ago because I didn't see a need to have to wait for a box to pop up to comment. And it wasn't until Karen mentioned it today that I thought about the fact that I do post a lot of question type posts and pop up boxes might be useful. Of course if this doesn't work out for you, let me know. I won't be able to make everyone happy and well it can't annoy me ;). But if I don't have issue with it and it makes it easier on the person commenting or viewing or whatever. Let me know. 3. I really wish I could do tags but I don't think that is a blogger thing. I have noticed people using technorati tags. Is that easy to sign up for? And does it cost? Cuz I bes cheap. I want to focus on reviews (duh), upcoming romance novels (as in a list), MY personal want list, romance lines, and posts of books (one per post) that I want and will most likely review. A. I also need to figure out how to update my index of reviews, which I will put links to all reviews - if they are AAR Reviews they will just go to AAR and decision of an AAR Review should go to the AAR Review Message Board. B. And would like to do a reader blog post and a author blog post where one link would show on the sideboard but open to a post with lots. Not sure what is the best way to go about this. I am also playing with a promo day for series/category books. Like every Wednesday I would post a series/category of any type Desire, Blaze, HH whatever that I am interested in, another reader emails in, or the author sends. Would it up sales? Probably not but hey it is free and it makes me sad that AAR had such a hard time getting votes for category romances. LOL which of course that idea lead to I should do the same for ebooks because they are popular but not always known authors or even publishers. But those last two are ideas I am still thinking of... and of course if you email me with a heads up about your book or a book your favorite author is coming out with, I might read it and review it. And I am not saying that will always be a good review - just honest, fair and my own opinion. Yes I put too much thought into my blog and no I don't want to be a writer. But I want to get whatever I want to do set into place so it is easy for me to do. Since I also need to get a job. **when the phone rings in the middle of typing a post... always hit DRAFT - oy |
Wolf at the Door by Christine Warren
![]() Has anyone read Wolf at the Door yet? The book comes out in March, so I would think ARC's have gone out for review by now. It doesn't look like Christine Warren's site is up-to-date, other than the news blurb (The second Novel of the Others, She's No Faerie Princess, comes out in Fall 2006 from St. Martin's Press. And I think there is one after that.) There is an excerpt up at St. Martin's site. Yes, just what I need another new book to want. Amazon's 4 for 3 is sounding better and better. If only that voice telling me not to spend the tax refund until I learn how much last Friday will fuck my life up, would shut up. Why isn't there a limit to how much people can fuck with you? ::deep calming breath:: that is another post... From the Back Cover: Christine Warren's spellbinding new series takes you into the enthralling world of The Others-mystical creatures who have long kept their true natures hidden from human eyes. Now, these werekin, shapeshifters, vampires, and witches must choose between revealing their powers or fighting a sinister sect hell-bent on their destruction... I had no idea she has so many books out. I have only read one, Fantasy Fix and I enjoyed the writing but the way the friends interacted got on my nerves. Might be why I haven't been keeping up on what Christine Warren writing, well and the lack of updates. ** yes jay I am liking the pictures :) |
Suite Fantasy by Janice Maynard
![]() by Janice Maynard yet? She is a member of the blog: Vamps and Scamps along with Dianne Castell (tbr Star Quality, tbb Texas Bad Boys),LuAnn McLane, Shiloh Walker (a few ebooks tbr & HOT SPELL), Lucy Monroe (read all 5 I have) and Karen Kelley (Southern Comfort, Southern Exposure and BBwET tbr & Temp Rising & Texas Bad Boys tbb) Janice Maynard cover caught my eye yesterday, when blog hopping and I noticed Amazon keeps recommending it to me. So have any of you guys read it? What cha think? If you haven't read or heard of the book here is a lil info cuz I am nice like that. from amazon: Book Description An excerpt, one from each story: Suite Seduction Suite Surrender Suite Revenge |
computer sos
I think it has been ever since I downloaded Adobe reader v.7 but pdf files no longer save as pdf files. So if I down load something or even try and click on a link on a webpage that would open in adobe, I have to pick a program to open it with. Or in the case of a website, save to my hd, then open it picking adobe. And I have notice my jpeg files aren't saving right either. ETS: jpegs can be opened and resaved. And they look right, and even upload correctly. But shouldn't it be easier? Anyone have any clue what I have managed to screw up? I am thinking (hoping) it is a setting. |
Ebook Questions Part I.
Since I am in a much better mind frame right now, I need to focus on the four reviews I want to finish today. But I shall leave you with a question, or two: 1. Have you ever read an ebook? 2. Would you consider yourself an ebook reader? (meaning more than one or two books read, you have favorite authors, they are on your tbr pile and or tbb list) 3. What publishers have you tried out? (links are greatly welcomed but if not I can find) 4. If you answered yes to 2, who are some of your: favorite publishers and/or favorite authors? (again, links are greatly welcomed and feel free to pimp your own work or publisher). 5. How do you find new ebooks to read? Do you find yourself following the same authors? Or do you tend to stick to the same site and just keep an eye on the coming soon page? **** more ebook posts to follow and I shall try to keep the questions under 5 per post ;). 1 & 2 are pretty much yes or no questions but for the others, do feel free to list as many as you like. **** |
Another DiW post cuz I can
this just so shows I don't watch the news.... I didn't even know they reviewed books on the KSAT.com site: Lisa Kleypas interview and yes... another review who knew... |
Do the Blog Hop
angie gives us a heads up on Nauti Buoy by Lora Leigh If you haven't gotten the ebook yet and want too, click here now. Book Fetish has a review up for Kick Ass. Reminding me I really wanted to read that book. I have it somewhere... P. Devi has a great idea here I think everyone should do Alyssa gives good review Jo Leigh has moved blogs. Don't forget to change your bookmark. Lucy Monroe gives us a look at the cover for And Able, at Vamps and Scamps blog. A Kelley Armstrong interview looks like a form type interview where the same questions are sent to everyone interviewed but I didn't really play around the blog hmmm same as jay:
not sure if that is good or bad... |
She’s got legs, she knows how to use them
![]() I haven't read much from Elizabeth Thornton. Maybe one or two, I am thinking I liked one and was very eh on the other. Sadly the titles don't at all come to mind. She has a lot more books then I realized. The excerpt from The Bachelor Trap kept my attention and seems like it might be a good read. I am really bad with reading excerpts but that is another post. She tells a little more about the story in her last newsletter, which makes it seem like it might be a really good story. I just might have to give this book a look see. |
So not a writer but I found this interesting...
Dictionary of Contest Speak by Kresley Cole I didn't think judges used TSTL. I thought that started at AAR. LOL if it did, that would be funny it has gotten around that much :) |
Want take III
Upcoming books can be found at My Little Book Garden, fictiondb and the historical list at The Passionate Pen. I have more to add but I always will. ADDED: NEW next to any new to me books since the last time I updated this. FEB Lord of Temptation by Paula Quinn - still need to read the first Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas - want want want Never Seduce a Scoundrel (The School for Heiresses)by Sabrina Jeffries NEW - Surrender by Pamela Clare MAR Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward - auto buy... GREAT book Three Little Secrets by Liz Carlyle - auto-buy *Portrait of a Lover by Julianne MacLean - Still think the cover model looks funky. **Lord Perfect by Loretta Chase - need to read the last one before deciding on new or used **Sword of Darkness by Kinley MacGregor *Too Tempting to Touch by Cheryl Holt - most likely used, A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole - the cover scares me Wyoming Wildfire by Elizabeth Lane - HH! ***My hero's Have Always Been Cowboys by Lorraine Heath, Teresa Bodwell - I do love these two writers soo much! NEW - Luck of the Draw by Gail Link - maybe... horrid cover but I do so love a new western APR His Wicked Kiss by Gaelen Foley - auto-buy Dead and Loving It by MaryJanice Davidson - loved Derek's Bane! NEW - Dates from Hell by Lynsay Sands, Kim Harrison, Kelley Armstrong, Lori Handeland Broken by Kelley Armstrong The Scoundrel (Harlequin Historical Series) by Lisa Plumley - HH One Night with a Spy (Royal Four) by Celeste Bradley - auto buy When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy and Helenkay Dimon **The Taming of the Duke by Eloisa James **Angel in My Bed by Melody Thomas **Deep Breath by Alison Kent ***Master of Wolves by Angela Knight - no new books by AK until I clear out a few AK tbr From the First by Jessica Bird - auto buy Tempt Me by Lucy Monroe **Lady Danger by Sarah McKerrigan - anyone heard of this author or book? BAM sez: This first installment of a new romance trilogy introduces the Rivenloch sisters--three accomplished swordswomen in medieval Scotland who are trained in the art of war and are capable of defending their father's castle and lands. MAY Fever Dreams by Nicole Jordan - auto buy Wed Under Western Skies : Abandoned\Almost A Bride\His Brother's Bride (Historical) by Carolyn Davidson, Cheryl St.John, Jenna Kernan - yes HH! **All U Can Eat by Emma Holly - So not a good title for an erotica novel, sez I. NEW - Parlor Games by Jess Michaels, Leda Swann, Julia Templeton - one (historical) of the two books from AVON's new romantic erotica line. Having liked Jess's story in Secrets 12, this book caught my eye and I was happy to see Julia Templeton here as well. Never read or heard of Leda Swann... new maybe? NEW - If This Bed Could Talk by by Liz Maverick, Kimberly Dean, Lynn LaFleur - the second and the contemp. I really enjoyed Kimberly Dean's fever and have LM and LL tbr. And I have to admit I am really interested to see what AVON brings up in this line. Captives of the Night by Loretta Chase Duke of Scandal by Adele Ashworth - auto-buy And Able by Lucy Monroe **What to Wear to a Seduction by Sari Robins - **Midnight Blue by Phoebe Conn - what is this about? NEW - **In the Bed of a Duke by Cathy Maxwell - hmmm cover caught me JUNE **The Perfect Stranger by Anne Gracie - need to read waltz before deciding on new or used **Sinful Pleasures : The Templar Knights by Mary Reed McCall - need to read at least one of her books I have to see if I even like her style of writing! Undead and Unreturnable by MaryJanice Davidson (paperback) NEW - ** The Dark Need by Lynn Viehl - really need to read the first two books If Angels Burn and Private Demon The Ranger by Carol Finch - HH **Whispers of the Night by Lydia Joyce **Bad Boys Of Summer by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy and Amy Garvey JULY **The Duke in Disguise by Gayle Callen **Bad Boys Southern Style by JoAnn Ross, E. C. Sheedy Bayou and Jill Shalvis - not sure about this one. I think I am way over my Trade size quota but I do adore JS and AAR just gave Bayou Bad Boys by JoAnn Ross, Nancy Warren, E. C. Sheedy a great review. NEW - Closer by Jo Leigh (Blaze) - romantic suspense about a woman who’s being stalked and the mysterious stranger who comes to help AUG Only a Duke Will Do (The School for Heiresses) by Sabrina Jeffries - autobuy Viva Las Bad Boys by Helenkay Dimon **Patience by Lisa Valdez NEW - High Stakes A Tale of Vegas Vampires by Erin McCarthy *From London with Love by Jenna Petersen **Just One of Those Flings by Candice Hern Scandal in Spring by Lisa Kleypas - auto buy, moved to Aug per author post SEPT LOVER AWAKENED by J.R. Ward aka Z!book! - I want... now! The Southern Devil by Diane Whiteside Murphy's Law by Lori Foster The Wicked Games of a Gentleman by Jillian Hunter - I am thinking this is the next her lastest series but I am not sure. Hell I have the last two tbr still. NEW - Reckless by Karen Robards - I don't even think I have read the other Banning Sisters but they were historical's right? I mean woo hoo an author returning to historicals? hmm I should check that before jumping up and down. OCT NEW - The Rules of Seduction by Madeline Hunter - anyone have any idea what this is about? NEW - The Secret Passion of Simon Blackwell by Samantha James - Victorian Era... HOT NIGHT by Shannon McKenna NEW **You Don't Know Jack by Erin McCarthy - need to read The Pregnancy Test, which this book follows. NEW - Take Me by Lucy Monroe NOV NEW - Knight of Darkness by Kinley MacGregor NEW - Relentless by Jo Leigh (Blaze)- next in the series after Closer DEC School for Heiresses anthology that will wrap up the series, stories by Sabrina Jeffries, Julia London, Liz Carlyle and a new author Renee Bernard... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2006 list JAN ***Master of Darkness by Susan Sizemore * read reviews first/** need more info/*** will buy used What is the difference between * and ** you say? Well a * I want a review first but a ** means I have no clue what the book is about, either the title or author caught my eye. So I might start to lust after a ** book without a review. |
Duke of Scandal... Redux
![]() oh what the hell... one more coming soon to you AVON romance, just cuz I love kristiej Adele Ashworth has put up the the prologue and first chapter of her upcoming book, Duke of Scandal. Go forth and read. Oh and miss romance a go go you pick up Duke of Sin yet? Really I think it rocks, so you should try it on that alone ;). hmmm wonder if AA knows the pic on her main page links to the wrong book? see kristiej... three nonicky avon covers, just for you! |
In case you have been playing the home game...
I still don't own:![]() Yes shocks me too. And is there or is there not a THE... did it get dropped? This pic, no THE, LK pic (who I would think knows a lil about the book) has a THE. And really... do you see how well this book cover goes with my blog? I mean really, I so should have a copy of this, uh like now. yes yes yes I know it comes out soon. I know I a stack of books to read, or two stacks. BUT I want it NOW!/Veruca Salt But while we wait... Bam of It's Not Chick Porn (in case you are thinking Books-a-Million, who by the way still isn't selling DiW) has finally caved into Kristiej evol masterplan of having the world read DREAMING OF YOU. And has her review up. So you go read that while we wait for, you know, Devil in Winter. Then if you still have some wait time... Bev needs some Vampy recs |
Fever isn't such a new scene
Helenkay blogged For Further Confusion regarding the March Romantic Times trying to, as Alison Kent sez: Define Eroticism . I happen to agree there is no right or wrong. But as I sit here trying to assign sensuality rating, the question is running through my head. I have read books recently that are called hot, hot baby but seem very mild to me. I am missing something? LOL or just too jaded and on romantic erotica overload ;). 1. How do you define erotic vs erotic romance in your personal reading or reviews? 2. Do you have any personal examples of authors you feel fit the two? 3. Where do you feel romantica fits in between erotic vs erotic romance? 4. Is the sensuality rating something you even pay attention to before you read a novel? Or do you look after? Do you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing? 5. If you do look at the ratings before - you are looking for hotter stories? Or are you looking for the sweeter ones? 6. If you write, is the level or page amount focused on sex something you even think of when you plot out a story (if you outline) or do you just 'let the characters lead?'? 7. Do you think we are flooding the market with too many hotter books? Or are you happy to see so many new erotica lines? 8. Where does BRAVA fit in with erotic vs erotic romance? lots of questions... and I have more! readers and/or authors answers as many as you want or not ;) ETA: Cindy's answers |
got to love it...
It is so very very very nice to hear the door ring... get up to answer it and see the UPS guy. And feel ill knowing it is crap you don't want to deal with. And get an odd look from the guy when you say, blah I was just wondering where this was. Close the door and find out it wasn't what you were expecting but: * * * ![]() LADY OF SIN by Madeline Hunter sssssssssqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqeeeeeeeeeeee I really need to have nicole show me what the hell I just uploaded on my computer. I so don't think this picture thing will be fun. |
you have prolly already read this
hee I did have one done... yes by blog looks like draft land ;) Go read Rosario's post on Goodness Had Nothing to do with It by Lucy Monroe. Lucy Monroe is tons of fun as an author I think and can see how people would view her as a GP. I haven't read either of the books in this post but do plan too and hope to have a review turned in on Touch Me next week. And one on Ready and Willing here some day ;). LOL so yes I am something of a fan ;). And even if you aren't - go check out her site tis fun and has extra's, which win my heart everytime. And her blog is here. |
I would like to tell you...
"Blood Makes Noise" by Suzanne Vega I'd like to help you doctor Yes I really really would But the din in my head It's too much and it's no good I'm standing in a windy tunnel Shouting through the roar And I'd like to give the information You're asking for But blood makes noise It's a ringing in my ear Blood makes noise And I can't really hear you In the thickening of fear I think that you might want to know The details and the facts But there's something in my blood Denies the memory of the acts So just forget it Doc. I think it's really Cool that you're concerned But we'll have to try again After the silence has returned Cause blood makes noise It's a ringing in my ear Blood makes noise And I can't really hear you In the thickening of fear Blood makes noise... Sorry no blog today so I figured I would give you an earworm instead ;). What can I say the CD player is on shuffle... you could have gotten Prince, Eminem or Madonna. Eminem would prolly be sad to be in such a mix ;). Anywho after spending an hour or so going through crap yesterday for the call tomorrow and then today being the sis's birthday, I have been a busy bee. And I have two reviews to get into AAR and two I want up on my blog by Saturday morning. So like go read a book. You know I hate to miss shit (so leave me links if there is something kewl to see). You can join Kristiej on her quest to make sure the world reads Lisa Kleypas's Dreaming of You. You could go read Dark Lover or Lord of Sin since their sequels are right around the corner. Or read a bad boy book and tell Tara Marie all about it ;). Or better yet... go answer my questions there will be a test later! hee back to Bad Boy's Ahoy! with me. |
Lover Eternal... in progress
I have yet to pick up Lover Eternal and not get lost in it. I have no idea how many times I have read it, since I have only read it twice cover to cover. But if you count all the times I opened it to double check something for my review, or to see why I had a sticky on the page or even just to check the way something is spelled. I look up five, ten even twenty pages later. Yesterday I reread from about the middle to the end. Again. Lover Eternal hurts at times it should piss me off. And Rhage gets away with things that would have made me close another book. There is so much pain in the brothers and you can't help but want to see them get a HEA or at least as fucking close as they can get to it. oh look... have a taste yourself, if you haven't already read the excerpt (or the book ::looks at angiew::). There is so much I want to talk about, so much I want to mention but really can't because of that spoiler line. Of course this is why I have like five different reviews saved because everytime I cut for fear of spoiling, I save just in case. And no offense to Ward but as interesting as the plot and things happening in her world are that is not why I read, reread and reread again. The brothers, even with the silly names, have caught me. I am going to do this in three parts (I think - if the rambling gets too long I might cut the review into two posts). 1. In progress. 2. The review (might end up 1 & 2) 3. Then a follow up after a certain amount of spoiler time or until people start bitching on the web that they can't believe such and such happened or they want such and such. I make for a very bad fangirl because I can't like everything. I can't overlook some things and some things piss me off. I have yet to met anyone or any book I think can do no wrong. So with as many books comingin this series, I know there could come a time one will rate low with me. Regardless I am so in for the ride. But we have only hit the first two so far... and all I can say is this fucking rocks. You feel me? |
Is this correct?
The page on Amazon for Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale shows: Product Details Paperback: 512 pages Publisher: Berkley (April 6, 2004) Language: English ISBN: 042516232X _____________________________________________ I had really thought I was going on 3 years reading romance but this was the first book I bought that I would call romance. I slightly recall some western bodice clinch cover I read around 16 but don't remeber enough for it to count. Sooooooo: 4/04-4/05 one year 4/05-4/06 will be two years under 2 years and I have read as many books as I have and own as many as I do... yikes I need to get a life. |
Random Questions III and a lil of this and that
cuz you guys sucks at answering these :) More news on McKenna's new book... 1. Do you read excerpts? Or do they make the wait seem longer? Erin McCarthy has a sequel in the works for The Pregnancy Test, You Don't Know Jack, it comes out in OCT! 2. So... ::looks at tara:: What Bad Boy book have you picked up to try so far? Did you like it? Renegade Wife by Charlene Sands is showing SOLD OUT! Well at least on the Harlequin site. Great to see for a western (she says knowing she has a copy :) ) 3. If you have to buy six to get two free is that really a sale? Lucy Monroe has a cute blot post: Favorite reader quotes... 4. How would you rate Lucy Monroe's Harlequin Presents, like Wedding Vow of Revenge against your typical HP book? And if you like her Kensington Brava work like, Ready, Willing and the upcoming And Able (can't wait to read) and you have read her HP's have you found you liked the HP or not? I really need to buy Secrets Vol. 9, as well as finish my Secrets post. 5. Have you read any Secrets books? I didn't realize vol 14 and vol 15 where already out. Because what I need... is new books. Kidding angiew! (btw she has a great new blog look up) |
Spell of the Highlander by Karen Marie Moning
review look at that two in a row.... and another coming.... with one more about to go.... two books read and half drafted (yeah I was weak and read Mouth to Mouth ;)) |
piggyback riding....
This months Romantic Times BOOKclub explores a lot of my questions and topics I have in pending blogs. So where as my focus this week is on reviews and reading, since I have done some work on my blog with updating links, finishing posts and adding things I wanted - I do plan to still blog. I am going to be blogging the posts close to done and piggy backing off of other people's hard work ;). Hey I am even gonna try and time limit my blog hopping and make a job search plan. Look at me try and be organized... who knows it could happen. Yes it is silly stuff that doesn't matter, well not including the job thing and getting my apt back in order, it is a good step. I think. I am not going to be using the track back thingie, since I really don't know how to do it (although I could play with jay's blog and try) and well it still seems odd to me. So if you see yourself linked, through hits to your site, I hope you don't mind. (adds note to blog to do - update with email somewhere where spybots can't pick it up as easy) |
Devil in Winter whining....
Is the Avon board aka romance a go go's fave place to visit down? Or is it just me? My firewall is acting funky again... I am going to have to breakdown and read the directions or something. And may I say just one more time how wrong it is that I, a texan, nonavonhating, Lisa Kleypas fan haven't read The Devil in Winter yet? Really it isn't far! I so should have this ARC. And I will say it now, even being too late to suck up for an ARC ;) I will be buying Lisa Kleypas's first contemporary. It is set in.... say it with me TEXAS She talks about it with kitty a lil in the interview for the fab It Happened One Autumn. Yes I am easy, what can we say I will brave women's fiction for Lisa Kleypas and a Texas setting. Oh but good god we will never hear the end of it if I hate it ;). But I still think I should have gotten to read The Devil in Winter. ::kicks rock:: Until then enjoy playing around on her website, reread a few books, help kristiej stalk some readers or go read Bam's recent Lisa Kleypas reviews (I think she has about four up with a fifth on the way). And really if you haven't read the preview yet, you so should! Fresh Fiction also has an excerpt of chapter one. Do tell if you know of any others. wwwwwhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee I so want this book, just in case you missed that point.... |
New books over the last few weeks...
Since I am putting away the books I am not currently reading and reviewing... to take away temptation to read whatever it is I am not suppose to be reading :) Here is a list: In the Thrill of the Night by Candice Hern (my first CH) Going All Out by Jeanie London (Blaze - last of Red Letter Night) WildFire by Debra Cowan - Intimate Moments... which no I haven't read but I like her HH Tangled Destinies by Diana Blayne aka Diana Palmer The Windflower by Sharon and Tom Curtis (coughkristie'sfaultcough) Notorious Deception by Adrienne Basso (someone I plan on doing a combo post on soon) Amelia by Diana Palmer (GREAT shape published in 93) A Knight's Honor by Connie Mason - hee I seem to recall reading one of hers before but can't for the life of me recall what. Outlaw's Bride by Maureen McKade Dangerous Waters by Amy J. Fetzer Timeswept Rogue by Amy J. Fetzer More Than Just a Night by Connie Rinehold Night Fever by Susan Kyle aka Diana Palmer (1990 MM) Lord of Desire by Nicole Jordan Forbidden Magic by Cheyenne McCray Awaken Me Darkly by Gena Showalter When You Love Someone by Susan Johnson Bound and Determined by Shelley Bradley The Rainbow Promise by Lisa Gregory (WANT Rainbow Season) First Mate by Susan Macias aka Susan Mallery (the kismet) COURTING MISS HATTIE BY PAMELA MORSI (THANKS to the ever wonderful CW for sending it and wendy for recing it) Unleash the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon uh... just one or two you see ;) |
Found a notebook... doesn't have all of what I thought it did in it. But hey it has some.... WoOT! I am not even gonna beat my sister for putting it the odd place she did. sadly it is purple and I was SURE it was red... go figure. |
a rose by another other name...
for right now I am showing up as redwyne no need to change, if you have me linked by my name I am just getting tired of people hitting this blog because of searching it WHICH I know has to do with the book by the same name, the remake of the movie which is suppose to happen soon, and the oracle to the gods (my fave, I so wish it had been spelled sibyl). But with last tuesday and all, I am changing it until all of that is taken care of. Although it is silly since I have used redwyne since I was 17 and have known one of said evol people I was 17... I never claimed to make sense. Just go with it. Hell by the time you read this I will have prolly changed it back. The way I figure it, really my name is the perfect online fake name. It just happens to be real, well in my case ;). |
A picture is worth a thousand words
but do you like them on blogs? quick poll? Yes do put pictures on your blog. No do not put pictures on your blog. I am taking from the ever wonderful BAM and going to do an up next post for reviews. Which will start again next week... everyone say yay!!! But I have never done pics cuz A. I am computer stupid and don't know how B. people on dial up might have issue. So I am asking you guys ;). And if it is pro pic I will bother jay and nicole until they learn me how! heeeeee |
Those who dance....
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.Bill Maher Just a warning... I plan on finishing up quite a few blogs and reviews. So I will prolly be posting lots and lots. |
Amazon Take Two
I noticed the other day that Sylvia Day has a plog up on amazon. uh which yes I bought yesterday, I blame the computer being broke. I need to stay home for like a week or two and just read. What the fuck is a plog you ask? Well amazon sez: Your Amazon.com Plog is a personalized web log that appears on your customer home page. Every person's Plog is different (hence the name) and just like a blog, your Plog is sorted in reverse chronological order. Each post also gives you the opportunity to provide feedback to the sender as to whether you liked the post or not. This feedback loop means your Plog becomes even more relevant and interesting over time. Your Plog will appear if you are logged into our web site and is visible only to you. sooooooo 1. Why do we need this? 2. Do we want the author to give feedback on feedback? 3. With author blogs, websites, plogs, checking their stats, oh and WRITING. Where in the hell are they going to get the time? OR is this to take place of a blog? Does this make it easier on the author? I am not sure why, but I don't think I like it. I don't want to see the author hanging at amazon thanking people for buying their book. I don't want amazon filled with questions about the book, I want to go to their websites for that. I really don't want to see authors going at it with anon's about how much their book didn't suck. But maybe I am wrong and just need to get use to the change of it? Jordan Summers blogged about this recently and has some interesting views. Authors should think on PBW's post because I think it is on the money. |
kristiej strikes again
while waiting to get back some edits and because I am an idiot, I went to a library sale... Now I say I am an idiot because I read it was on the 18th. But for some reason this just didn't register. So after driving 20 mins away and it clicking that today is the 3! I decided to go to the main office of my favorite ubs. Sooooooooooo while I was there... looking for a Lisa Gregory rec of xina's. What did I find? But a Tom & Sharon Curtis novel. Kristie has mentioned Tom & Sharon Curtis a few hundred times and I knew there was one I wanted. I thought it had Lightning in the title (It does: Lightning That Lingers)and I knew it wasn't Sunshine and Shadow. But this wasn't the book... it is Windflower. So I am now the owner of one more books that wasn't on the wishlist I need to some day read. I am some what shocked Kristie hadn't mentioned it since it is a PIRATE book. My mom would flip. She is currently pissed at me because she showed up yesterday out of the blue and of course the books are still not put up. She started making noise about... if I could SALE my books. I was unhooking my computer, stressed and not in a good mood. I think she stayed a total of 3 mins. Back to kristie... another author she has rec'ed to me is Connie Rinehold aka Eve Byron. So now I am the owner of my fourth CR novel: More Than Just a Night it gets to join the other three tbr... Forever and a Day, Letters From a Stranger and Unspoken Vows. oohhhhhhhhhhhh and I forgot... this isn't kristie's fault :) They had a copy of.... guess! You would never guess. It was very hard to not sqqqqeee and jump up and down in the store. But filed under the 'L' was Lord of Desire by Nicole Jordan mine mine mine mine for a buck.... OH and I also picked up: Tangled Destinies by Diana Blayne mostly because I thought that was one of the names Diana Palmer wrote under. It is... but it is the first copy from 1986 not the Candlelight Ecstasy Romance Series reprint. And I got: Outlaw's Bride by Maureen McKade, Notorious Deception by Adrenne Basso (almost have her whole backlist) I put Dangerous Waters by Amy Fetzer on hold but I think I shall just go ahead and get it. And this doesn't count the books I got yesterday while the computer was sick. |
I have one of what she is having....
They look like they are having a good time. Don't get me wrong I was gonna get the book anyway. But hot baby... Now if I could just find info on Rules of Seduction |
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water....
So Tuesday didn't suck as much as I thought it would but it came really really close. I did figure that at least, nothing else, at the end of a week or so it would be over or on to the next round. But no, after someone changed their answer to a question and uh lied. So now more info is being requested and we shall call again on the 10th. joy... It will be interesting to see what they pony up for some of it, since it doesn't exist and isn't tracked. But whatever... I wasn't the only person who noticed the answer changed over an hour phone call. Either way this isn't done I am sure because they get two more chances to waste Texas's time and money. So blah. Then I was pretty much wired because the ick I had been dreading was over. Next thing I knew the day was gone, the night had flew and I am telling nicole bye over AIM because I needed to send off some reviews. I crashed and must of crashed hard because I woke up at 9ish completely confused, hungry and pissed off. Which is odd in and of itself. Well turns out it was NINE PM and I had slept the whooooooooooooole day. Without waking up... lucky for me I was migraineless, normally after very stressful things are done the let down kicks my ass for about two days. But no wait... it gets better. I let out a sigh of relief because the computer is just as I left it... one blog open being worked on, one review I was editing (Heiress for Hire if anyone cares :)), Once in a Blue Moon was open to be read, one email open in gmail to send, a few random windows to go with the blog and review. Yes I am neurotic what is your point? So after kicking myself a couple of times for missing all of Wenesday, I grabbed some cheerios and sit down to finish the above. And as I am typing along.... it happens. A small noise and a blink - then darkness. No pretty pictures on the monitor! It went blank! I cuss then calm down because hey, I am getting really use to doing shit over. So I turn it off, turn off the computer. Reboot sit back and wait. n.o.t.h.i.n.g. Really this is about the time panic sets in, it has finally happened. The computer is dead. Just dead. And I am jobless and now will be internetless. This freaks me out. Which I decided later, as I looked at the off computer, this was a good thing. When the bluescreening started and I couldn't get the virus off, to make it stop shutting down, I really was eh about it. And I love the internet, you guys,talking about books, my favorite websites! So the apathy should have clued me in. But not last night. Did I put up the rest of the books on the floor? NO! Did I work on some of the reviews I want to get up? NO! Did I sleep like a normal human since it was 12am? NO! I sat in bed, with a book staring at the computer. I turned the computer on and off 10 times. I decided the monitor died. I decided my video card died. I decided the memory was bad. I decided the whole thing was gone and I would never be on the internet again. I started to think about what bills could not be paid and shuffled around so I could get it fixed. I found two phone numbers of men who tried to ask me out that I blew off over a YEAR ago that work in IT. And tried to come up with a creative way to call them for help. No I haven't slept. Around seven am I remembered there was a resale computer place near here somewhere that a girl I use to work with went too a lot. The one person from place of evol that I still talk to. Sooooooo about 7:50ish I call her on her cell to try and catch her before she is at place of evol. I call, guy says that they have monitor from 19.99 to 59.00 (17inch). I am like so there. As we talk he says they have a tech that comes in at 10. $40 he will look at the computer and come up with what is wrong with it, if I buy it there, he will install and work off the $40.... blah blah blah. I start to worry again and explain that my monitor is prolly over 10 years old. And really the computer 'sounds' like it is working. Yes it is easy to see why I seem to attract computer geeks isn't it. He says just come on in, bring the monitor and case and they will hook them up and tell me what is wrong, free of charge. I got lucky, bad monitor. 19.99 for a used Dell 17 inch (mine was 15). And then I left and screwed around because I was afraid to come home and it not work. As you see, it worked ;). And I now have over 200 email in my gmail account... looks at the brotherhood. Over 400 in my outlook (REALLY need to check what lists are going there). I lost at ebay for a copy of Nicole Jordan's Wildstar. Haven't been to AAR alllllllllll day. And haven't hopped a blog yet, or been brave enough to see if I lost my blog posts (LOL or worse if they posted). Oh and now have bored to tears anyone silly enough to still be reading this. But that is ok because I have internet, so all is well with the world. hee I really need to go set my alarm just in case, I don't plan on sleeping through Friday... |